[Ontbirds] HSR: Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch (11 Sep 2014) 74 Raptors

2014-09-11 Thread reports

Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 11, 2014

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture   0  0  0
Osprey   0 19 19
Bald Eagle   0  1  1
Northern Harrier 1 47 57
Sharp-shinned Hawk  55329339
Cooper's Hawk0 11 12
Northern Goshawk 0  0  0
Red-shouldered Hawk  0  0  0
Broad-winged Hawk0 44 75
Red-tailed Hawk  0  1  1
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 0  0  0
American Kestrel15181214
Merlin   2  6  7
Peregrine Falcon 1  3  3
Unknown Accipiter0  0  0
Unknown Buteo0  0  0
Unknown Falcon   0  0  0
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  0  0

Total:  74642728

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:Jim Dunn

Observers:Bob Johnstone, Keith Sealy, Mary Carnahan, Matt Oswald

Thanks to those who braved today's weather to do the count...Mary, Jim,
Matt, Keith and Bob J. along with visitors today were Carey S.,  Dave S.,
Bob H., Craig B. along with 4 individuals from Chatham, a couple of
photographers from Bowmanville and several others whose names we didn't

When counters arrived this morning at the site they discovered that a large
tree on the south side of the ravine had been blown down in last night's
gale and completely blocked the road. It was eventually cleared and the
road was passable.

Unfortunately, the day was much more unsettled than was forecast. Winds
were strong from the WNW and NW as predicted...but the humidity never did
clear out for the entire day which obviously grounded the buteos. Temp was
much cooler with the passage of the cold front getting to a high of just
14C.  Cloud cover was solid  with intermittent drizzle; overcast; hazy; and
migrants were sporadic.

Raptor Observations:
Despite the damp day there were a few birds on the move...with a total of
74 for the day. Most of the flight was Sharpies (55) along with a single N.
Harrier, Kestrels (15), a couple of Merlins and a lone adult Peregrine that
cruised up over the field in front of the counters and then sped off
directly over the knoll and to the west.

Non-raptor Observations:
Observers reported few non-raptor sightings on this gusty, chilly, overcast
and downright wet day at Hawk Cliff.  The Red-bellied Woodpecker seems to
have moved from the opposite side of the road to a tree almost directly
above the observation knoll and spent the better part of the day yakking at
the observers below, perhaps trying to participate in their conversations. 
An Eastern Wood-peewee seen across from the knoll while Tennessee and
Bay-breasted Warblers plus Red-eyed Vireo were spotted in shrubs right
beside the knoll.  A walk up the road yielded many good views of
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.  Barn & Tree Swallows were seen throughout the
day hawking bugs above the fields up and down the road.  Other sightings
were Northern Cardinal, Black-capped Chickadee, Gray Catbird, American
Goldfinch, European Starling and Ring-billed Gull.  

Very few Monarch Butterflies were seen today and no count was taken.  A
couple of Black Saddlebags and Common Green Darners were spotted from the
knoll, not apparently going anywhere, just struggling in today's gusty

Winds are predicted to be light to moderate from the NE...but what's more
important is whether or not the humidity drops fairly quickly first thing.
Also, they're calling for a mix of sun and cloud which will help with
spotting the birds.

Report submitted by Dave Brown (thebro...@ezlink.on.ca)
Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For inf

[Ontbirds] HSR: Holiday Beach Conservation Area (11 Sep 2014) 137 Raptors

2014-09-11 Thread reports

Holiday Beach Conservation Area
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 11, 2014

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Turkey Vulture   3 88 88
Osprey   1  8  8
Bald Eagle   2 31 31
Northern Harrier 4 43 43
Sharp-shinned Hawk  98306306
Cooper's Hawk1 26 26
Northern Goshawk 0  0  0
Red-shouldered Hawk  0  0  0
Broad-winged Hawk   12 34 34
Red-tailed Hawk  0 37 37
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 0  0  0
American Kestrel 8 88 88
Merlin   0 18 18
Peregrine Falcon 1  3  3
Unknown Accipiter2 11 11
Unknown Buteo3 15 15
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Falcon   0  1  1
Unknown Raptor   2  7  7

Total: 137716716

Observation start time: 06:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 10 hours

Official Counter:Jenna McDermott

Observers:Bob Hall-Brooks, Bob Pettit, Claude Radley, Jim McCoy,
  Sylvia Telasco, Wayne Telasco

We had 12 visitors today, one of whom stayed for a few hours and is looking
forward to spending many more days on the tower for the rest of the season.

