Presqu’ile Bird Report for 17-23 Jan 2020

By Doug McRae


There was very little coverage this week so not much to report.  A cold wave 
and snowstorm on 18 Jan covered the ground and froze much of Presqu’ile Bay, 
however by weeks’ end it had opened again to the Government Dock.

Waterfowl were largely absent from Presqu’ile Bay for much of the week but some 
birds returned on 23 Jan as water opened up.  MUTE SWANS appeared in their 
largest numbers of winter with 45 on 23 Jan, but still far below the expected 
numbers.  CANADA GEESE are seen regularly as they travel to cornfields for food 
with a high count of 375 on 19 Jan.  On 23 Jan there were two CANVASBACK with 
60 REDHEAD, 310 GREATER SCAUP and one LESSER SCAUP, likely the same bird seen 
on the waterfowl census on 12 Jan.  COMMON GOLDENEYE numbers also picked up 
with 160 on 23 Jan.  Small numbers of WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS were seen through 
the week with a high of six on 19 Jan.

With ice reformed in Presqu’ile Bay, BALD EAGLE sightings picked up with birds 
seen on most days.  A COOPER’S HAWK on 20 Jan was the only other raptor report. 
 The DUNLIN that has been frequenting Owen Pt. since 15 Dec was seen again on 
18 Jan just as the snowstorm hit.  When the area was next checked on 22 Jan the 
shoreline where it had been feeding was fully frozen but some exposed shore was 
still visible on the gravel bar between Gull Is. and Owen Pt. so its possible 
it may still be somewhere around the islands.  Among the 400 HERRING GULLS 
standing on the ice of Presqu’ile Bay on 23 Jan were three GLAUCOUS GULLS, one 

A GREAT HORNED OWL was seen at dusk near the Park Store on 17 Jan and a few 
SNOWY OWLS continue to frequent Presqu’ile Bay and the islands.  A MERLIN was 
at the Calf Pasture on 23 Jan.  The snow cover has brought more birds into 
feeders. On the day of the storm – 18 Jan - there were 33 AMERICAN TREE 
SPARROWS at one feeder.  A WHITE-THROATED SPARROW appeared at one feeder that 
day as well.  The infrequently seen SONG SPARROW was noted again at the 
Birdhouse Nature Store 22 Jan.  Fifteen NORTHERN CARDINALS were at one Bayshore 
Rd. feeder on 18 Jan.  Finally one RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD on 19 Jan and a single 
COMMON GRACKLE on 17 Jan were at the Birdhouse Nature Store feeders, just 
outside the gate.

Important Note: At the present time the channel between Owen Pt. and Gull Is. 
is partially frozen and appears very treacherous to attempt crossing (still 
requires chest waders).  I would strongly advise against attempting any 
crossings until the water either opens up again, or freezes completely.

Directions: Presqu’ile Provincial Park is located on the north shore of Lake 
Ontario, just south of the town of Brighton.  It can be reached from either 
Hwy. 401, or Cty. Rd. 2 and is well signed.  A Park map can be found in the 
information tabloid available at the Park gate.  Presqu’ile’s two offshore 
islands – Gull and High Bluff – support a large multi-species colonial bird 
nesting area and access is not permitted during the breeding season (10 
March-10 September).




Doug McRae
P.O. Box 3010
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0
613-475-5014 H
613-243-4161 C

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