[Ontbirds] High Park Raptor Watch Tues. Oct. 25, 2016

2016-10-25 Thread Tim McCarthy
Another super day on the Hill. We almost forgot how cold it was:

Turkey Vultures   223

Bald Eagle 3

N. Harrier  5

Sharpies  49

Coopers 9

N.Gosshawk  1

Red Shoulder  30

RedTail   185


Am Kestrel  1

Unid Buteo 7

Today's Total  511

To Date 6001

Tomorrow North wind 13k for the morning.

for everything else there's HMANA


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Holiday Beach Conservation Area (25 Oct 2016) 2593 Raptors

2016-10-25 Thread reports
Holiday Beach Conservation Area
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 25, 2016

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Turkey Vulture2150  39547  39994
Osprey   0  5 68
Bald Eagle  13136252
Northern Harrier 9217509
Sharp-shinned Hawk 100   3517   7529
Cooper's Hawk   19289381
Northern Goshawk 0  2  2
Red-shouldered Hawk 34201201
Broad-winged Hawk0 50   6115
Red-tailed Hawk261   1503   1655
Rough-legged Hawk0  1  1
Golden Eagle 1 12 12
American Kestrel 1282   1203
Merlin   0 31118
Peregrine Falcon 0 16 38
Unknown Accipiter1  5  7
Unknown Buteo4 19 24
Unknown Eagle0  0  1
Unknown Falcon   0  2  4
Unknown Raptor   0  1  1
Swainson's Hawk  0  1  2

Total:2593  45837  58117

Observation start time: 07:30:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 8.5 hours

Official Counter:Sean Jenniskens

Observers:Chuck Sharbaugh, Dave Martin, Jeanece Seals, Jim McCoy,
  Larry Ludwicki, Linda Wladarski, Michael Williamson,
  Olga Klekner, Phyllis Coble, Theresa Lindsey

Chuck S. came by for another visit from Michigan today, and today was Larry
L.'s last day over here for this visit.

Overall a nice day, a little chilly at times, and warm at others. A light
NW wind greeted us all day.

Raptor Observations:
Decent flights of Turkey Vultures and Red-tailed Hawks today, although they
were high most of the time. Another Golden Eagle at 13:45 local time, also

Non-raptor Observations:
3,030 American Crows were counted migrating over. There was a small, but
present migration of Blackbirds, and Finches today, and among them was our
first of the year group of 5 Eastern Meadowlarks. For the full eBird
checklist, go to http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S32230962

Light rain predicted all day tomorrow, with strong East winds.

Report submitted by Sean Jenniskens (seanjennisk...@hotmail.com)
Holiday Beach Conservation Area information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Detroit River Hawk Watch (25 Oct 2016) 1707 Raptors

2016-10-25 Thread reports
Detroit River Hawk Watch
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 25, 2016

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture1544  32353  33673
Osprey   0  5 23
Bald Eagle   2 55109
Northern Harrier 2 99322
Sharp-shinned Hawk  24   1728   4234
Cooper's Hawk3 60104
Northern Goshawk 0  0  0
Red-shouldered Hawk 15147148
Broad-winged Hawk0130  17529
Swainson's Hawk  0  0  0
Red-tailed Hawk112993   1127
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 0  6  6
American Kestrel 0 67545
Merlin   0 19 37
Peregrine Falcon 0 23 27
Unknown Accipiter0  2  5
Unknown Buteo5 32 41
Unknown Falcon   0  0  2
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  1 12

Total:1707  35720  57944

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 9 hours

Official Counter:Natalie Cypher

Observers:Andrew Sturgess, Frank Kitakis, Rosemary Brady

A couple of gentlemen from Dayton, OH joined us today.  Thanks to Anna,
Ken, and Rick for assistance in spotting.

Chilly but very pleasant weather today.  Light NW west throughout the day;
partly cloudy.

Raptor Observations:
A pretty good migration day, with 1779 birds.  Turkey Vulture total was
1544, Red-tailed Hawk total 112, Red-shouldered 24, Sharp-shinned Hawk 69. 
Also had a couple of Bald Eagles, Northern Harriers, and Cooper's Hawks. 
Many birds were migrating south of the count site due to the north winds,
making spotting and ID challenging at times.  We were hopeful, but had no
Golden Eagles today.

Non-raptor Observations:
American Crows continued to move today - certainly several thousand.

Tomorrow's winds will be from the east, with a chance of rain throughout
the day.  Big numbers of migrants would not be expected.