A chilly day up on the tower with winds up to 22km/h mainly from the WNW.
Good visibility despite the clouds, ranging from 15-20km.

Raptor Observations:
The morning's entertainment was provided by 2 Peregrines who were harassing
everything in sight, including each other, an Osprey, a mallard, and one of
the snowy egrets. 12 Broad-winged Hawks preceded the bigger numbers we're
hoping to see in the next week or two while Sharp-shinned Hawks made up
around 70% of today's raptors. Nine species migrated today, totalling 137

Non-raptor Observations:
Not 3, but 4 Snowy Egrets together in the pond south of the tower was the
highlight today! Many of the passerines were laying low during the high
winds of the morning so not a whole lot of movement was seen. 10 R-Throated
Hummingbirds, 3 Chimney Swifts, 36 Cedar Waxwings and 127 American
Goldfinches were seen. 4 Monarchs 

See eBird report of the day

A cool day with winds from the NE at 15km/h.

Report submitted by Jenna McDermott (jmcde...@mail.uoguelph.ca)
Holiday Beach Conservation Area information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] OFO Convention - Details of new Kingston "on the way home" trip

2014-09-11 Thread Lynne Freeman
Hi everyone,

I do not want to fill up ONTBirds with convention info but I have had a few
questions about this so I'll post it here for everyone's convenience.

These are the details of the new "on the way home" trip we have aded in
Kingston on Sunday, Sept. 28. This is also on the website at www.ofo.ca

2:30 - 5:00

Kingston Area with Mark Read. Meet at the Tim Horton's on Bath and
Gardiners. Take junction 611 south off the 401 onto HWY 38 (Gardiners
Road). Take Gardiners south for a total of 5.4km crossing Princess Street
at 3km and Taylor Kidd at 3.9km; at the end of Gardiners you'll reach Bath
Road where you'll go straight across again and turn left into Gardiners
Town Centre shopping mall where Tim's is located on the north side.
Kingston area marshes and Conservation areas that are active at that time.


Lynne Freeman

"Be bold, be brave, be amazing" Simon de Pury, Work of Art
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] RBA Buffalo Bird Report 11 Sep 2014

2014-09-11 Thread David Suggs
* New York
* Buffalo
* 09/11/2014
* NYBU1409.11
- Birds mentioned

  Please submit reports to

  [BOS field trip, Sunday, September 14, to Tifft Nature
  Preserve in Buffalo. Meet in the parking lot at 7:30 to
  begin a hike through the preserve. Visitors are always
  welcome on BOS trips.]

  Eared Grebe
  D.-crest. Cormorant
  Red Knot
  Forster's Tern
  Eastern Screech-Owl
  Common Nighthawk
  Olive-s. Flycatcher
  Yellow-b. Flycatcher
  Purple Martin
  Bl.-gr. Gnatcatcher
  Gray-cheeked Thrush
  Swainson's Thrush
  Philadelphia Vireo
  Tennessee Warbler
  Nashville Warbler
  Northern Parula
  Yellow Warbler
  Chestnut-s. Warbler
  Magnolia Warbler
  Bl.-thr. Bl. Warbler
  Bl.-thr. Green Warb.
  Blackburnian Warbler
  Palm Warbler
  Bay-breasted Warbler
  Blackpoll Warbler
  Bl. and w. Warbler
  American Redstart
  Common Yellowthroat
  Wilson's Warbler
  Canada Warbler

- Transcript
  Hotline: Buffalo Bird Report at the Buffalo Museum of Science
  Date: 09/11/2014
  Number:   716-896-1271
  To Report:Same
  Compiler: David F. Suggs
  Coverage: Western New York and adjacent Ontario
  Website:  www.BuffaloOrnithologicalSociety.org

  Thursday, September 11, 2014

  The Buffalo Bird Report is a service provided by your
  Buffalo Museum of Science and the Buffalo Ornithological
  Society. To contact the Science Museum, call 896-5200. Press
  the pound key to report sightings before the end of this

  Highlights of the past two weeks, August 28 to September 11,
  from the Niagara Frontier Region.

