[Ontbirds] Red Crossbills on the move....Haliburton, ON

2017-08-14 Thread Ed and Barb via ONTBIRDS


I've noticed a significant movement of Red Crossbills in the Haliburton
region in the last several days.  The cone crop is heavy this year and the
finches appear to be responding early.  I've heard small ReCr flocks daily,
going over the house, and yesterday I had a feeding flock of at least 12
birds at the Dahl Forest.  Just a heads up..might be a good finch year.


Haliburton is located near the southern tip of the Algonquin Park panhandle,
along Hwy 118.




Ed Poropat

Haliburton, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Minden CBC results

2017-12-20 Thread Ed and Barb via ONTBIRDS
Greetings all,


The 51st Minden CBC was held on Dec. 16th, under mostly clear and sunny
skies.  There were very cold temperatures recorded immediately prior to the
count, causing many of the lakes to freeze.  Open water was scarce, reducing
waterfowl numbers.  Food was plentiful in the woods, however, resulting in
minimal activity at bird feeders.  The temperatures ranged from -9C to -13C,
and we had somewhere between 6-8 inches of snow on the ground. Although data
is still trickling in, a total of 44 species were recorded by 27 field
observers, about average in diversity.  2 more species were added during
count week.  About 4000 individuals were observed.  Here are a few
highlights of the day:


Trumpeter Swan - 12 (count high)

Bald Eagle - 12 (count high)

Golden Eagle (1 CW)

Common Loon - 3

Sharp-shinned Hawk - 2 (ties count high)

Cooper's Hawk - 1 (ties count high)

Rough-legged Hawk - 1

Northern Shrike - (1 CW)

American Robin - 3 (count high)

Dark-eyed Junco - 275 (count high)

Northern Cardinal - 4

Common Grackle - 1 (ties count high)


Notable Misses:

Gray Jay - continuing to decline in the area, observed 47/51...2 misses in
the last 5 years

House Sparrow - observed in 49/51, only one known, reliable location left in
the count circle

Gulls - cleared out with the cold mid-week temps


Winter Finches:

-present but in relatively low numbers

Purple Finch - 21

Red Crossbill - 16

White-winged Crossbill - 4

Common Redpoll - 4

Pine Siskin - 130

American Goldfinch - 430

Evening Grosbeak - 1

Pine grosbeak - 0

Waxwings - 0


Thanks to all the participants for another great count.




Ed Poropat

Haliburton, ON


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Black-bellied and Semi Plovers, Semi Sandpiper, Haliburton Co.

2018-05-25 Thread Ed and Barb via ONTBIRDS
Hey everyone,


Let me preface this message by saying that observing most any shorebird
other than a Snipe, Woodcock, Solitary, or Spottie is considered a "fallout"
here.  Haha!


Today, ahead of threatening thunderstorms this afternoon, I checked a few
locations for shorebirds and was not disappointed.  At Pine Lake in West
Guilford (W of village of Haliburton), Brian Pfrimmer and I observed 2
Black-bellied Plovers, 9 Semipalmated Plovers, and 2 Semipalmated Sandpipers
that had landed on a sandy spit near the north end of the lake.  Looking at
eBird records, the BBPL and SESA might be first records for the county.
SEPL has only been recorded a few times.  Although expected birds south of
here, they are all good finds around here.


Good birding,


Ed Poropat

Haliburton, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 
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[Ontbirds] Mockingbird and Dunlin, in Carnarvon, ON

2018-10-18 Thread Ed and Barb via ONTBIRDS


Brian Pfrimmer and I just had a Dunlin and a Northern Mockingbird in view at
the same time.  Both are excellent birds up this way.  There is also a late
Savannah Sparrow in the area.  I reported the Mockingbird last week on eBird
and figured it was moving through but I was surprised today when it popped
back out on the beach with the Dunlin.  There are a lot of Winterberries in
the area so it might hang around for a little while longer.  Patience is
required to see it as it frequently zips in and out of the shrubs.  All the
above birds were at the Boshkung Narrows.


Carnarvon is on Hwy 35, north of Minden.  At the intersection of Hwys 35 and
118, turn west and travel a few kilometers to the bridge (under
construction).  There is a parking lot and boat launch on the south side of
the road immediately west of the bridge.  The Dunlin and Mockingbird were
visible on the beach E of the launch.  The Savannah Sparrow was in the
grasses immediately W of the boat launch.




Ed Poropat

Haliburton, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
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[Ontbirds] Minden CBC results....

