[Ontbirds] Blue Grosbeak, Fullarton April 20

2014-04-20 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi Birders,

A first-alternate male Blue Grosbeak has been coming to the feeders of Rita and 
Ron Christie at 6494 Line 19, Fullarton since April 18th, first found by the 
home owner Rita Christie. We viewed the bird 3 times between 11 and 12 today.

He's pretty skittish, so patience is definitely required. The landowners are 
asking people park on the road and WALK in to the house. Please be respectful 
and courteous. 

Viewing from a distance will definitely increase the likelihood of it coming to 
feeders as it seemed quite skittish.

Directions: from Mitchell, head south on Blanchard Street (County Road 23) and 
then turn right (west) onto County Road 20 at the town of Russeldale. Take the 
second right onto Road 168 and then a quick left onto 19 Line and the house is 
on your right. Please park on the road and walk down the laneway. The bird 
landed in the crab apple tree beside the house a couple of times before 
visiting the green feeder closest to the house.

Josh and Mike will both post some photos on their blogs later tonight.

Good birding,
Barb Charlton, Josh Vandermeulen, Erica Barkley, and Mike and Ken Burrell
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Eared Grebe Point Pelee tip

2014-04-30 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
An adult full alternate 50m offshore.

Also Red-throated Loon and Sanderling off the tip.

2 Hooded Warblers; Sparrow Field and Halw Way stop on road

Ken Burrell
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Willets, Hillman Marsh

2014-04-30 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
4 Willets and a single Marbled Godwit @ the Hillman Marsh shorebird cell now.

Barb Charlton and Ken Burrell
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Neotropic Cormorant Pelee tip

2014-05-13 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Brandon Holden just picked out a first year Neotropic Cormorant fly by the 
Pelee tip heading NE. Good photos.

Ken Burrell
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Dickcissel Pelee tip

2014-05-13 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Male Dickcissel flew off. Possible female with it.

Brandon and Ken
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Lazuli Bunting flyover Pelee tip

2014-05-13 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Brandon and I had a female bunting which shows all the characteristics of a 
female Lazuli Bunting.

The bird flew off the south tip at 9:28. It had a higher pitched flight call, 
which prompted our attention. Brandon was able to get good flight shot photos, 
which all show 2 obvious wing bars and lack of streaking on the face and 
underside among other features pointing to LABU.

Posting in hopes it will be refound.

Ken Burrell
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Eared Grebe, Franklin's and Laughing Gulls at Wheatley Harbour

2014-05-14 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Posting for Brandon Holden.

Adult alternate Eared Grebe on the lake; 2nd-year Franklin's and adult
alternate Laughing (same bird as yesterday) standing on the beach at
Wheatley Harbour. The Franklin's has since taken flight, but could still be
in the area (check Hillman's or surrounding fields).

Good birding,
Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Summer Tanagers, Waterloo - May 15 and 16

2014-05-17 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
With 2 previous records in Waterloo Region (December 1991 and 2011), I
thought the recent sightings of 2 separate Summer Tanagers in Waterloo
within about a 1km of each other was worthy of posting. The following
details per sightings are listed below.

Young male found by Michael Emmons and Corrine O'Neill on May 15 at
Waterloo Park (specifically at the corner of Westmount and University):

Female found by Debbie Leung on May 16 at Columbia Lake (specifically about
halfway along the trail to Laurel Creek Reservoir):

Good Birding,
Ken Burrell
Kitchener, ON
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Whimbrel migration, Long Point May 25th

2014-05-25 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi Birders,

Mike and I toured the Long Point area this morning, coming up with a number
of great sightings among 138 species.

Whimbrel 865 - we watched from the end of Hasting's Drive this morning for
about 40 minutes. Flocks flew by, all heading west.

Red Knot 6 - a mixed-species flock flew by us at Hasting's Drive at 7:15.

Red-throated Loon 7 - all flew by Hasting's Drive in the am

Acadian Flycatcher 1 bird at Old Cut

Hybrid warbler sp. 1 bird was banded at Old Cut that Mike and I were
fortunate enough to see. Initially we thought Chestnut-sided X Magnolia,
but I must confess there looks like some Cerulean in it; however, some
feathers were taken to get a DNA sample. There is a pic of the bird on
LPBO's facebook page. If people are interested I can send them a pic of the

Least Bittern 1 calling from Big Creek NWR

Wilson's Phalarope and White-rumped Sandpiper 1 of each at the Townsend
sewage lagoon.