  Recent shorebird highlights included a MARBLED GODWIT,
  briefly, on the Lake Erie shore at Woodlawn Beach Park in
  Hamburg, on August 31. Also on the 31st, BUFF-BR. SANDPIPER
  at Stafford Marsh in the Oak Orchard Wildlife Management
  Area. In Ontario, another BUFF-BR. SANDPIPER, September 9,
  at the Poth Road turf farms, east of Hutchinson Road in
  Dunnville. And, September 2, a RED KNOT on the Niagara River
  beach at Beaver Island State Park.

  August 29 and 31, a GLOSSY IBIS still at Stafford Marsh in
  the Oak Orchard Wildlife Management Area.

  Just the second record in the BOS archives - EURASIAN
  COLLARED DOVE, August 29, by Lake Ontario at Wilson-
  Tuscaurora State Park.

  The evening of September 6, the BOS PURPLE MARTIN field trip
  to Buckhorn Island State Park, at the north end of Grand
  Island, observed a spectacle of 13,000 juvenile and second
  year PURPLE MARTINS swarming in to roost in the offshore
  grass island. PURPLE MARTIN nest monitors in the Iroquois
  Refuge and surrounding areas reported a 30 percent increase
  this year in eggs, hatches and fledglings.

  Another spectacular species count - September 9, a minimum
  of 17,000 D.-CREST. CORMORANTS passing Rock Point Provincial
  Park in Dunnville, Ontario.

  The Batavia Waste Water Plant continues to be the unique
  location for EARED GREBE in the region - September 4 and 9,
  a single EARED GREBE on secondary pond number two.

  Migrant warblers at Amherst State Park in the past week
  included 17 species, plus YELLOW-B. FLYCATCHER, PHILADELPHIA
  locations added migrant OLIVE-S. FLYCATCHER, VEERY and

  Other recent reports - FORSTER'S TERN with 38 BONAPARTE'S
  GULLS at Hamburg Town Park. Two EASTERN SCREECH-OWL calling
  in Williamsville near Amherst State Park. A high count of 21
  COMMON NIGHTHAWKS over East Amherst. And a MERLIN feeding on
  a Norway Rat in Tonawanda.

  There will be a BOS field trip on Sunday, September 14, to
  Tifft Nature Preserve in Buffalo. Meet in the parking lot at
  7:30 to begin a hike through the preserve. Visitors are
  always welcome on BOS trips.

  The Bird Report will be updated Thursday evening, September
  18. Please call in your sightings by noon Thursday. You may
  report sightings after the tone. Thank you for calling and

- End Transcript
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] HSR: Detroit River Hawk Watch (11 Sep 2014) 411 Raptors

2014-09-11 Thread reports

Detroit River Hawk Watch
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 11, 2014

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture  44152152
Osprey   3 19 19
Bald Eagle   3 47 47
Northern Harrier 0 40 40
Sharp-shinned Hawk  53382382
Cooper's Hawk5 29 29
Northern Goshawk 0  0  0
Red-shouldered Hawk  0  1  1
Broad-winged Hawk  292407407
Swainson's Hawk  0  0  0
Red-tailed Hawk  6 75 75
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 0  0  0
American Kestrel 1 51 51
Merlin   0  8  8
Peregrine Falcon 1  2  2
Unknown Accipiter1  5  5
Unknown Buteo0  1  1
Unknown Falcon   0  0  0
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   2  4  4

Total: 411   1223   1223

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:Jonathan Stein

Observers:Andrew Sturgess, Frank Kitakis, Raburn Howland

Six including Carol Goodman, Joan Tisdale, Jim Lynch and Martin Berthiaume.

