[Ontbirds]HSR: DRHW- Lake Erie Metropark (12 Oct 2008) 856 Raptors

2008-10-12 Thread reports

DRHW- Lake Erie Metropark
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 12, 2008

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  1  1
Turkey Vulture 719  18396  19779
Osprey   0 15126
Bald Eagle   1 21 85
Northern Harrier 3 30117
Sharp-shinned Hawk 115640   2932
Cooper's Hawk4 68188
Northern Goshawk 0  2  2
Red-shouldered Hawk  0 35 38
Broad-winged Hawk0 15  36214
Red-tailed Hawk 13373496
Rough-legged Hawk0  1  1
Golden Eagle 0  1  1
American Kestrel 1 80389
Merlin   0  2 13
Peregrine Falcon 0  3 14
Unknown Accipiter0  0  0
Unknown Buteo0  0  0
Unknown Falcon   0  0  0
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  0  0

Total: 856  19683  60396

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:30:00 
Total observation time: 7.5 hours

Official Counter:Josh Haas

Observers:Calvin Brennan, Charlene Brennan, Darlene Friedman,
  Jeff Schultz

Saul Hanft
Joan Tisdale
Joy Barron
Bob Jacobs
Rosemary Brady
Ron and Gloria Harkness
Jim Lynch
Rodney Laura
Don Sherwood

Visibility was somewhat reduced by haze in the early part of the day,
otherwise conditions were sunny with a bit of high cirrus cloud. Winds were
light to moderate southeast throughout the day. 

Raptor Observations:
The day was quite slow overall with little in the way of sustained movement
or variety. A lingering Osprey (or possibly more than one) provided some
entertainment for the onlookers today otherwise the pickings were a bit

Non-raptor Observations:
Highlighting the non-raptors today were a single Common Nighthawk and an
adult Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Report submitted by Calvin Brennan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]HSR: DRHW- Lake Erie Metropark (11 Oct 2008) 2322 Raptors

2008-10-12 Thread reports

DRHW- Lake Erie Metropark
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 11, 2008

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  1  1
Turkey Vulture2157  17677  19060
Osprey   1 15126
Bald Eagle   1 20 84
Northern Harrier 4 27114
Sharp-shinned Hawk  49525   2817
Cooper's Hawk   10 64184
Northern Goshawk 0  2  2
Red-shouldered Hawk 15 35 38
Broad-winged Hawk4 15  36214
Red-tailed Hawk 72360483
Rough-legged Hawk0  1  1
Golden Eagle 1  1  1
American Kestrel 6 79388
Merlin   0  2 13
Peregrine Falcon 2  3 14
Unknown Accipiter0  0  0
Unknown Buteo0  0  0
Unknown Falcon   0  0  0
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  0  0

Total:2322  18827  59540

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:Calvin Brennan

Observers:Charlene Brennan, Chuck Owens, Don Sherwood, Rodney Laura

Joy Barron
Saul Hanft
Jim Lynch
Ron and Gloria Harkness
Bob Jacobs

Sunny skies were the order of the day again today with a bit of high cloud
cover as a good background. Winds were light east-southeast early becoming
light to moderate southeast by mid morning.

Raptor Observations:
The flight today was decent on the whole, perhaps a bit better than
anticipated even. Migration was steady throughout the day if not heavy with
some excellent views of birds overhead despite much of the flight being to
the north. Highlighting the movement overall today was the first Golden
Eagle of the fall, a juvenile bird as might be expected this early in
October that flew more or less overhead during the 11-noon hour of the

Non-raptor Observations:
A couple of less common passerines were noted among the abundant
Yellow-rumps, kinglets, robins and such today, namely Blue-headed Vireo and
Indigo Bunting. The most common diurnal passerine migrants continue to be
Blue Jay and Tree Swallow although there has been an increase in the number
of blackbirds migrating in recent days as well.