Good Birding,
Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Lark Bunting, Amherst Island

2014-06-26 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
I haven't seen any reports from today, however, the young male Lark Bunting
was showing well at 11:20 am today. The bird was singing frequently from
the guy wires of the radio tower, on Art McGinn Road (address marker #550).

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 

Re: [Ontbirds] 12 Great Egrets roosting at Minesing Swamp near Angus.

2014-08-22 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
 There's 19 egrets at the mosaic ponds south if Dunnville, including 1 with a green tag.Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Long Point area - January 15th

2017-01-15 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Mike and I toured the Long Point area this morning and had some great stuff
(64 species).  Started out at Port Rowan with the Greater White-fronted
Goose from the overlook first thing (

Then headed to Old Cut, where we met up with the long-staying Tufted
Titmouse, Gray Catbird, Hermit Thrush, and Yellow-rumped Warbler (
http://ebird.org/ebird/canada/view/checklist/S33686769).  At the end of
Rogers Avenue, we had one of the Trumpeter Swans in the area, sleeping on
the ice (http://ebird.org/ebird/canada/view/checklist/S33686786).

Leaving Old Cut, we had an imm. Red-shouldered Hawk and a Ruby-crowned
Kinglet at the Crown Marsh Trail (

At Port Royal, we had (presumably) the same Greater White-fronted Goose
flyover in a flock, as well as another Gray Catbird (
http://ebird.org/ebird/canada/view/checklist/S33686813).  Heading east
along Lakeshore, just west of Turkey Point we had the long-staying imm.
dark-morph *Calurus *Red-tailed Hawk and a Fox Sparrow (
http://ebird.org/ebird/canada/view/checklist/S33686861). At Turkey Point
marina we had a female-type Surf Scoter (rare in Norfolk) and Ruddy Duck (


Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] OBRC AGM April 2, 2017

2017-03-01 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Dear Ontbirds subscribers and OFO members,

This message has been approved by the Ontbirds moderator. The Ontario Bird
Records Committee (OBRC) is holding its Annual General Meeting Sunday April
2nd. The OBRC meets in-person once per year at the AGM, where items up for
discussion include the review and final voting on records submitted by OFO
members and the Ontario birding community, a review of the review lists
previously identified by past committees (http://ofo.ca/site/Obrc), and the
election of new OBRC members.

The OBRC looks to the Ontario birding community for comments, suggestions,
and critique. The OBRC will be nominating 2 new members to 3 year terms,
commencing this year. The OBRC at this time would welcome nominations from
OFO members for people to serve on the OBRC. Nominees should be OFO members
in good standing, be actively engaged in the Ontario birding community, and
positively support the OBRC through various means (e.g., submitting rare
bird reports, provide information/documentation to the OBRC, etc.).

Additionally, the OBRC would welcome any nominations for
additions/deletions to the current OBRC review lists (for all zones and
subspecies). The OBRC would welcome a list of records of species/subspecies
that are suggested over the past 5 year period as a way for the OBRC to
accurately identify species/subspecies to be removed or added to the review

Nominations for OBRC members and additions/deletions to the review list are
required by March 26, 2016. All communication should be directed to

Kind regards,

Ken Burrell
OBRC Chair
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] OBRC election

2017-04-02 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi Blake,

I'm pleased to inform you that you have been elected to a 3 year term on
the OBRC, pending your acceptance of this position.

Given that you have served a previous term on the OBRC, I expect you know
the requirements/workload. All voting is conducted online (with the
exception of 3rd round votes), and an in-person AGM at the ROM. Members
also provide help with writing letters for records that were not accepted
at the end of the year.

Please let me know if you accept this position (or not!) and I look forward
to being on the board with you!

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Please disregard OBRC Election email

2017-04-02 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
My sincere apologies.