We were greeted by a gray blanket of cloud upon arrival. Not too long
after, those same clouds began to spit some misty drizzle at us. The
drizzle didn't last long but the clouds stuck around for the entirety,
periodically tantalizing us with a sucker hole or two before closing ranks
again. The moderate northwest wind and cooler air resulted in by far our
chilliest outing of the season to date. 

Raptor Observations:
The morning was underwhelming but a mild wave of Broad-winged Hawks came to
our rescue in the afternoon. Several small groups (25-50 individuals)
pushed past during a lively hour long stretch. Other species were mostly
quiet, however, uninterested in venturing skyward.

Non-raptor Observations:
American White Pelican (48), Common Loon (1), Canada Goose (60+), Wood Duck
(4), Black-throated Green Warbler (1), Yellow Warbler (2) 

Partly cloudy with highs in the mid 60s and light northeast wind. If we get
some clearing, it'll likely be a productive outing.

Report submitted by Jonathan Stein (steinj...@gmail.com)
Detroit River Hawk Watch information may be found at:

Site Description:
The Detroit River Hawk Watch (a joint venture of the Detroit River
International Wildlife Refuge and its Friends group, the International
Wildlife Refuge Alliance) is the Boat Launch at Lake Erie Metropark located
approximately 20 miles south of Detroit, Michigan. The location is at the
mouth of the Detroit River as it enters Lake Erie.

Directions to site:
Lake Erie Metropark:

>From I-75, exit at Huron River Drive (exit 27). Continue east on Huron
River Drive. Turn left on West Jefferson and proceed a few hundred yards to
the entrance of Lake Erie Metropark. After paying the entrance fee, follow
the signs to the Boat Launch.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Presqu'ile Birding Report for Week Ending September 11, 2014.

2014-09-11 Thread Fred Helleiner
Plenty of rare or uncommon birds have appeared at Presqu'ile Provincial 
Park in the past week, and the influx of many birders has helped to find 
them.  Only the highlights can be mentioned here.

The arrival of many ducks signals the beginning of the fall waterfowl 
migration.  Among others, there have been 25 AMERICAN WIGEONS, a 
RED-NECKED GREBES have been reported.  LEAST BITTERNS were sighted on 
two different days.  Hawks of several species have been moving through, 
including one or two BALD EAGLES, a BROAD-WINGED HAWK, and a PEREGRINE 
FALCON.  Seen most regularly, however, have been MERLINS, both at the 
beach and elsewhere.  Three COMMON GALLINULES were in the marsh on 
September 6.

The big attraction of the past week has been the variety of shorebirds, 
and the ease with which they can be observed at close range.  Most 
observers have been able to find at least eight species, including 
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVERS in several plumages and a few BAIRD'S SANDPIPERS.  
Less frequent sightings have included GREATER and LESSER YELLOWLEGS, at 
SANDPIPER (nicely photographed), RED KNOT, STILT SANDPIPER, 
round out the tally.  A few CASPIAN TERNS are still hanging around, and 
a late COMMON TERN was seen on September 8.  Jaegers are seen only once 
or twice a year at Presqu'ile, and many of those notoriously difficult 
birds have to be written off as unidentified as to species, especially 
since the experience of most Ontario birders is limited to fewer than a 
dozen of those.  Hence the reported sighting of a very rare POMARINE 
JAEGER on September 7 by two lucky birders constitutes the highlight of 
the week.  This is also the time of year when PARASITIC JAEGERS might 
show up.

BARRED OWLS continue to be heard in Newcastle Woods by those who live 
nearby.  RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS have been seen at 83 Bayshore Road and 
at the calf pasture.  A YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER was at the lighthouse 
on September 7.  A late EASTERN KINGBIRD was found on September 6, and 
three TREE SWALLOWS on September 8.  Six MARSH WRENS on September 6 were 
more than are usually seen at this time of year.  An EASTERN BLUEBIRD 
was at the lighthouse on September 8.  An AMERICAN PIPIT on September 6 
was the first of the season.  A good variety of warblers has included 
The sparrow migration is still a few weeks from reaching a peak, but 
sightings this week of a WHITE-THROATED SPARROW and DARK-EYED JUNCO may 
be fore-runners.

