[Ontbirds] HSR: Holiday Beach (09 Oct 2009) 4 Raptors

2009-10-10 Thread reports

Holiday Beach
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 09, 2009

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Turkey Vulture   0   5520   6775
Osprey   0  7 79
Bald Eagle   0 20112
Northern Harrier 0 37372
Sharp-shinned Hawk   4   1174   6336
Cooper's Hawk0117301
Northern Goshawk 0  0  1
Red-shouldered Hawk  0  5 10
Broad-winged Hawk0 84  18256
Red-tailed Hawk  0 44266
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 0  0  1
American Kestrel 0193   1213
Merlin   0 22 85
Peregrine Falcon 0 26 60
Unknown Accipiter0  0  6
Unknown Buteo0  1  8
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Falcon   0  0  1
Unknown Raptor   0  0  1

Total:   4   7250  33883

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 12:00:00 
Total observation time: 4 hours

Official Counter:Justin Bosler


Needless to say, there were zero visitors.

Overcast skies with persistent light rain. North to North-northwest winds
at 5 to 10 mph. Temps. hovered between 10.4 and 10.9C. Visibility was
reduced significantly by rain and fog (averaging 2 km or less). With no
sign of improvement in the weather, the count was terminated by 12:00 EST.

Raptor Observations:
The final tally speaks for itself.

Non-raptor Observations:
Almost zero passerine movement, but surprisingly, a few birds, namely Blue
Jays and American Goldfinches, decided to go for it. A smaller aggregation
of Tree Swallows foraged low over the marsh. An estimated 300 in all.

Partly cloudy skies with light North and Northwest winds in the AM
gradually rotating around to the West by early PM. High of 14C. Continuing
northerly winds and clearing skies should get some raptors moving again.

Report submitted by Justin Bosler (justin.bos...@gmail.com)
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Black-throated Gray Warbler Rondeau Park

2009-10-10 Thread Blake A. Mann

Hi all,

Early this morning, I caught sight of a Black-throated Gray Warbler on south 
point trail in Rondeau Park.  It was likely a basic adult male due to 
extensive black on throat.  I only had a short glimpse (beside the trail) 
before it disappeared further back, and was not able to get a photo.  I saw 
it go into a Pine tree, but I could not relocate it due to foliage, etc.
At the time, I was studying a Prothonotary Warbler, which is possibly a 
record late for Rondeau.  (I did get a photo of it!)

There were many warblers this morning including large numbers of 
Orange-crowned (I spotted at least 10), Nashville Warbler, and quite a few 
Tennessee.  Several Blue-headed and Red-eyed Vireos and 1 Warbling as well.

It was almost like May with the number of birds!  I suspected there would be 
a good number of birds after yesterday's weather.

Location of Black-throated Gray was on south point trail (end of Lakeshore 
Rd.) about 350m from parking lot, or a little ways past the side trail that 
heads out to the light beacon and beach.

Rondeau Provincial Park is found by exiting 401 at #101 (Kent Bridge Rd.)
and travelling south to Rose Beach Line.  Turn right and head towards the
park.  Watch for prominent highway signs.

Blake A. Mann
Chatham-Kent, Ontario

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Refound- Loggerhead Shrike- Warblers-Port Burwell-Houghton Centre

2009-10-10 Thread Aaron Allensen

The banded Loggerhead Shrike was seen again this morning at around 9:30 a.m. by 
Adrian Jurlink and John Lamey on the same barn posted with detail by Dave 
Martin two days ago. This is on 2nd concession Norfolk just south of lower side 
Road. I saw the bird around 10:30 a.m. in the same spot hunting from the barn 