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] OBRC update

2017-04-17 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Dear Ontbirds subscribers,

The annual meeting of the Ontario Bird Records Committee (OBRC) was held on
2 April 2017. At this meeting, the following changes were made (effective 1
January 2017):

1. Grace’s Warbler and Common Ringed Plover have been added to the Ontario
list, bringing the total to 496. Both species are new to the South Review
Zone and thus added to the South Review List.

2. Western Sandpiper and Western Kingbird have been added to the South
Review List, effective 1 January 2017

3. Townsend’s Solitaire, Glossy Ibis (and *Plegadis* Ibis), and Kirtland’s
Warbler have been removed from the South Review List, effective 1 January

4. Lesser Black-backed Gull is removed from the Central Review List,
effective 1 January 2017

This year’s OBRC meeting minutes will be available shortly on the OFO
website, as well as the updated Operating Guidelines, here:

Past annual reports are available online at

At this meeting the 3 year terms as voting OBRC members for Bill Crins,
Ross Wood ended, as well as Don Sutherland’s interim 1 year. The OBRC has
elected Don Sutherland, Bill Lamond, and Blake Mann to 3 year terms, going
forward. The committee would like to thank all OFO members who took the
time to submit nominations. Josh Vandermeulen was elected to the
chairperson role. The remaining voting members are Tim Lucas, Paul Pratt,
and myself. Mark Peck will continue as the non-voting Royal Ontario Museum
Liaison. On behalf of the rest of the committee, I would like to thank Bill
Crins and Ross Wood for their excellent service on the OBRC. Mike Burrell
will continue as Secretary, alongside Barb Charlton as non-voting Assistant
to the Secretary.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind the Ontario birding
community to submit your documentation of birds on the OBRC Review Lists as
soon as possible – this facilitates timely voting by the committee and
helps ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. It also helps ensure
your memory is fresh when writing the reports. Please don't assume others
have documented a bird - the more reports we have on file, the more
complete the record will be now and in the future. An online form is
available at http://ofo.ca/site/Obrcreport but the OBRC accepts submissions
in any form (send them to the OBRC secretary (obrcsecret...@gmail.com).
Guidelines for submitting reports is available at

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me or any of the
other OBRC members. Enjoy the spring birding season!

Ken Burrell
2016 OBRC Chair
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Pelee - Henslow's, Chat, Prairie, Summer Tanager, Eared Grebe

2017-04-29 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
This morning has been excellent for rarities, however, numbers are not too high.

‎Henslow's Sparrow 1 at the Serenghetti tree at PPNP
Yello‎w-breasted Chat 1 at the road and the seasonal trail that runs from the 
Serenghetti tree to the main (PPNP)
Summer Tanager 1 first-alternate male at 1509 Mersea Rd E
Prairie Warbler 1 female with the Summer Tanager
Eared Grebe 1 at the very tip

Good birding, 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] White-rumped Sandpiper Comber Cannery ponds

2017-04-30 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
There's a fresh White-rumped Sandpiper among a nice selection of shorebirds and 
ducks at the Comber Cannery ponds.

To reach the cannery ponds, go north on road 77/35 three concessions from the 
401. They are on your right - can't miss them.

The wrsa was in smaller pond adjacent to 77/35.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Swainson's Hawk Wheatley

2017-05-03 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
We just had an adult light morph Swainson's Hawk fly over, not too high up, 
heading E-W right along shore. Bird was in a mixed group of Red-tails and 
Broad-wings and Vultures.

Location is immediately adjacent to Wheatley PP (east side).

Pelee VC would be a good spot to check in 20 minutes.


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Pacific Loon, PPNP

2017-05-11 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
An adult alternate Pacific Loon, just flew over the tip, headed NW.

We also had a ‎Dickcissel flyover earlier (possibly 2 birds).

Ken and Mike ‎

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Mississippi Kite pardoville

2017-05-19 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Just had a subadult Mississippi Kite over Hwy 3 at pardoville heading west. ‎

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Kirtland's Warbler Southampton

2017-05-28 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Posting for Brett and Eily Woodman. 

A singing male Kirtland's was found this am by Michael Carlson and refound at 

Location is in Southampton along the Rail trail just in from Hwy 21.
Rail trail is across Hwy 21 from the Stop 21 Motel north. Bird was in Scots 
pine regrowth.

