[ONTBIRDS]Adult Ross' Gull off Thickson's Woods

2021-10-29 Thread Glenn Coady
Ontbirds subscribers,

I came home from work a couple of hours early hoping to hop aboard the 
Razorbill bandwagon (no luck yet) but at 4:58 as the winds were moderating, I 
did spot an adult Ross's Gull fly past east to west. It went past at binocular 
distance and I got it in the scope and followed it as it continued west before 
eventually losing it at the horizon somewhere well off Thickson's Point to the 
southwest. Observers further west in Durham should scan the lake until dark.

I will update if I see it again.

Been almost 26 years since I last found one in Ontario.

Glenn Coady
Whitby, ON
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Ontbirds is reserved for sightings of provincially rare birds. To post a 
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Ontario birders should be taking extra 
precautions and following local, provincial, and federal regulations regarding 
physical distancing and non-essential travel.

To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or Facebook page 
at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.

[ONTBIRDS]More Alcids

2021-10-29 Thread Gerard Phillips via ONTBIRDS
At Approximately 2pm two Alcids were seen flying together  west from Howe 
Island, conceivably heading towards Lake Ontario. Hunch was they were 
Razorbills, but the views were too brief and distant. 

Good Birding,
Gerard Phillips and Stew Hamill. 

Ontbirds and Birdnews are moderated email Listservs provided by the Ontario 
Field Ornithologists (OFO) as a service to all birders in Ontario.

Ontbirds is reserved for sightings of provincially rare birds. To post a 
message on Ontbirds, send an email to: birdalert@ontbirds.ca. If you have any 
questions or concerns, contact the Ontbirds Moderators by email at 
birdal...@ofo.ca. Please review posting rules and guidelines at 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Ontario birders should be taking extra 
precautions and following local, provincial, and federal regulations regarding 
physical distancing and non-essential travel.

To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or Facebook page 
at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.

[ONTBIRDS]Alcid Van wagners beach hanilton

2021-10-29 Thread Cheryl Edgecombe
A likely razorbill just few by not too far out from us at Lakeland going west 
toward Burlington. 

Sent from my iPhone
Ontbirds and Birdnews are moderated email Listservs provided by the Ontario 
Field Ornithologists (OFO) as a service to all birders in Ontario.

Ontbirds is reserved for sightings of provincially rare birds. To post a 
message on Ontbirds, send an email to: birdalert@ontbirds.ca. If you have any 
questions or concerns, contact the Ontbirds Moderators by email at 
birdal...@ofo.ca. Please review posting rules and guidelines at 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Ontario birders should be taking extra 
precautions and following local, provincial, and federal regulations regarding 
physical distancing and non-essential travel.

To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or Facebook page 
at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.