  Flocks of many other migrants were moving along the lake this morning. In 
addition to the Raptors, Jays, goldfinch, robins and blackbirds, there were 50 
to 70 American Pipits feeding in the lakeshore debris here at Monarch Landing . 
 Thousands of yellow-rumped warblers and hundreds of Ruby-crowned kinglets 
could be found in almost every hedgerow near the lake. There are undoubtedly  
many interesting migrants still around if your willing to take the time to 
look. This morning in a few hours I had here, Blue-headed and Red-eyed Vireo, 
Black-th. Blue, Black-Th. Green, Yellow, Orange- crowned, Palm and Nashville 
Warblers. A dozen E.  Meadowlarks and Tree swallows and a late Ruby-throated 

 It is a beautiful sunny day here at the lake with scattered clouds 
building from the north -west. Hopefully many of you will have an opportunity 
to get out and enjoy what may be the last opportunity to see some of these 
birds until next year. Have a happy Thanksgiving. Good Birding.



  AAron Allensen

  Monarch Landing

  55751 Lakeshore Line, Port Burwell , On. 


 Directions- From Port Burwell- for the Shrike- Take Glenn Erie line 
(East)(County Rd. 42) to 55(T-intersection) turn right(south). Go one road to 
Lower Side Rd. turn east (Left) . Proceed 3 roads to 2nd Concession turn 
right(south) . Go perhaps a quarter mile to the first barn on your left. The 
barn is silver(metal) with vents on the roof and Norway spruce nearby.


Click less, chat more: Messenger on MSN.ca
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] 712 MIGRANT HAWKS DURING LIGHT NW WIND OF MORNING at Cranberry Marsh RW- Oct108/09--sw Whitby, ON

2009-10-10 Thread Doug Lockrey

For 3 hours in the AM today/Oct.10, we had good thermals, light NW wind and 
a rising BP;
as many as 15 observers were challenged to find high-flying raptors in the 
blue skies.
They did a great job, counting 712 hawks. It was wonderful to have Stephen 
and Judy Arar, from Kenora, with us, along with Jim Heslop from the Golden 

Cranberry Marsh
sw Whitby, Ontario, Canada--south roadside parking area on Hall's Rd.
Saturday, Oct.10/09
Observation  time: 0730-1230EDT

Official Counter: Doug Lockrey
Observers:  Rayfield Pye, Alf Lisk, Karl Jennewein, Alan Woods, Jim Skene,
Craig McLauchlan, Carol Horner, Stephen O'Donnell, Judy Arar, Dave Shilman,
Barry Pinsky, Roy Smith, Winnie Poon, Jim Heslop, Rosemary Harris, Phil 

and many others.

Weather: light NW wind; BP=101.4 rising, TUV=3; 6 up to 20C; then at 1045
the wind swung to the W, AND the raptor numbers dropped off.

Migrating Raptor Observations: SEE TABLE BELOW
468 TV, 2 BALD EAGLES (adult), 11 N.Harriers, 181 Sharp-shinneds,9 COOPER'S,
6 RED-SHOULDEREDs, 11 Red-tailed, 15 AM.KESTRELS, 9 Unidentifieds

Non-raptor Observations: 5 GREAT EGRETs, VIRGINIA RAIL, White-crowned 

AM.PIPIT, CACKLING GOOSE, Y-B SAPSUCKER, our resident 2-yr.old BE,
and many others.

10 MONARCHS and 1 MOURNING CLOAK flew through.

From the 401 eastbound, exit at Salem Rd. in Ajax, south to Bayly, then

east through LakeRidge Rd. to the first street beyond--Hall's Rd.--south
toward the lake to the second roadside parking area.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Raptor Species  OCT. 10   Month Total   Season Total

-- --- -- --
Black Vulture 0   0 

Turkey Vulture468  7272052
Osprey   0  3 
Bald Eagle  2  6 

Northern Harrier   11   20   65
Sharp-shinned Hawk   181 2921046
Cooper's Hawk  91655
Northern Goshawk 0  3 5
Red-shouldered Hawk   6   8   10
Broad-winged Hawk  0  0  416
Red-tailed Hawk  1121  154
Rough-legged Hawk  0  0 0
Golden Eagle 0  0 