To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton.
Locations within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid
that is available at the Park gate. Visitors to Gull Island not using a
boat should be prepared to wade through water of unknown depth (not 
allowing for waves) in which there

is often a swift current and a substrate that is somewhat uneven and
slippery. Birders are encouraged to record their observations on the 
bird sightings board provided near the

campground office by The Friends of Presqu'ile Park and to fill out a
rare bird report for species not listed there.

Questions and comments about bird sightings at Presqu'ile may be
directed to: fhellei...@trentu.ca .

Fred Helleiner
186 Bayshore Road
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0
If visiting, access via Presqu'ile Provincial Park

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Ottawa/Gatineau - September 11, 2014 - Recent Reports

2014-09-11 Thread Bob Cermak
Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (National Capital Region) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler and transcriber: Bob Cermak at robertcerm...@hotmail.com or 

Recent reports to September 11, 2014

An emaciated and moribund PARASITIC JAEGER (juv) was found on the shore of the 
Ottawa River east of Green's Creek on the 8th. It was taken to the Wild Bird 
Care Centre but did not survive.

An OFO field trip to the Britannia Conservation Area (BCA), Shirleys Bay boat 
launch and Boundary Rd sod farms on the 7th found 83 species. Highlights were 
BCA, at Shirley Bay migrating BROAD-WINGED HAWKS (38) and SHARP-SHINNED (3), 
BALD EAGLE (3). On the sod farms south of Ottawa AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER (21) 

Twenty three warbler (including ORANGE-CROWNED and PALM) and four vireo species 
(including BLUE-HEADED and PHILADELPHIA) were found in the Ottawa area this 
week. The Britannia Conservation Area on Cassels St, Rockcliffe Park and the 
sod farms on Boundary Rd north and south of French Settlement Rd continue to be 
very active. The mudflats at the Shirleys Bay causeway continue to be mostly 
underwater and there were small numbers of shorebirds at the Giroux Rd ponds 
and at the lagoons. Increasing numbers of WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS were 

Interesting sightings were CLAY-COLORED and GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS still present 
south of the International Airport, EURASIAN WIGEON at Baie Noire west of 
Plaisance on the 6th, WHIMBREL at the Almonte lagoons on the 7th, SNOW GEESE 
(5) on the Moodie Dr ponds on the 8th, AMERICAN WIGEON, GADWALL and NORTHERN 
SHOVELER at the Richmond lagoons on the 10th, GOSHAWK (juv), BALD EAGLE (juv) 
and PEREGRINE FALCON (adult) on Trail RD on the 10th and a YELLOW-BELLIED 
FLYCATCHER was reported at the Fletcher Wildlife Gardens on the 10th.

Due to widespread concerns regarding disturbance of wildlife and property, 
the OFNC's Birds Committee no longer reports OWL sightings on the internet. 
We will continue to encourage the reporting of owls to sighti...@ofnc.ca for 
the local records.

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations.   
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Reminder: OFO Convention Registration and Changes to Trip Program

2014-09-11 Thread Lynne Freeman
Hello OFO Members and OntBirders,

The OFO Convention, September 26-28 in Ottawa is fast approaching!
Please remember
to register atwww.ofo.ca or by mailing in the registration form you
received with your April issue of Ontario Birds.

We have had to cancel the Friday South End (all day) trip but we have added
two exciting new trips, aSaturday morning Quebec Side half day trip and an
"on the way home" Kingston Area trip Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m.

For more details on these trips see

It's a jam packed program and a great chance to discover the richness of Ottawa

Hope to see you there.


