[ONTBIRDS]Barnacle Goose near Peterborough

2024-04-19 Thread OFO Birds
Jake Nafziger just found a Barnacle Goose (April 19 at 3:40 pm) southeast
of Peterborough on the west side of Blezard Line, south of Elmhirst Rd
(here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/sqj8XUBVtA4hphtn9)

Good luck!
Ontbirds and Birdnews are moderated email Listservs provided by the Ontario 
Field Ornithologists (OFO) as a service to all birders in Ontario.

Ontbirds is reserved for sightings of provincially rare birds. To post a 
message on Ontbirds, send an email to: birdalert@ontbirds.ca. If you have any 
questions or concerns, contact the Ontbirds Moderators by email at 
birdal...@ofo.ca. Please review posting rules and guidelines at 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Ontario birders should be taking extra 
precautions and following local, provincial, and federal regulations regarding 
physical distancing and non-essential travel.

To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or Facebook page 
at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.

[ONTBIRDS]Western Tanager - London (Middlesex

2024-04-19 Thread OFO Birds
Jennifer S found a male Western Tanager yesterday (April 18) in London at
Greenway Park. The bird has been refound this morning (April 19) by Bill
Lindley at the beginning of the Greenway Plant on the river walk.

eBird hotspot: https://birdinghotspots.org/hotspot/L2594791

Good luck
Ontbirds and Birdnews are moderated email Listservs provided by the Ontario 
Field Ornithologists (OFO) as a service to all birders in Ontario.

Ontbirds is reserved for sightings of provincially rare birds. To post a 
message on Ontbirds, send an email to: birdalert@ontbirds.ca. If you have any 
questions or concerns, contact the Ontbirds Moderators by email at 
birdal...@ofo.ca. Please review posting rules and guidelines at 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Ontario birders should be taking extra 
precautions and following local, provincial, and federal regulations regarding 
physical distancing and non-essential travel.

To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or Facebook page 
at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.