American Kestrel 1532  369
Merlin   0   4 
Peregrine Falcon   0   7 

Unknown Accipiter   1   9  9
Unknown Buteo2 2125
Unknown Falcon   0  1  1
Unknown Eagle 0   0 

Unknown Raptor  6  11  29

Total: 71211544229

Doug Lockrey, coordinator CMRW, Whitby, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Iroquois Shoreline Oct. 10th/09

2009-10-10 Thread Mike Williamson

ISRW Heberdown C.A.
North Whitby,Ont.,Canada
Oct. 10th/2009
Totals   Day  Year
Turkey Vulture  529891
Osprey  1 33
Bald Eagle 9 38
N.Harrier   436
Sharp-Shinned 85   423
Coopers   1036
N.Goshawk   0   1
Red-Shoulder8   8
Broad-Winged   1  1648
Red-Tailed   34  60
Rough-Legged0   0
Golden Eagle  1   4
A.Kestrel  21 59
Merlin 1 16
Peregrine2   6
UB 4   5
UR 4  17
Total =   713  3281
Hrs =  4.5  100.5
Observers; Mike Williamson, Martin Bence, Alfred Adamo
1 Adult BE @ 10:35 EST
1 2nd yr BE @ 11:35 EST
1 @ 11:45 EST
1 Adult BE @ 11:50 EST
1 2nd yr BE @ 11:50 EST
1 Adult BE @ 11:55 EST
1 2nd yr BE @ 11:55 EST
1 Juv. GE @ 12:15 EST
1 2nd yr BE @ 12:55 EST
1 2nd yr BE @ 2:40 EST
Other observations 1 Common Nighthawk 3 Sandhill Cranes
Report submitted by Mike Williamson coordinator for ISRW
Info on Iroquois can be found at the Greater Toronto Hawk Watch .com site.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Toronto Islands Today - Western Kingbird and other migrants

2009-10-10 Thread Norm Murr
Good evening folks.

 Today Ian Cannell, Margaret Liubavicius and I spent most of the day just 
birding Hanlans Point.We figured that with the rainy and windy weather the past 
couple of days that many birds would decide to move last night and this seems 
to be what happened as the number of Sparrows and Phoebes seemed to have 
drastically increased since we were there on Thursday.

 The best bird by a long shot was a Western Kingbird at the south end of the 
airfield fence at 11:45am. Ian and I were standing talking about how nice a day 
it had been ( bird and weather wise ) up to this time when a bird flew in from 
behind us and landed on the tip of a Lilac bush right in front of us. The bird 
of course was the Western Kingbird. About 10 minutes later Margaret rejoined us 
and we refound the bird as it seemed to have disapperaed right after we found 
it the first time.

 This bird was a life Ontario / Canada bird for both Margaret and Ian and a 
life Island bird for me. We could have headed home right then and been happy 
but we continued on birding Hanlans and following are some of the birds we 

 Great Blue Herons, Canvasbacks, Greater Scaup, N. Harrier, lots of 
Sharp-shinned Hawks, Cooper's Hawks, Red-tailed Hawks, Merlins, Peregrine 
Falcon, Y-B Sapsuckers, Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, 71 E. Phoebes, 
Red-breasted and White-breasted Nuthatches, Brown Creepers, Winter Wrens, both 
Kinglets in good numbers, 36 Hermit Thrushes, migrating Robins, Gray Catbirds, 
American Pipits overhead, Blue-headed and Red-eyed Vireos, 2 Orange-crowned 
Warblers ( same on Thursday ), Nashville Warblers, Magnolia Warbler, many 
Yellow-rumped Warblers, Black-throated Green Warbler, Black-throated Blue 
Warbler, 2 very nice male Pine Warblers, 42 Palm Warblers, Chipping, Field, 
Fox, Lincoln's, and Swamp Sparrows, 350 plus White-throated and 100 plus 
White-crowned Sparrows, many Dark-eyed Juncos, 125 plus A. Goldfinch migrating 
past, several hundred migrating Red-winged Blackbirds high overhead, 4 Rusty 
Blackbirds and 4 Eastern Meadowlarks.