Lynne Freeman, Chair OFO Convention Committee

Lynne Freeman
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] White Ibis left Oshawa Second marsh at 1230

2014-09-11 Thread Tyler Hoar

The white Ibis located this morning By David Pryor, was flushed by an immature 
Bald Eagle as well as most waterfowl, shorebirds, cormorants and gulls. It left 
its hiding spot (where it was out of site for the previous 2 hours) and flew 
towards the southwest than took a hard turn over the lake and flew eastward. It 
could possibly come back to the Oshawa Second marsh, in the mean time most 
wetlands along lake Ontario Shoreline in Durham Region should also be looked at.

Other birds of note seen included Red Knot, Bairds Sandpiper, Black-bellied 
Plover, Merlin, and Great Egrets

 Directions Exit from the 401 at the Harmony Rd. Exit(419) in Oshawa. Go south 
Farewell St. Colonel Sam Drive. Turn East onto Colonel Sam Drive and follow
to the parking lot at the GM Headquarters. Park in the west parking lot
close to the marsh. The east (GM) platform is visible from the NW corner of
the lot. For a trail map of the Oshawa Second marsh area visit
http://secondmarsh.outdoorontario.ca/Recreation.html and check the link for a 
trail map of
the area. 
Tyler Hoar
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Fw: [PassengerPigeon] Passenger Pigeon to be discussed on Ontario radioSaturday morning

2014-09-11 Thread Diane and Kayo Roy
For anyone interested in the Passenger Pigeon story the following may be of 


David Blockstein, co-lead of Project Passenger Pigeon will appear this Saturday 
morning September 13 at approximately 8:25 a.m. eastern time on the Outdoor 
Journal Radio Show, which airs live on Roger's Sportsnet 590 the FAN, in 
Toronto from 8-10 am. It is the largest audience outdoors talk radio show in 
Canada with 400,000 listeners across Southern Ontario. They also broadcast on 
1310 news, sports, talk radio in Ottawa, as well as a number of other Rogers 
affiliates. The program has been on the air for 30 years!

The host of the ODJ radio show is Angelo Viola of Canada's number #1 audience 
rated TV fishing program...Fish'n Canada. 

Each week the show talks all things outdoors; fishing, hunting, canoe/kayak, 
camping, hike/bike, boating, golf, water sports, snow sports, kids in the 
outdoors, bugs, birding, environmental issues, cottage and home repairs, fine 
food and barbecues, adventure sports events...and all kinds of stories about 
nature and the outdoors.

Please share this with your contacts in southern Ontario.


David E. Blockstein, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
National Council for Science and the Environment
1101 17th St. NW #250
Washington DC 20036
202-207-0004 direct
202-530-5810 general
202-628-4311 fax

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you.

PassengerPigeon mailing list
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] "Likely" White Ibis - Oshawa Second Marsh

2014-09-11 Thread David Pryor
I just found and took a couple of lousy photographs of what appeared to me to 
be a juvenile white ibis at Oshawa Second Marsh. It was on the sand spit 
opposite the viewing platform.  It is extremely windy so it's not easy to keep 
the scope steady. 

The bird has gone around the bend to the right of the sand spit and is 
currently out of view but I didn't see it fly away. I'll be here scanning for a 

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Poth Road, Haldimand County (near rock point PP), Sept. 11th

2014-09-11 Thread Leonard Manning

This morning at 7:15 AM, I had a Buff-breasted Sandpiper, just east of the
traditional `Poth Road Sod Farm` on Poth Road, near Stromness, Haldimand
County. The bird was at the back(south end) of a large dirt field just east
of the eastern tree line that borders the Sod Farm on the south east corner
of Hutchison and Poth Roads.

A scope is absolutely mandatory. And it`s blustery!

There were also 216 Killdeer(yeah, I counted), and 14 Black-bellied Plovers
in the vicinity.

>From Hamilton, travel south on HWY 56 until you get to HWY 3. Travel east
on 3 through Dunnville, and eventually you come to Hutchison Road.Go south
on Hitchison and eventually on your left you will see Poth Road. Go east,
check the sod farm here, but continue east past the first tree line until
you see the dirt field.Be patient, the bird blends in real nice.

Len Manning
Hamilton, ON, 289-456-6502
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 