All the details I have.


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Western Meadowlark - Sault Ste. Marie Airport July 19

2017-07-19 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi birders,

Nathan Miller and I found a Western Meadowlark at the Sault Ste Marie
airport a few minutes ago. It is singing in the grass fields, directly west
of the main terminal building. It seems to be favouring sitting on the
navigation signs "B/F" and "E-22-01", but is not too far to view.

Directions: follow signs from the city centre for the airport. Once at the
airport, check the fields to the west of the main terminal building -
you'll have to peer through the chain-link fence, but the bird is not too
far away (200m?).


Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

Re: [Ontbirds] Western Meadowlark - Sault Ste. Marie Airport July 19

2017-07-19 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
‎Just following back here. I mixed the sign up that it's favouring perching and 
singing from.

It is the 'B-F' and 'F-04-22' navigation signs, by the windsock. We are 
watching it from the security seating area before our flight takes off.

Ken Burrell

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Wood Stork, PPNP

2017-08-12 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
The Wood Stork continues in the same location, per previous posts, on the west 
beach, south of the solar panel display. 

Lill and Ken‎

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
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[Ontbirds] Yellow-crowned Night-Heron St. Jacobs Sept. 4

2017-09-04 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
The juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-Heron is still present along the Conestogo 
River, in St. Jacobs as of writing. 

The bird has moved slightly from the location previously reported (i.e. 
yesterday), being about 100m east from the railway bridge. Specifically, it is 
in the first Manitoba Maple adjacent to the 40m grass gap, along the river. 
Good birding. 
Fraser Gibson, Jim, Carol, and Ken‎ Burrell 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Rock Wren - Cyprus Lake

2017-10-08 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi all,

Just wanted to give some more info. on the Rock Wren.

We found it at 1030 while walking north/west along shore from the Grotto.
This location is at the very end of the Marr Lake Trail, where it hits
Georgian Bay.

The bird was very tame, poking into the rocks constantly for the entire
time we watched it (until 1120).

We were able to get some record shots that I'll post into my ebird
checklist later.

The walk from the parking lot is about a 20 minute walk and is relatively
easy terrain.

Best of luck for those searching.

Lillian Knopf and Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Mountain Bluebird, Waterloo present

2017-11-25 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi folks,

The female Mountain Bluebird is still present at Snyder's Flats, in the
same location as previously reported.

Directions (Brendan O'Sullivan):

Exit 282
North on Hespeler Rd
2nd exit of roundabout to stay on Hespeler
Left onto Maple Grove
Right onto Beaver Dale
Left onto Kossuth
Right onto Shantz Station
Left onto St Charles
Right onto Sawmill
Left onto Snyder Flats

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Yellow-throated Warbler, Elmira Nov. 27

2017-11-27 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi Birders,

Nathan Miller and I refound the Yellow-throated Warbler previously found
northwest of Elmira on Nov. 11 by Darlene Lamarre. This bird had been
looked for after Darlene's initial sighting, without success; however,
today Darlene, again refound the bird (this morning) in the initial
location she had found it on the 11th. No doubt the bird has been present
the entire time.

Nathan and I went to the same location at 12:30 and found it shortly after
arriving. The bird appears to be moving with a large mixed flock of birds
(DEJU, BCCH, GCKIs, etc.) and we found it moving loosely with this group of
birds. The bird appeared quite active, chipping a fair bit, and was mostly
low to the ground, catching insects.

Directions: (my eBird checklist is pinned to the exact location we saw the
bird from: http://ebird.org/ebird/canada/view/checklist/S40771394)
>From Kitchener-Waterloo, head north on Hwy. 85 towards St. Jacobs/Elmira.
At the roundabout at the north end of St. Jacobs, take the 2nd exit and
stay on Hwy. 85/Arthur St. towards Elmira. Driving into Elmira turn left on
Hwy. 85/Listowel Road (the first street lights). After ~2km turn right onto
Floradale Road. Take Floradale Road past Hwy. 86. The parking lot will be
on your right (east) about 1.4km north of Hwy. 86. The bird was in the
nearest woodlot along the rail-trail to the east of the parking lot, ~200m
down the path.