Report submitted by Detroit River Hawk Watch (greg_norw...@fws.gov)
Detroit River Hawk Watch information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Cranberry Marsh (25 Oct 2016) 528 Raptors

2016-10-25 Thread reports
Cranberry Marsh
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 25, 2016

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
BV   0  0  0
TV 391   4097   4519
OS   0  7 91
BE   2 13 62
NH   3 51152
SS  36481   1132
CH   6 39 57
NG   1  7  7
RS   4 14 14
BW   0  1807
RT  77499553
RL   3  7  7
GE   0  6  6
AK   0 54347
ML   0 14 51
PG   0  4 11
UA   0  2  3
UB   5 10 18
UF   0  0  0
UE   0  0  0
UR   0 13 28

Total: 528   5319   7865

Observation start time: 09:00:00 
Observation end   time: 14:00:00 
Total observation time: 5 hours

Official Counter:Ian Cannell, Jim McKnight

Observers:Charmine Anderson, Ian Cannell, Karl Jennewein, Norm Murr

north-west winds, 

Raptor Observations:

Non-raptor Observations:
Sandhill Crane-3, Common Raven-2, Cackling Goose-1, Fox Sparrow-2

north winds, switching to north-east

Report submitted by Rayfield Pye (ray...@interlinks.net)
Cranberry Marsh information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] 250 plus Sandhill Cranes - near Owen Sound 10/25 2016

2016-10-25 Thread Jerry Walsh via ONTBIRDS
--- Begin Message ---
Three flocks totalling more than 250 Sandhill Cranes today late morning on A 
Line, just off hwy 21 just west of Owen Sound. This general  area gets good 
flocks of migrant Sandhills every autumn.

To reach this location, take hwy 21 west from Owen Sound, then take Bruce Road 
10 by turning right from hwy 21. There is construction at this corner, so watch 
for the flag people! Take your first right off Bruce Road 10, which is A Line, 
and continue along, watching the fields and sky on your right. Chances are that 
you will soon see and hear good numbers of cranes. If the cranes are not around 
I suggest trying some areas farther north near Bruce Road 10. Checking out 
"our" Sandhills is something we look forward to every autumn!

Good birding
Jerry Walsh
Owen Sound

--- End Message ---
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] White-winged Crossbills and Boreal Chickadees on the move in Algonquin Park

2016-10-25 Thread Lev Frid
Hello Ontario Birders,

While not necessarily rare birds, there are some avian events occurring
here in Algonquin Park that would be valuable to folks further south
looking for said birds.

Amanda Guercio and I, in the past week have had an increase of White-winged
Crossbill sightings in the park. I had heard a few flying by in the past
week, but a flock of 13 and another of five birds were present today on the
Mizzy Trail with singles interspersed throughout. As per Ron Pittaway's
forecast, the cone crop for spruce is not good in the park, but the cedar
crop is quite good. These may be birds commuting to better feeding areas or
birds that have arrived to feed on the cedar crop. They seem to be
increasing and it may be a good time to keep an ear out for them further
south as well.

Chickadees, titmice and nuthatches are apparently on the move throughout
Southern Ontario! Here we have been detecting increased numbers of Boreal
Chickadees, many behaving like migrants. Usually, resident Boreal
Chickadees in Algonquin travel in pairs within flocks of Black-capped
Chickadees and hang tight to conifers. Today I had a flock of seven Boreal
Chickadees traveling together silently through open hardwoods on the Mizzy
Lake Trail. On the 21st, two small groups of Boreal Chickadees were doing
the same on the Old Railway Bike Trail. Tadoussac is reporting seeing a
movement of this species as well.

It would be well worth checking any migrating chickadee flocks along the
lakes for ones with brown caps.


Lev Frid & Amanda Guercio

Huntsville, ON
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Cattle Egret near Holiday Beach

2016-10-25 Thread Dave Martin
One Cattle Egret was feeding among cattle in a cattle pasture near Holiday 
Beach Essex County around 10 am this morning.

>From Malden Centre at the intersection on Rd 20 and Rd 50 drive about 1km 
>south on Rd 50 to 6862 Rd 50. The pasture is on the west/right side of the 

Dave Martin and Linda Wladarski 

Sent from my iPhone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Reesor Pond Geese - Snows and Cackling.

2016-10-25 Thread Norm Murr
Ian Cannell and I stopped at Reesor Pond this afternoon to try and find the 7 
Snow Geese reported earlier in the week’'.

We found not 7 Snow Gees but 11 of them, all white phase.

We didn’t check through the 2000 or so Canada Geese to try and find the duck 
species also reported earlier as well but we did have a big surprise in seeing 
the most Cackling Geese we have ever seen.