 Thursday we had about the same mix but with far different totals for some 
species plus we also found the following birds :- American Bittern, Wood Ducks, 
Gadwall, Turkey Vultures, Belted Kingfishers, Swainson's Thrushes, and Eastern 


TORONTO ISLANDS ( Ward's Island to Hanlan's Point - without side trips is 5 km 

Now on the Fall Schedule.


 If you are on the subway southbound stay on it and get off at Union Station, 
walk south on Bay Street ( on the east side of the station ) for about 1 km to 
the ferry docks at the foot of Bay Street at Queen's Quay and you are there. 
The entrance to the ferry docks ( well signed ) is on the west side of the 
Westin Harbour Castle Hotel.
 To get to the Toronto Islands from the Union GO Station on the TTC. 
 You may transfer to either the # 6 or #6A Bay St. TTC bus on Bay Street just 
outside of the east entrance to the GO Station. They both go down Bay Street to 
Queen's Quay. When running there is a street car ( #509 Harbourfront ) that 
goes from the Union Station to Queen's Quay ( no transfer required ). 
 For those that choose to head down to the docks on Sunday before the Subway 
opens you can catch the #320 Yonge St. Blue Night bus. This bus will let you 
off right across the street from the ferry docks entrance. This bus is the 
night time 97B Yonge St. bus.
 If in an auto on the Gardener Expressway or on Lakeshore Blvd, then exit at 
Bay Street and drive south to Queen's Quay, there are lots of parking lots 
nearby (fee). These parking lots are located just a block north of the ferry 
docks with more a block east of the ferry docks.
 There is a fee for using the island ferries ( $6.50 adult / $4.00 for seniors 
and students ( all fares are return ) and to find out the sailing times you can 
phone (416) 392-8193 or check the following web site
 There are washrooms and drinking fountains on the islands as well as the city 
side at the ferry docks and you can pick up a schedule at the docks.
The 1st boat to Ward's Island (my preferred starting point) is 6:35 am and the 
2nd is 7:00 am Monday to Friday. 
The 1st is at 6:35 am and the 2nd boat is at 7:15 am on Saturday and Holidays. 
( Note:- On Sundays the first ferry to Ward's is at 7:45 am )
The 1st boat to Hanlan's Point is 8:00 am and the 2nd boat is at 8:30 am Monday 
to Friday.
The 1st is at 8:15 am and the 2nd boat is at 9:15 am on Saturday, Sunday and 
 If arriving in early am ( before 7:30 ) you must obtain your ticket from a 
machine just inside the gate so be sure to have $1.00 and $2.00 and / or 25 
cent coins before you arrive at the docks as there is no place to get change 
and the machine does not make change. But - 

[Ontbirds] Ottawa - Ross's Goose

2009-10-10 Thread Tony Beck

Hello Ontbirders

Between 5:00 and 5:30pm this evening, at the main Moodie Drive Quarry  
Pond, there was an adult Ross's Goose in close proximity with 3 adult  
and 1 juvenile Snow Geese.

At about 6:15pm, three Long-billed Dowitchers vocalized during a fly-by.

Note that hunters are active in the cedar woodlot on the opposite side  
of Moodie Drive (west side)

Directions courtesy of Neily World: 

Tony Beck
Always An Adventure

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Ottawa: Brant and other migrants

2009-10-10 Thread Bruce Di Labio
Hi Ontbirders
There was lots of activity along the Ottawa River both with water and land 
birds. Between 8:30a.m. and 10:00 a.m. there was a small flight of Brant, a 
total of 8 flocks were observed, 8-150+, totaling 600+ birds. Also, 3 flocks of 
male White-winged Scoter, 44, 28 and 8. There were a few other species 
migrating including  Ring-necked Duck, Greater Scaup, Lesser Scaup, Common 
Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, Red-breasted Merganser, Northern Pintail, Black 
Scoter,Common Loon and 100's of gulls mainly Ring-billed Gull. At Britannia 
Conservation Area/Mud Lake there was a good movement of land birds with lots of 
Golden and Ruby-crowned Kinglet, White-throated Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, 
Yellow-rumped Warbler, 20+ Winter Wren, 9 Blue-headed Vireo, 1 Red-eyed Vireo 
and smaller numbers of Brown Creeper, Hermit Thrush, Dark-eyed Junco and Purple 
Finch. In the Shirley's Bay area over 500+ American Robins were noted plus a 
roosting Northern Saw-whet Owl. 

