[Ontbirds] HSR: Grimsby, ON - Beamer Conservation Area (10 Apr 2012) 118 Raptors

2012-04-10 Thread reports

Grimsby, ON - Beamer Conservation Area
Grimsby, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Apr 10, 2012

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  1  3
Turkey Vulture  68   2083   5483
Osprey   4 30 34
Bald Eagle   1  7 42
Northern Harrier 5 20 42
Sharp-shinned Hawk  24137470
Cooper's Hawk2 24 85
Northern Goshawk 0  0  2
Red-shouldered Hawk  0  6573
Broad-winged Hawk0  0  0
Red-tailed Hawk 12279   1631
Rough-legged Hawk0  4 28
Golden Eagle 0  3  7
American Kestrel 1 12 28
Merlin   0  3 11
Peregrine Falcon 0  2  4
Unknown Accipiter1  8 10
Unknown Buteo0  3 16
Unknown Falcon   0  0  0
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  2  9

Total: 118   2624   8478

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:John Black

Observers:Barry Cherriere, Dan Salisbury, Denys Gardiner

Colin Burns

A slight to moderate wind all day from the north west. Cloud cover
increased from 15% to 85% over the first 6 hours and was 100% by the end of
the observing period. At 1330 hours there was rain to our east which lasted
about 30 minutes. In the period from 1400 to 1500 hours there was
intermittent drizzle mixed with a little snow or sleet.Drizzle in the last
5 minutes of the count period.

Raptor Observations:
5 Northern Harriers (3 adult males and 2 adults females) were observed.  1
Adult Bald Eagle was observed. 

Non-raptor Observations:
Eastern Phoebe(1), Field Sparrow(1), Great Blue Heron (1), Double-crested
Cormorant (15),White-throated Sparrow (1).

With the onset of the rain there were almost no additional raptors
observed. Tomorrow, weather permitting, those raptors held up by the rain
may appear in the early morning hours.

Report submitted by John Black ()
Beamer Conservation Area, Grimsby, ON information may be found at:

Site Description:
Hawk migration monitoring at the Beamer Memorial Conservation Area in
Grimsby, Ontario is conducted by the Niagara Peninsula Hawkwatch (NPH). All
counting is done by volunteers. Not all members are counters nor does a
counter have to be a member. Typically one person is the designated counter
for each day but other observers present assist with the spotting and
identification.  Counting is done from a steel observation tower with a
wooden floor. For wind protection on cold days, particularly in March, a
black plastic wind guard is installed around the tower's platform. This
platform easily accommodates ten people but on most busy days, no more than
five or six observers would be on it.  

The site lies within a publicly accessible property owned by the Niagara
Peninsula Conservation Authority. There is no charge for admittance. The
tower stands in the centre of a mowed area with a gravel ring road near the
outer edge. This provides lots of room to park vehicles (along the road)
and set up lawn chairs, telescopes and cameras. Toilet facilities are
present.  During the counting season, the NPH erect a counting board to
display seven day's worth of observation data for the public. The box
enclosing the sign contains brochures and silhouette sheets for the public
as well as bulletin boards with news and historical sighting records.


Directions to site:
To get to Beamer CA, take the QEW to Exit 71/72, follow Christie
St./Mountain St. to the top of the escarpment, turn right on Ridge Road
West, and go 1.6km to Quarry Rd. Turn right on Quarry Rd. and drive 100m to
the conservation area. Parking is normally available inside the park. If
parking at the entrance or on the roads, do NOT leave valuables in your

Please note: Data in this report is not official until reviewed and finalized 
after the end of the season. © 2012 Niagara Peninsula Hawkwatch

ONTBIRDS is presented by t

[Ontbirds] York Region Birds, March 27 - April 9

2012-04-10 Thread RON FLEMING
On March 27th Lev Frid had an early PINE WARBLER singing at Kortright Kortright 
Conservation Area as well as several EASTERN PHOEBES and a FOX SPARROW.
At the same location on March 31 Kristen Martyn had two EASTERN BLUEBIRDS, a N. 
FLICKER, and an early HERMIT THRUSH. Bill Thompson had an EASTERN MEADOWLARK 
singing outside the Schomberg Curling Club that same day. On April 2nd Craig 
Corcoran had some early TREE SWALLOWS at his property NE of Nobleton as well as 
a NORTHERN HARRIER; on April 7 he had his first SAVANNAH SPARROW - yet another 
"earliest date" recorded this spring.

A Saturday morning hike with Kevin Shackleton and Mike Van den Tillaart at the 
North Tract (Vivian Forest) yielded numerous PINE SISKINS and GC KINGLETS as 
well as a few singing BROWN CREEPERS this weekend. We also had 
our first-of-season YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER, a SHARP-SHINNED HAWK, and - for 
the first time in ages - a NORTHERN GOSHAWK. On Easter Sunday I visited the 
Cawthra Mulock reserve in NW Newmarket and had more Siskins, GC Kinglets, and 
Creepers as well as a male RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER, a singing FIELD SPARROW (he 
has been here since March 25!), three EASTERN MEADOWLARKS, a NORTHERN HARRIER, 

York Region is directly north of Toronto, on the south side of Lake Simcoe.

Ron Fleming, Newmarket
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/