[Ontbirds]Corrections: Ottawa - "5 Goose Day"

2008-04-20 Thread Christina Lewis
Hello again Ontbirds people,

In case anyone caught this OOOPS - There was only ONE "Chris Lewis" with us 
when we saw these birds...maybe I was just "beside myself" with excitement ;-)  
If there was another Chris Lewis out there who saw them too, I hope she/he 
enjoyed as much as I did!

And, if you're really good spotter (and really interested in the directions to 
the Ross's Goose) - you may also have noticed the mention of "Break Brook" in 
the directions. This should be "BEAR Brook".  Maybe the "other " Chris Lewis 
had something to do with this;-)

Chris Lewis
Ottawa, ON
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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[Ontbirds]Red-breasted Mergansers, west Ottawa

2008-04-20 Thread Paul Matthews
The west side of Shirley's Bay dike is now basically open, with just some 
lingering ice in the far bay this morning. Birding was decent, with a pair of 
Red-breasted Merganser (quite uncommon in spring in Ottawa), an adult Bald 
Eagle (which landed on the aforementioned ice), and my first Double-crested 
Cormorant of the year, which was showing its double crests to advantage. There 
were also several of the common bay ducks. Note that a scope was required to 
get good views of most of these birds. On the road down to the dike there were 
at least a dozen Rusty Blackbirds (in the flooded area) and a Winter Wren. The 
crows were making a tremendous racket. They presumably had a Great Horned Owl 
(known residents of the area), but the flooding didn't allow me to investigate. 
On the west side of Rifle Rd (about half way down), look for the huge Osprey 
nest on one of the big electricy pylons--not that you're likely to miss it!

Paul Matthews, Ottawa

Directions: You MUST call ahead to Range Control (613-991-5740) to get 
permission to visit the dike, which is close to an active firing range. Access 
is usually granted, but please respect any restrictions.

Going west from Ottawa on the 417, exit Moodie north, then turn left (west) at 
the T-junction at Carling. After a couple of kms, turn right (north) on Rifle 
Rd. Park in either of the lots at the end of Rifle and walk west along the road 
that's perpendicular to Rifle. Turn right (north) on the dirt road/track that 
has signs with no entry symbols. Proceed down the road, which eventually 
becomes the dike.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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[Ontbirds]Great Egret at Reesor Pond

2008-04-20 Thread Hugh Laurence
Great Egret seen Sunday April 20 about 1 pm. Also Caspian Tern, Great 
Black-backed Gulls, D-c Cormorants, Bufflehead, Common Merganser.

Reesor Pond is on Reesor Rd (10th line) Markham, between hwy 7 and 14th avenue.

Lys Laurence
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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[Ontbirds]Rondeau Bird Report - Sun April 20

2008-04-20 Thread Steve LaForest

For all those who love warblers, waterfowl, and winged migrants of all sorts,
Rondeau Provincial Park will once again be offering a spring birding program.

I will lead a guided bird hike twice daily from May 3 to 19 (fee $5) as follows:
Monday, Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday 7:30 am & 1 pm;
  Tuesday & Thursday 7:30 am & 7 pm.; Friday 7:30 am.
All of the 7:30 am and 1 pm hikes listed above will meet at the Visitor Centre.
The 7 pm hikes will meet at the entrance to the Marsh Trail.
A second hike on Friday at 1 pm will meet at the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons.
The Friends of Rondeau will provide a birders' brunch for a small donation
  (coffee, tea, bagels, soups & treats) daily from 7 - 11 am.

There will also be a special program, date to be announced.
7 pm - evening presentation of spring migration at Rondeau
An Evening in the Forest with LaForest (contact Visitor Centre for tickets)


Directions: Take exit 101 from Highway 401 and drive South 16 km on Chatham 
Kent Road 15.  Follow the 
signs to the park.  The Bird Sightings Book, Bird Sightings Board and other 
relevant information are 
located at the Visitor Centre (open 7 am to 5 pm from May 3 - 19).  To reach 
the Centre from the park
gate, travel 6 km South on Rondeau Road to Gardiner Ave. and follow it around 
the bend to the parking lot.

Steve LaForest
Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide
c/o Rondeau Visitor Centre (519) 674-1768

Try Chicktionary, a game that tests how many words you can form from the 
letters given. Find this and more puzzles at Live Search Games!
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]OFO Field Trip - Tiny Marsh

2008-04-20 Thread RON FLEMING
Today's OFO trip to Tiny Marsh northwest of Barrie took place under sunny skies 
and unseasonably warm temperatures.  These conditions brought out a hatch of 
midges and/or gnats that formed some pretty impressive clouds of insect life as 
we walked the 8 km dike trail.  For some people the heat and the bugs were a 
little overwhelming, so what started off as a group of about 35 people was 
whittled down to about 15 participants by lunchtime.  
  Species total for the day was 61 species, about average for this hike.  
Highlights of the collective list were: PEREGRINE FALCON, SANDHILL CRANE, 
observed 13 ducks species as well.   
  I'd like to thank all of those who came out for this annual trip, especially 
the dozen or so sun-reddened souls who were able to do the full day.  I 
thoroughly enjoyed your company and the good camaraderie - to me that's more 
than half the fun of such trips.  
  If any OFO members would like to consider sponsoring me for the Baillie 
Birdathon in May, let me know.  I will be birding York region with a team of 
West Humber Naturalists.
  Ron Fleming, Newmarket
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Sightings east of Ottawa