2018-12-16 Thread Ed and Barb via ONTBIRDS
Hello birders,


The 52nd Minden CBC was held yesterday in lovely, warm conditions. 25 field
participants found a total of 44 species.  Cone crops were generally poor.
Although data is still trickling in from feeder watchers, highlights


Long-eared Owl - 1 (new to count)

Golden Eagle - 1 (4th record)

Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 (2nd record)

Ring-necked Duck - 1 (5th record)

Red-necked Grebe - 1 (5th record)


Count Highs:

Barred Owl - 4 (so far)


Notable Low Counts:

Bald Eagle - 1 (14 in 2017)

Dark-eyed Junco - 6 (345 last year!)

Snow Bunting - 1

American Goldfinch - 3


Notable Misses:

Canada Jay - sadly, not recorded in the last 2 counts.

Golden-crowned Kinglet  - cleared out in the fall

Bohemian Waxwing - they're here but were missed

Northern Cardinal (might still show up on a feeder watchers list)

Purple Finch - not really a surprise.many cleared out in the fall, as


The finch story was interesting.  Many still seem to be moving through.
Small finches were generally scarce.  It was nice to see some decent numbers
of grosbeaks, both Pine and Evening.  


Pine Grosbeak - 31

Evening Grosbeak - 301

Pine Siskin - missed by field teams but recorded by a feeder watcher.no
number yet

American Goldfinch - 3

Common Redpoll - 21

Red Crossbill - 1


Thanks so much to all the participants.  Good luck to everyone with their
upcoming counts.




Ed Poropat


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 
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[Ontbirds] 53rd Minden CBC results....

2019-12-15 Thread Ed and Barb via ONTBIRDS
Greetings everyone,


A downright nasty day in the Haliburton Highlands for our 53rd annual Minden
CBC yesterday.  There was a steady rain from dawn until about noon, when the
precipitation switched over to a heavy, wet snow making driving treacherous.
Birds were understandably scarce and quiet due to the inclement weather,
making counting a challenge.


Despite this, 22 field observers managed to tally 40 species (plus 1 count
week bird) and 1699 individuals.  This does not include any feeder watcher
reports, as those results are still trickling in.  





Varied Thrush - first for the count, and not the long-staying Bark Lake
individual!  Remarkably, a 2nd male bird present in the county near Miner's
Bay since Nov. 30th.  It is on private property, down a steep private road,
and not accessible for viewing.


Rose-breasted Grosbeak - first for the count.  An injured male visiting
feeders near Minden.


Hermit Thrush - 3rd record.  A single bird found near the Fred and Pearl
Barry Wetland Reserve


Trumpeter Swan - 4th record.  4 birds present at Moore Falls.


Cooper's Hawk - 8th record.  Single bird hunting in Minden townsite.


American Robin - still a few birds hanging in around Kinmount.  9th record.
Lots of Ilex and other berries/fruits to feed on.


Canada Jay - a single bird found along the Buller Rd. E of Miner's Bay.
This declining species has not been recorded on the last 2 counts, so it was
nice to still have it present.



Notable misses:


Purple Finch - they're here, but weren't moving or calling much yesterday.



Winter Finches and Waxwings:


American Goldfinch - only 26 recorded.  They were very quiet yesterday.

Grosbeaks  - zero

Crossbills  - zero

Redpolls - zero

Pine Siskin - zero

Waxwings - zero



Other notes:


Waterfowl generally scarce.

No gulls.



Huge thanks to all the participants that braved the brutal weather
throughout the day.




Ed Poropat




ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
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[Ontbirds] Varied Thrush continuing, Irondale

2020-01-02 Thread Ed and Barb via ONTBIRDS
Happy New Year!


The Varied Thrush is continuing to show at the Bark Lake Leadership and
Conference Centre near Irondale.  It was present from about 10:30-11:00,
when I left.  There are also Red Crossbills, Purple Finches, and Pine
Siskins roaming around the area.


The Bark Lake Rd. is situated off Hwy 503 (between Irondale and Gooderham).
Drive the road N about 5 km until you see the admin office on your right.
The bird is coming to the feeders in front of the building.




Ed Poropat 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[ONTBIRDS] Variegated Flycatcher location

2020-11-16 Thread Ed and Barb via ONTBIRDS
Hey everyone,


For those using OntBirds for info, I thought I would include directions to
this bird, as I have not seen them posted yet.  As Ken Burrell stated this
morning, the flycatcher is at approximately 43.951619, -78.954734.  It seems
to favour the slope on the east side of the trail.  Some patience is
required as the bird seems to disappear for short periods of time before
showing itself again.  It seems alert and was feeding while observed this


The bird is near Luther Vipond Brooklin Memorial Arena in the town of
Brooklin, ON.  The arena is just east of Hwy 12 on Winchester Rd. E.  You
can park at the arena.  There is a paved trail SW of the arena that crosses
a small bridge, then winds south toward where the bird is.


Good luck!


Ed Poropat


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