Report submitted by Calvin Brennan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]OFO - Hamilton / Burlington area field trip report

2008-10-12 Thread Tom Thomas
The OFO's annual field trip to the  Ham/Burlington area was enjoyed by 
a small but enthusiastic group of birders.
 It was not surprising that with the OFO convention held in Hamilton barely 
a week ago, and the fact that was a Thanksgiving weekend, I did not expect the 
usual number of participants. That being said, the eleven birders who made the 
trip, were some of the most eager and enthusiastic people you could wish to 
lead. In fact there were still some who wanted to keep birding well into the 
afternoon and early evening.
  We met at Hutch's on Van Wagner's Beach, and spent the first hour 
there, always hoping to see Jaeger or two, but although the wind direction was 
good, it was far too light for any action. One of the first birds we saw here 
was a Red-throated Loon flying overhead, and the only birds close enough to 
identify was a Red-necked Grebe, and some White-winged Scoters.
 The fields and ponds behind Hutch's were good for Hermit Thrushes, 
Eastern Towhee's, warblers( Black-throated Blue, Nashville, Palm and 
Yellow-rumped), Green Heron,Pied-billed Grebe, Lincoln Sparrow, and flyover 
Rusty Blackbirds, American Pipits, and a late Osprey.
 After lunch we then proceeded to the Windermere Basin, where we had a 
good tally of ducks, but the highlight here was the discovery of a recently 
arrived Brant Goose. Shorebirds at Windermere this year was restricted to a 
couple of Greater Yellowlegs and a lone Dunlin.
   Our next stop was the Dundas Marsh, or the Willows to be more 
specific. Here most of the group had good looks at one of two Nelson's 
sharp-tailed Sparrows we encountered in a patch of Manna Grass just off of the 
main trail. These birds were in a very accessible area that was discovered just 
days ago by a local birder.
 After saying goodbye to most of the group, a few of us headed to Tim 
Horton's, and on to Valley Inn, where we added a few more species to our list.
   So a very good day, with lots of birds to look at, and our 
total species count was 80, not too bad for Hamilton in October.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]HSR: DRHW- Lake Erie Metropark (10 Oct 2008) 1330 Raptors

2008-10-12 Thread reports

DRHW- Lake Erie Metropark
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 10, 2008

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  1  1
Turkey Vulture1098  15520  16903
Osprey   1 14125
Bald Eagle   2 19 83
Northern Harrier 6 23110
Sharp-shinned Hawk  86476   2768
Cooper's Hawk4 54174
Northern Goshawk 0  2  2
Red-shouldered Hawk 13 20 23
Broad-winged Hawk0 11  36210
Red-tailed Hawk113288411
Rough-legged Hawk1  1  1
Golden Eagle 0  0  0
American Kestrel 5 73382
Merlin   1  2 13
Peregrine Falcon 0  1 12
Unknown Accipiter0  0  0
Unknown Buteo0  0  0
Unknown Falcon   0  0  0
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  0  0

Total:1330  16505  57218

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:Calvin Brennan

Observers:Charlene Brennan, Frank Kitakis, John Elliott, Rodney Laura

Saul Hanft
Ron Harkness
Jim Lynch
Jim Maki

Sunny skies prevailed throughout the day with little or no cloud cover.
Winds were light and variable early in the day becoming light to moderate
southeast by late morning.

Raptor Observations:
Overall the flight was similar to yesterday but with a noticeable increase
in Buteo numbers. Much of the flight was well to the north, a predictable
scenario given the wind and surely there were quite a few birds that made
the passage undetected from the count area. Highlighting the day was the
final bird tallied, a light morph Rough-legged Hawk, just the second of the
season thus far.

Non-raptor Observations:
Sparrows have moved into the area in some numbers now, particularly Swamp,
White-throated and White-crowned. Blue Jays seem to be still on the go in
large groups which is getting to be a bit on the late side for so many to
be still migrating. There was one modest-sized crow flock that migrated by
but I wouldn’t expect to see large groups of this species for a couple of
weeks yet. Monarchs trickled steadily through today with perhaps a couple
dozen in all seen.