2008-04-20 Thread Eve Ticknor
From the 417 I drove north to Fournier where the best place for me  
to see thousands of Snow Geese was Lefebvre Rd.
Earlier I drove around Riceville and to Bourget where I saw a male  
Belted Kingfisher by the road, Northern Shovelers, Northern Pintails,  
a Common Raven, Horned Larks and Savannah Sparrows.
Continuing to Alfred from Fournier, I went to the Lagoons where I was  
delighted to see lovely signage welcoming birders with open arms!   
The first cell to the right of the parking lot had open water and  
several Redhead Ducks.  The first cell to the left has mostly open  
water and lots of vegetation.  The back cell has mostly ice except  
around the edges.  Many Canada Geese were in the field east of the  
Lagoons.  When up on the tower, I could see small numbers of  
waterfowl, including American Coot, Ruddy Duck, Green-winged Teal,  
American Wigeon and lots of Red-winged Blackbirds.  A pair of  
Northern Harriers were hunting nearby.
I continued up the same road to the Ottawa River.  Just before  
getting there I saw a Rough-legged Hawk on my left and 2 possible Red- 
tailed Hawks in a White Pine.  Heat shimmers are active already!  I  
heard EAstern Meadowlark, too.

Back in Ottawa, down by the Crowne Plaza Hotel between 5:30 and 6 pm,  
Connor ( male Peregrine)  was on the east ledge and Diana ( female  
Peregrine) was on the antenna of the Carlisle Building.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Red-necked Grebe - Ontario Science Centre

2008-04-20 Thread Karl & Kathy Konze

Hi all,

In addition to the Yellow-throated Warbler I observed yesterday  
morning (April 19) with my son at 17 North Hills Terrace, Don Mills, I  
also observed a single Bohemian Waxwing at 78 North Hills Terrace. It,  
along with about 17 Cedar Waxwings, appeared to be sipping on sap  
oozing out of a birth tree. I observed this same behaviour again this  
morning, along with the Bohemian. The birds were not always present  
but could be heard calling from other nearby residences.

We then went to the Sunnybrook/Wilket Creek Park system (yesterday)  
where we observed a single Red-necked Grebe in the large wetland  
behind the Ontario Science Centre. I must admit this was quite a  
surprise. I don't recall seeing this species in such a small inland  
body of water. Also present were at least 4 Hooded Mergansers and 5  
Double-crested Cormorants. Canada Geese were already on nests and a  
few Midland Painted Turtles were observed sunning themselves along the  
margins. Also present were several Tree Swallows, Belted Kingfisher  
and what was likely a Mink. In the adjacent conifer patch, a Yellow- 
rumped Warbler and Ruby-crowned Kinglet could be heard singing. I was  
also somewhat surprised not to hear any Chorus Frogs calling. At least  
in the past (10+ years ago), they used to be resident. I return visit  
last night also didn't produce any calling although the loud music  
from the rave didn't help matters. I hope their not gone for good.

Behind Sunnybrook Hospital a migrant/resident Pine Warbler sang.

As for the Yellow-throated Warbler, I cannot say what subspecies it  
was. I didn't even have my binoculars with me! I'm also assuming it  
was a male but I can't be certain. I looked for it briefly this  
morning but found nothing.


Karl Konze
Guelph, Ontario

PS. Thanks Hugh for posting my observation!

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Ottawa - "5 Goose Day" - including ROSS'S GOOSE

2008-04-20 Thread Christina Lewis
Hello Ontbirds people,

>From Bob Bracken, Chris Lewis, Bob Cermak, Bernie Ladouceur, Chris Lewis & 
>Paul Mirsky:

A great day for waterfowl in Ottawa!  Among a total of 21 spp. (a good number 
for this date in the Ottawa area), we observed.

- 1 GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (flew into the pond along Moodie Dr. south of 
Trail Rd. at ~ 11:00 AM)

- a small # of SNOW GEESE (in fields along Frank Kenny Rd. south of Navan, ON)

- 1 ROSS'S GOOSE (swimming & calling in a flooded field on the east side of 
Frank Kenny Rd., approx. 200 -250 m. from the bridge over Bear Brook. This was 
from 9:30 - 10:00 AM.  It was most recently reported from this location at ~ 
1:00 PM).  Aside from a single Snow Goose, it was the ONLY "white" goose in 
this location)

- 1 CACKLING GOOSE (feeding/resting in a field on the west side of Frank Kenny, 
north of Russell Rd.)