It was all but impossible to do an actual count as they were mixed in with the 
Canada Geese (a lot of the Geese were backed by a low sun) but we estimated 
that no less than 50 Cackling Geese were present.

Good to excellent comparisons with the Canada Geese.

A scope recommended but you can probably see some of the Cackling Geese with 

Note- The Geese leave the pond in the morning for the fields, etc. and return 
in the late afternoon. When we stopped by around 9 am there was only one Goose 
on the pond.


Reesor Pond is on the northwest corner of Reesor Road and Hwy 407 in Markham. 
It is bounded by Reesor Road on the east, Donald Cousins Parkway ( formerly 
Markham By-Pass ) on the west, Hwy 407 on the south and Hwy 7 on the north.

Exit Hwy 407 at Exit number 96 ( go north ) on Donald Cousins Parkway and you 
will see the pond on the north side of the highway beside Donald Cousins 

Your best bet is to drive up ( north on ) Donald Cousins Parkway to Hwy 7. Turn 
right ( east ) on Hwy 7 and drive the very short distance to Ressor Road.

Turn right ( south ) on Reesor Road and drive down to the gate on your right 
and park here ( do not block gate ) and there is no need to pass through the 
gate as the whole pond is viewable from the gate and you do not want to flush 
the birds before you even get to look them over.

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill
Ontario, Canada

You can't see birds if you don't go out but sit and wait for others to find 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Northern Parula & Orange-crowned Warbler at Sedgewick Forest, Oakville

2016-10-25 Thread Wayne Renaud
I found and photographed one each of these species between 1:30 & 3:00 pm
this afternoon.  They were at the west of the small creek between the water
treatment plant open cistern and the Jehovahs Witness parking lot (this is
the same sheltered location were several species of warbler and
Ruby-crowned Kinglets attempted over the last winter last).  The Northern
Parula was confined to the low shrubs and ground cover and occasionally
adjacent trees and present for at least an hour vs the Orange-crowned
Warbler that was in the same location but was seen over period only several
minutes.  On other birder from Burlington also photographed the Parula.
There were at least 30 Yellow-rumped Warblers and lots of Ruby-crowned
Kinglets and the woods were swarming robins.  Photos of both species will
be added to "Ontario Bird" photos and my Facebook page.

Directions: located north of Lakeshore Boulevard and east of 3rd Line.
Parking is suggested on Sedgwick Crescent or the small parking lot at the
east of Confederation Park and between Lakeshore Boulevard and lake.

Wayne Renaud (waynerenau...@gmail.com)
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Sandhill Cranes

2016-10-25 Thread Judy Kennedy
Today, there were over 100 Sand hill Cranes in a field of grain stubble on the 
east side of Fennel Road, halfway between Lorneville and Goose lake roads, 
north of Cambray, in the City of Kawartha Lakes.  

Judy Kennedy, 
Cameron, ON
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] 4 Cattle Egrets - Blenheim Lagoons

2016-10-25 Thread Allen Woodliffe

There were 4 Cattle Egrets at the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons this morning, October 
25. While I was busily photographing the one pair, Steve and Aaron Charbonneau 
arrived and noted another two birds fly in from the northwest and land on the 
main pathway.

Photos of some of the cooperative birds are posted on my blog: 

Directions: from Hwy 401 take exit 90 and go south on Hwy 40 to Blenheim. At 
the main intersection of Blenheim (Talbot St,) turn right (west), go through 
the town and beyond on Talbot Trail for about two kilometres, to Lagoon Road. 
Turn right and after about one kilometre, you should see the lagoons on the 
right. A permit, from the town of Blenheim office on Talbot St, is required for 
entry to the lagoons.

Good birding!

Allen Woodliffe

Chatham, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Cattle egrets Blenheim sewage lagoons

2016-10-25 Thread RIC MCARTHUR
There are currently 4 cattle egrets in pond #5, the bubbler pond, at the
Blenheim sewage lagoons on Lagoon Rd.

Exit 401 at the Blenheim exit, Hwy 40- Communication Rd. south to Blenheim,
turn right at traffic light at Talbot Trail.  Turn right onto Lagoon Rd.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Sandhill cranes

2016-10-25 Thread Geoff Carpentier
It's pretty cold today but the north winds have some birds on the move. A
few loons, 4 cackling geese and just now 7 sandhill cranes went over the
house. Closest intersection Lakeridge and Reach in Scugog closest
intersection Lakeridge and reach-in Scugog Township.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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