Good birding, Bruce

Directions: Shirley's Bay:  From Ottawa take Hwy. 417 west to the Moodie Drive 
exit and turn north (right) on  Moodie Drive and continue to Carling Ave. Turn 
left at Carling Ave. and follow Carling to Rifle Road. Turn right (north) on 
Rifle Rd. Park at the lot at the end (boat launch).
Walk back to the road, and continue through the gate on the Department of 
National Defense property. There is a trail on your right (clearly marked with 
vehicle No Entry signs) which heads into the woods, and, eventually to the 
dyke. There is lots of POISON IVY along the dyke.
OFFICE BEFORE ENTERING THE DYKE AREA-- Call (613) 991-5740 and request 
permission to visit the dyke area for birding.

Directions: The Britannia Woods/Mud Lake area is located in Ottawa off Richmond 
Road and Carling Ave. Take Britannia Road north to Cassels and turn right and 
go east a few 100 metres and park near entrance to woods. 

Di Labio Birding Website
Courses and Field Trips

Bruce Di Labio
400 Donald B. Munro Drive
P.O. Box 538
Carp, Ontario
K0A 1L0 
Office 613-839-4395 Mobile 613-715-2571

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] HSR: Holiday Beach (10 Oct 2009) 3755 Raptors

2009-10-10 Thread reports

Holiday Beach
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 10, 2009

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Turkey Vulture3208   8728   9983
Osprey   3 10 82
Bald Eagle   5 25117
Northern Harrier10 47382
Sharp-shinned Hawk 339   1513   6675
Cooper's Hawk   22139323
Northern Goshawk 0  0  1
Red-shouldered Hawk  3  8 13
Broad-winged Hawk1 85  18257
Red-tailed Hawk 26 70292
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 3  3  4
American Kestrel   115308   1328
Merlin  11 33 96
Peregrine Falcon 9 35 69
Unknown Accipiter0  0  6
Unknown Buteo0  1  8
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Falcon   0  0  1
Unknown Raptor   0  0  1

Total:3755  11005  37638

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 9 hours

Official Counter:Todd Pepper

Observers:Bob Pettit, Chuck Sharbaugh, Jim McCoy, John Winebrenner,
  Justin Bosler, Lisa Silvey, Sarah Rupert

Many visitors today from Ontario, Michigan and Indiana including: Dennis 
Gwen Patrick from the Peregrine Foundation; annual visitors Larry, Lisa and
John from Fort Wayne, Indiana; Anne Smith and Jackie Copland from Flat
Rock, MI; John  Chris Craft from MI; and various families and other
interested persons throughout the day.

Clear skies, moderate north-west to south-west winds, temperature from 7.4
to 14.8 degrees.

Raptor Observations:
A good Turkey vulture day with over 3,200 birds, and a good falcon day.
Also a steady movements of Sharp-shinned.

Non-raptor Observations:
Lots of species on the move today, a good sign for tomorrow's Big Sit.
Notable were 50 Killdeer, 5 Lesser Yellowlegs, 6 Chimney Swift, 3 species
of Swallow, almost 10,000 Blue Jay and over 850 American Goldfinch.

Mostly clear skies with west winds up to 15 km/hr and temperatures from 2 -
9 degrees.