Good birding,

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Linwood CBC - December 29th

2017-12-30 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi everyone,

The 12th annual Linwood CBC was held yesterday, December 29th. Weather was
cold (ranging from -20 to -10), with calm conditions, and off/on snow in
the morning, before completely clearing in the afternoon.

A total of 33 participants gave the count slightly above average coverage,
and likely reflects the day’s total of 54 species (average is 51.5
species). Total number of individuals was slightly below average, with
11,759 individuals recorded (average is 12,558).

Two new species were recorded, bringing the cumulative species list to 93:

Wood Duck – 1 female along the Conestoga River at Wellington County Road 12

Carolina Wren – 1 bird in Glen Allan

Several unusual species were present: 1 Northern Flicker (2nd record), 1
Lapland Longspur (4th record)

The Linwood count circle is known for its high raptor numbers:

Bald Eagle - 7

Sharp-shinned Hawk – 2 (ave. 3)

Cooper's Hawk – 11 (HC, ave. 5)

Red-tailed Hawk - 112 (ave. 85)

Rough-legged Hawk - 100 (ave. 95)

Eastern Screech-Owl – 25 (ave. 11)

Great Horned Owl - 4

Snowy Owl - 35 (HC)

Short-eared Owl – 2 (HC, 3rd record)

American Kestrel – 3 (low)

High counts: Mallard – 993 (previous high: 829), Cooper’s Hawk – 11 (8),
Snowy Owl – 35 (25), Red-bellied Woodpecker – 24 (18), Golden-crowned
Kinglet – 44 (35), Song Sparrow – 6 (3), Dark-eyed Junco – 406 (328).

Low counts: Canada Goose – 43 (previous low: 59)

Notable misses: Northern Harrier (not too surprising given the preceding
cold weather), Merlin, and Cedar Waxwing

Many thanks to all the participants and especially to my parents for
hosting the wrap-up dinner.

Link to the map showing the count circle:


Linwood is located northwest of Waterloo. If you have any questions, please
email me privately.

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
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[Ontbirds] Greater White-fronted Goose, Pelham

2018-01-23 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
My colleague Andrew Dean and I just had a Greater White-fronted Goose
flyover with 2 Canada Geese headed northeast pretty fast. No doubt migrants
associated with the warm front we are experiencing.

Location is at the corner of Boyle Road and Vaughan Rd, though you may be
better off checking Port Dalhousie.

Had a Common Raven nearby earlier too.

Good birding,
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Migrants at Long Point - April 13th

2018-04-14 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Given today's bleak weather I thought this post may be timely...yesterday I
had some work close to Long Point in the morning and then afterwards I
quickly motored over to Long Point, checking out the causeway and the new
Long Point Provincial Park in particular.

A lot of migrants came in Friday, in particular sparrows, with several
highlights being the following:

- male 'Pink-sided' Dark-eyed Junco with a large flock of Slate-colored's
at 70 Beach Blvd. (essentially south of Old Cut). No photos; slam-dunk male.
- male 'Cassiar' Dark-eyed Junco with a flock of Slate-colored's in the
provincial park

6 Yellow-rumped Warblers
1 Pine Warbler
6 Ruby-crowned Kinglets
23 E. Phoebe's

Multiples of Chipping, Field, Savannah, Vesper, and Fox Sparrows and
Eastern Towhees, Hermit Thrush, and good numbers of swallows,
including:5-10 Purple Martins and Barn Swallows.

Inner Bay was absolutely jammed with Horned Grebe's. In one scan I counted
120+ (no Eared's though). Quite a number of Forster's Terns.

To see some pics, click on my eBird checklist:

Great birding!

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 
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[Ontbirds] Bell's Vireo, Lighthouse Point (Pelee Island) - May 10

2018-05-10 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Posting for Nathan Miller.

Photographed now along Lighthouse point, on Pelee Island.

The bird is along the main trail about 75m north of the parking lot.

Lighthouse Point is located on the north east corner of Pelee Island.

Good birding,
Ken Burrell (for Nathan Miller)
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] More info. on Great Kiskadee at Rondeau -- this am Sept. 7

2018-09-07 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Just to provide a bit more info. on the Great Kiskadee.