- CANADA GOOSE (countless 1,000's everywhere)

Other good birds for Ottawa at this time of year:  At the Moodie Dr. pond were 
a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers and at least 15 Ruddy Ducks among several of 
the more common divers & dabblers. Lots more Green-winged Teal (in various 
locations) than earlier in the week, but other numbers of ducks remain quite 


For ROSS'S GOOSE: From Ottawa, take Hwy 417 east to the 417/174 split, continue 
southeast on the 417.  Exit at #96 (Boundary Rd.) Turn left (north) on Boundary 
to Carlsbad Springs.  Turn right (east) on Cty Rd. #26 (Russell Rd.) and 
proceed to #33 (Frank Kenny). Left (north) on Frank Kenny to the bridge over 
Break Brook., south of McFadden Rd.  Look east toward the farm with the large 

For CACKLING GOOSE:  Doubt that it will still be where we saw it - there is so 
much goose movement, and changes every day.  But keep scanning the Canada's and 
don't get "goosed out" !

For GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE:  From Ottawa, take Hwy 417 west to Hwy 416.  
Go south on the 416 to exit #66 (Fallowfield Rd.)  Turn right (west) on 
Fallowfield to Moodie Dr.  Left (south) on Moodie.  After the sign to the Trail 
Rd. Landfill, look for the very large pond on your left.  This is an active 
sand & gravel operation and is PRIVATE PROPERTY, however, most of the birds 
were visible from the gate.

Hope everyone is enjoying the great weather & the "explosion" of life out there!

Chris Lewis
Ottawa, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Green Heron-Port Burwell

2008-04-20 Thread Aaron Allensen

Birders;  Having to keep ears and eyes close to home on Sat April 19th but one 
new spring arrival was noted , a Green Heron which landed in the willow tree 
beside my pond around 6:00 p.m.It stayed perhaps 10 minutes before flying off. 
Large numbers of brightly coloured white-throated sparrows arrived on Friday 
April 18th. New species for the week included an osprey on Wed. April16th and a 
short-eared owl ,just before dusk near the harbour in Port Burwell  on the 
15th. The king fishers have also begun excavating a nesting burrow in the cliff 
face. Good Birding. Ron Allensen . 

 Directions; Port Burwell is on lake Erie at the southern terminus of hiway 19. 
. Take Ingersol exit south from 401. 
Enter today for your chance to win $1000 a day—today until May 12th. Learn more 
at SignInAndWIN.ca
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Yellow-headed Blackbird at Long Point

2008-04-20 Thread Jeff & Darlene Sauder
Yesterday afternoon at approximately 2 p.m. a male Yellow-headed Blackbird 
was observed by myself and several other birders.   It was in the trees on 
the west side of the parking lot across the street from the Long Point Bird 
Observatory Old Cut Field Station.

It was very co-operative and sat for quite some time calling and allowing 
great views in the spotting scope set up and also good photos.   After some 
time it flew off to the west.

There is also a Killdeer sitting on a nest in the parking lot.   The area 
has been staked off to hopefully protect the nest.

Darlene Sauder
Walsingham, ON

Directions to Old Cut Field Station:   Follow Hwy 59 south to Long Point. 
Turn left on Old Cut Blvd just before the entrance to Long Point Provincial 
Park.   Old Cut Field Station is on the right approximately 5 houses down 
and the parking lot is on the left just past this. 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Beamer Point Migrants on April 19, 2008

2008-04-20 Thread Giraud, Jacques
Migrating raptors were few and far between most of the day at Beamer.
Early in the day, small numbers of broad-winged hawks were moving low to
the ground making it possible to get some decent photographs. Migrating
raptors included broad-winged hawk, red-tailed hawk, northern harrier,
turkey vulture, bald eagle, coopers hawk, sharp-shinned hawk and
American kestrel.  Pictures of some the hawks and purple finch are
located here:


The passerine migration in the morning was better than the raptor
migration. I observed at least 40 yellow-rumped warblers with golden and
ruby-crowned kinglets, a blue-grey knatcatcher, eastern phoebe, purple
finch, brown thrasher, brown creeper, red-bellied woodpecker,
yellow-bellied sapsucker and a few white-throated sparrows. In total, I
saw 49 species during the day at Beamer. A complete list of birds
observed can be seen here:


Good Birding
Jacques Giraud

Site Description:
Beamer Conservation Area is located on top of the Niagara Escarpment
above the town of Grimsby, Ontario. The site is 1km south of the south
shore of Lake Ontario, 20km east of Hamilton, 40km west of Niagara

Directions to site:
To get to Beamer CA, take the QEW to Exit 72, follow Christie
St./Mountain St. to the top of the escarpment, turn right on Ridge Road
West, and go 1.6km to Quarry Rd. Turn right on Quarry Rd. and drive 100m
to the conservation area. Parking is normally available inside the park.
If parking at the entrance or on the roads, do NOT leave valuables in
your car.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Reesor Pond : Great Egret

2008-04-20 Thread STAN LONG

  7am  today  at  Reesor Pond - 1 Great Egret, fine breeding plumage, no
  legbands  -  Reesor Pond  lies  just Norh of Hwy 407 on Reesor Road in
  Markham - S Long
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
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