Report submitted by Todd Pepper (tandjpep...@cogeco.ca)
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] HSR: Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch (10 Oct 2009) 3123 Raptors

2009-10-10 Thread reports

Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 10, 2009

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture2667   7885   8367
Osprey   0  7137
Bald Eagle   3 31193
Northern Harrier 6 60341
Sharp-shinned Hawk 380   1692   5706
Cooper's Hawk4 39116
Northern Goshawk 0  1  1
Red-shouldered Hawk  1  4  7
Broad-winged Hawk2 66  22147
Red-tailed Hawk  6 15 67
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 0  0  1
American Kestrel51253   2269
Merlin   0  2 52
Peregrine Falcon 3 59115
Unknown Accipiter0  0  0
Unknown Buteo0  0  0
Unknown Falcon   0  0  0
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  0  0

Total:3123  10114  39519

Observation start time: 06:30:00 
Observation end   time: 16:30:00 
Total observation time: 10 hours

Official Counter:Colin Horstead

Observers:Dave Verkley, Derek Lyon, Don Taylor, Jacques Giraud,
  Jennifer Lyon, Jim Dunn, Keith Sealy, Mark Cunningham,
  Mary Carnahan, Wayne Parnall

A few visitors today including Claire Gibson (Richmond Hill), Moira Fennel

A much nicer day today with broken cloud cover...lots of sun...temp to a
high of 15C. Winds were light from the N and WNW...then going variable for
the last few hours.

Raptor Observations:
A good flight of TV's (2667)...and a steady movement of Sharpies
(380)...with 3 more Peregrines. Total birds were 3123.

Non-raptor Observations:
Common Highthawk, Swamp, Lincolns, White-throated, White-crowned Sparrows,
Chimney Swifts, N. Parula, BT Green, Orange-crowned, Nashville, Tennessee,
Yellow-rumped, Pine,RC and GC Kinglet, E. Bluebird, Warbling Vireo,
Blue-headed Vireo, Am. Robins, RB Grosbeak, E. Phoebe, RT Hummingbird, a
few Monarchs. E. Towhee, Gray Catbird, Red-bellied and Downie Woodpecker,
N. Flicker, Great Horned Owl. lots of flocks of Blackbirds, Blue Jays and

Sunday weather is looking nice...though the winds are supposed to be
moderate from the W. Still, we have had decent flights on such winds and
with nice weather after an extended period of unsettled weather the birds
will likely be moving through. At this point Monday is looking like rain
coming in.

Report submitted by Dave Brown (thebro...@ezlink.on.ca)
Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Algonquin P.P - Oct. 10 - LeConte's, Clay-colored Sparrows more

2009-10-10 Thread Lev Frid
Hello Birders,

Birding Algonquin Park this morning proved to be very productive. There were
two BOREAL CHICKADEES and two GRAY JAYS on the Old Railway near West Rose
Lake on the Mizzy Trail. Also present were AMERICAN PIPIT, PALM +

On the eastern end of the Airfield, I located, in a mixed sparrow flock, two

The two LECONTE'S SPARROWS previously reported by Mike Burrell were
re-located in the alders near Lake of Two Rivers on the east side of the
airfield (Thanks Ron!). There was also a PINE WARBLER amongst numerous
yellow-rumps. Flocks of HORNED LARKS and AMERICAN PIPITS were prominent on
the Airfield.

Photographs -


Directions -


Algonquin Park is three hours north of Toronto, via Highways 400, 11 and 60.
Follow the signs, which start in Toronto on Highway 400. From Ottawa, take
Highway 17 to Renfrew, then follow Highway 60 to the park.

The Old Airfield is located along the Mew Lake Campground access road, park at
a small parking lot on the left at the beginning of the Old Railway Bike Trail
and walk around the airfield.

 The Wolf Howl Pond  West Rose Lake area can be accessed by driving 4.8km up
Arowhon Rd and then turning right onto an abandoned railway and follow 0.6km to
chain gate, park well to the side and walk in 1.5km to Wolf Howl and another
1km to West Rose.

Good Birding,

Lev Frid,

Maple, ON
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/