The bird was photographed this morning at 10:53 am on the Marsh Trail,
about 100m south of the starting location, exact coordinates are as
follows: 42.310965, -81.853256

I understand a few people are looking now, but have not refound it yet.

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Great Kiskadee Rondeau YES

2018-09-07 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Just got an update from Josh Pickering and Steve Charbonneau.

The bird has just been found in the same area, about 75m south of the
parking lot, by the 3rd house down, exact coordinates: 42.313626, -81.852035

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Sabine's Gull and Jaegers, Van Wagner's October 1st

2018-10-01 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi everyone,

With good wind conditions (visibility was poor, however) I stopped briefly
on my way home from a site visit at the Lakeland Centre/Van Wagner's this
afternoon and had a juv. Sabine's Gull, as well as several Jaegers (3
Parasitic's and an unidentified Jaeger) over the course of an hour, or so.

More details on my eBird checklist, here:

Directions: take the QEW to Woodward Ave., turning right onto Woodward Ave.
towards Eastport Ave., before turning right onto Van Wagner's Beach Road.
The Lakeland Centre is a few hundred metres, and will be on your left
(north). Exact location is here: 43.262072, -79.768415

Ken Burrell
The *Best Places to Bird in Ontario* - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Pacific Loon, finches north of Grand Bend - Nov. 1st

2018-11-01 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi Birders,

I checked out a site north of Grand Bend this morning that Brandon Holden
and I have been checking somewhat regularly this past fall and had a great

Highlights as follows:
Pacific Loon - 1 pre-basic adult flyby, heading south not too far offshore
at 0844.
Evening Grosbeaks - 53 - scattered flocks heading south (1, 19, 29, 1, 2, 1)

Other interesting birds:
Red-throated Loon - at least 52, including a nice group of birds just
offshore (count was likely a fair bit higher)
Black-capped Chickadee - 1,135 - scattered flocks were moving south along
the shoreline, literally only a few feet away as they passed by -- very
cool to see!
Common Redpoll - 79
Pine Siskin - 241
Purple Finch - 17

See my eBird checklist for the complete totals/location:

Ken Burrell
The *Best Places to Bird in Ontario* - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Exceptional numbers of Rough-legged Hawks, north of Grand Bend - Nov. 2nd

2018-11-02 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hey Birders,

I took another run at the site north of Grand Bend, anticipating that today
would have a great hawk flight, with the strong NE winds. Turned out to be
a great day!

148 Rough-legged Hawks - mostly light morphs (80%)
12 Golden Eagles - primarily adults (interesting)
1 Northern Goshawk - imm. (likely female)

Other interesting birds:
15 Red-throated Loons
4 Sandhill Cranes
8 Red-shouldered Hawks (7 adults, 1 imm.)
129 Red-tailed Hawks
1,090 Black-capped Chickadee's -- who knew the Lake Huron shoreline would
have such great numbers of these guys/gals irrupting (evidently there is a
happy Merlin, or two, in the area)
Finch numbers were lower compared to yesterday, likely due to the tailwind
assisting birds in migrating (higher up), though still 4 species (CORE,

Around 1:30pm the winds shifted from NE to more N (or even NW), and
subsequently the hawk flight died. With the strong NE winds, many of the
birds were right overhead, or even migrating south over the water.



Ken Burrell
The *Best Places to Bird in Ontario* - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Townsend's Solitaire -- Kitchener, December 26th

2018-12-26 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi birders,

The Townsend's Solitaire originally found on the Kitchener CBC (December
15th) is still present (refound on the 24th) in the original location,
along Forfar Court and Forfar Avenue.

The bird is moving around a fair bit, and patience is required to see it.
Walking Forfar Avenue and Forfar Court is recommended.

A group of us had the bird at 2:20pm at 43 Forfar Avenue, before it flew
into the backyards, which back onto Forfar Court.

Directions: exit Hwy. 85/86 onto Hwy. 7/Victoria St. east (towards Guelph).
Take Hwy. 7 east to Forfar Avenue, where you'll turn right. I'd suggest
parking at the junction of Forfar Court and just walking the neighbourhood.