Report submitted by Calvin Brennan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]HSR: DRHW- Lake Erie Metropark (09 Oct 2008) 1241 Raptors

2008-10-12 Thread reports

DRHW- Lake Erie Metropark
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 09, 2008

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  1  1
Turkey Vulture1068  14422  15805
Osprey   4 13124
Bald Eagle   2 17 81
Northern Harrier 0 17104
Sharp-shinned Hawk 123390   2682
Cooper's Hawk   13 50170
Northern Goshawk 0  2  2
Red-shouldered Hawk  1  7 10
Broad-winged Hawk0 11  36210
Red-tailed Hawk 29175298
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 0  0  0
American Kestrel 1 68377
Merlin   0  1 12
Peregrine Falcon 0  1 12
Unknown Accipiter0  0  0
Unknown Buteo0  0  0
Unknown Falcon   0  0  0
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  0  0

Total:1241  15175  55888

Observation start time: 07:45:00 
Observation end   time: 15:30:00 
Total observation time: 7.75 hours

Official Counter:Calvin Brennan

Observers:Darlene Friedman, Raburn Howland, Rodney Laura

Saul Hanft
Jim Lynch
Mary and Dennis
Ron Harkness
Pete Przybylski

Fog and haze dominated the early part of the day with visibility much
reduced until mid morning. Otherwise the day was clear and cloudless. Winds
were light early becoming moderate to fairly strong by midday and varying
from west to west-southwest.

Raptor Observations:
The flight overall was fairly light throughout the day, perhaps a bit
surprising given the passage of a front the previous day. Sharpies moved
quite consistently during the day but most of the vultures came by in a
single hour in late morning and much of their flight overall was well to
the north. Most birds were low, a function of the wind I should think and I
had the impression that winds at elevation were probably much stronger than
at the surface. Altogether 

Non-raptor Observations:
Most entertaining today was the appearance of a couple of Praying Mantis,
one of which was very photogenic posing nicely for quite some time under
one of the picnic tables at the watch.

Report submitted by Calvin Brennan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds] Sandhill Crane, American Golden Plover, Tennessee Warbler - Ottawa East

2008-10-12 Thread Connie Denyes
A group birding East of Ottawa with Tony Beck this morning had several great 
sightings.  Around 8:00 am at Petrie Island there was a Tennessee Warbler in 
the trees along the causeway.  At 8:45 am there were 5 American Golden 
Plovers on the rocks jutting out into the pond on the North side of Giroux 

Then around 9:30 am we found 44 Sandhill Cranes in one large and two smaller 
groups along Milton and Trim roads.  A group of 8 adults were seen on the 
West side of Trim Road, South of Navan.  A larger group of 34, comprised of 
adults and juveniles, was seen in the cut cornfields at the traditional site 
along Milton Road.  And two more were seen in fields further along Milton 

A beautiful day to be out birding and great sightings too!

Connie Denyes
Ottawa, ON

Directions to Petrie Island courtesy of NeilyWorld Birding 
(http://ca.geocities.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/oreo9.htm):
From Highway 417 (The Queensway) take exit 113 (Ottawa-Carleton 174, 
formerly Highway 17). Stay in the left lanes to take this exit. Go WNW 14.2 
km to the Petrie Islands exit, Trim Road. Turn left or NNW on it and go 0.7 
km to the causeway to Petrie Islands.

Directions to Giroux Road Ponds Courtesy of NeilyWorld Birding 
(http://ca.geocities.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/merblu11.htm):
From Highway 417 (The Queensway) take exit 96 (Boundary Road). Proceed 2.0 
km NNW on Boundary Road to Russell Road (Regional 26). Turn right or ESE 
onto Russell and drive 6.5 km to Frank Kenny Road. Turn left or NNW on Frank 
Kenny and go 8.0 km to Giroux Road. Turn right or ENE on it and drive 1.7 km 
to the Giroux Road Quarry Ponds.

Directions to Milton Road courtesy of NeilyWorld Birding 
(http://ca.geocities.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/merblu8.htm):
From Highway 417 (The Queensway) take exit 96 (Boundary Road). Proceed 2.0 
km NNW on Boundary Road to Russell Road (Regional 26). Turn right or ESE 
onto Russell and drive 3.5 km to Milton Road (Regional 31). Turn left or NNW 
on Milton and go about 2.0 km to the bridge. Start here. 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 


2008-10-12 Thread Tom Hince
Hi Folks:

At around 12:15 pm today October 12th, Paul Pratt got a phone call from Bob 
Wickett to let him know that he had just seen a FRIGATEBIRD circling over 
fishing boats about 1 km South of the town of Colchester on the north shore of 
Lake Erie in Essex County. Paul and myself drove from Holiday Beach CA to look 
for the bird, and incredibly as we arrived in Colchester it was soaring right 
over County Rd 50 just west of the town of Colchester. We watched it soar right 
over our heads for about three or four minutes and managed to secure lots of 
photos. I last saw the FRIGATEBIRD lazily soaring over a plouged farm field 
about 1 km northwest of the center of Colchester at around 12:55 pm. Paul and I 
had separated so I am not sure if he continued to follow the bird afterwards.

Also of note, this morning while conducting a Big Sit from the Holiday Beach 
Hawk Tower in Holiday Beach Conservation Area, Essex County, I heard a BARN OWL 
call three times as if flew west over Big Creek Marsh around 6 am. I suspect 
this bird was a migrant.

Good Birding.

G Tom Hince
Wild Rose Guest House
RR 1, 21298 Harbour Road
Wheatley, ON
N0P 2P0  Canada
home: (519) 825-9070
mobile: (519) 981-5994
Web: www.netcore.ca/~peleetom/webdoc11.htm
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds] SURF SCOTERS ON LAKEFRONT AT CRANBERRY; few raptors-Oct.12/08

2008-10-12 Thread Doug Lockrey

In mid-morning of Oct.12 Jean Iron spotted 6 SURF SCOTERS on the lakefront 
below Cranberry Marsh in Whitby.

We have now had 7 consecutive days of "balmy" weather, with a total of 72 
migrating raptors at the Cranberry Marsh Raptor Watch,  after 6 consecutive 
days of NW winds and rising BP had brought 2199 migrating raptors through.

Sat.& Sun. Oct.11,12/08
Observation  time: 0800-1100EST both days
Coordinator: Doug Lockrey

Official Counters: Doug Lockrey, Jim Skene
Observers:  Jim Skene,  Alf Lisk, Jim Fairchild, Jim Munroe, Ron Stephenson, 
Jean Iron, Karl Jennewein, Frank Oland, Jody Melanson and others, along with 
very many visitors.  

The weather both days---light SE winds; falling BP; 15C; TUV=2 both days. 

On Saturday we were entertained by a resident COOPER'S HAWK harassing our 
"temporarily resident" immature PEREGRINE FALCON on the east side of the 

Non-raptors- Eastern Meadfowlark, c. yellowthroat, many yellow-rumped warblers, 
 marsh wren, swamp sparrows.

At least 25 Monarchs flew through on Sunday morning.
>From the 401 eastbound, exit at Salem Rd. in Ajax, south to Bayly, the east 
>through Lakeridge Rd. to the first street beyond-Hall's Rd.--south toward the 
>lake to the second roadside parking area. From the 401 westbound--exit at 
>Brock St. in Whitby, south to Victoria St., west right through to Hall's Rd.

Species Oct.11,12 CountMonth Total   Season Total  
-- --   -   
Black Vulture(BV) 0  0  
Turkey Vulture(TV)0 1677
Osprey(OS)   0 1
Bald Eagle(BE)  0   13  
Northern Harrier (NH) 016   
Sharp-shinned Hawk (SS)  2  277   1286  

Cooper's Hawk (CH)  027 
Northern Goshawk (NG) 0 0   0
Red-shouldered Hawk(RS) 0 13
Broad-winged Hawk(BW)   002042
Red-tailed Hawk(RT)  5   65 
Rough-legged Hawk (RL)   0  0   
Golden Eagle(GE)   0   0
American Kestrel (AK)0173663
Merlin(ML) 1   5
Peregrine Falcon (PG)0   4  
Unknown Accipiter (UA) 05   
Unknown Buteo (UB)  0  1
Unknown Falcon(UF) 0  1 
Unknown Eagle (UE) 00   
Unknown Raptor(UR) 05   

Doug Lockrey, Whitby, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 