Merry Christmas,

Ken Burrell
The *Best Places to Bird in Ontario* - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Linwood CBC Results -- December 28th

2018-12-29 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi everyone,

The 13th annual Linwood CBC was held yesterday, December 28th. Temperatures
were a tropical +2 to +10 degrees C(!); we had moderately heavy rain in the
preceding night, however, it more or less ended around 7am on count day.
Winds were S to SW, 20-25km/hr.

A total of 34 count participants gave the count excellent coverage, with 55
species, above the count's average of 51.7 species. Total number of
individuals was above average, with 13,075 (ave. is 12,491).

New species:
Evening Grosbeak - count-week only (this brings the counts cumulative
species total to 93)

Unusual species: Ring-necked Pheasant (4th record), Pileated Woodpecker
(4th record), Merlin (4th record), Pine Grosbeak (2nd record), White-winged
Crossbill (4th record), Swamp Sparrow (4th record)

High-counts: Ring-necked Pheasant - 1 (ties previous high), Great Horned
Owl - 7 (ties previous high), Rock Pigeon - 3,119 (previous high: 2,315),
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 21 (18), Pileated Woodpecker - 3 (1), Merlin - 3
(2), Black-capped Chickadee - 611 (476), White-breasted Nuthatch - 55 (ties
previous high), Brown Creeper - 12 (10), European Starling - 3,926 (3,774),
White-throated Sparrow - 3 (2), Song Sparrow - 3 (ties previous high), and
Swamp Sparrow - 5 (1)

Low-counts: Rough-legged Hawk - 42 (ave. is 95, previous low is 44), Hairy
Woodpecker - 5 (ave. is 10, previous low is 6), American Kestrel - 1 (ave.
is 12, previous low is 2),

Notable misses: Horned Lark(!)

Last but certainly not least, a big thank you to my Mom who put on a great
chili dinner/wrap-up!

Link showing the count circle:

Linwood is located northwest of Waterloo. If you have any questions please
email me privately.

Ken Burrell
The *Best Places to Bird in Ontario* - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Fwd: [WEPBirds] Western Grebe at Pelee

2019-04-22 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
 Forwarded message -
From:Paul Pratt 
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2019, 8:56 am
Subject: [WEPBirds] Western Grebe at Pelee
To: WEPbirds 

Keith Burk just found a Western Grebe at Pelee, close to shore, just south
of the half way stop on the west side.


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provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Cinnamon Teal at Sombra April 22nd Yes

2019-04-22 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Seems like stuff isn't getting posted.

The Cinnamon Teal, found yesterday by the Boumans, at the Sombra Sewage
lagoons was still present this am, per eBird.

No word on whether the hybrid Cinnamon X ??? Teal is present north of
Hillman Marsh this morning.

Ken Burrell
The Best Places to Bird in Ontario - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Harris's Sparrow and Fish Crow, Long Point - May 16

2019-05-16 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi Birders,

I headed down to Long Point this afternoon before some evening work nearby.
Long Point was hopping; in about 3 hours (3-6:30 pm) I had about 100

Harris's Sparrow - I was walking along Woodstock Ave. and came across a
single bird in a mixed sparrow flock. The bird was frequenting a number of
front yards, between 118 and 126 Woodstock Ave. (intersection with Brant
Parkway) - https://ebird.org/canada/view/checklist/S56369994

Fish Crow - 1 bird flew over me by the entrance to the 'new' Long Point
Provincial Park - https://ebird.org/canada/view/checklist/S56369915

Great birding,

Ken Burrell
The *Best Places to Bird in Ontario* - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Least tern back

2019-10-25 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Bird just flew in. Sitting in middle of river outflow at port Frank's.

Ken Burrell
The Best Places to Bird in Ontario - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Least Tern grand bend Huron shoreline yes

2019-10-26 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS

A group of us have had the Least Tern fly by us along the lake Huron
shoreline twice in the past hour.

First observation. Was foraging and moving north. We just had ot again
flying south not too far offshore.

Bord appears to be foraging, so checking grand bend waterfront and or port
Frank's is best bet.

Our observation vantage is just north of grand bend. Record photos taken.

Ken Burrell
The Best Places to Bird in Ontario - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Fwd: [hamiltonbirds] Black-throated sparrow, bronte.

2019-11-03 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Forwarding for Mark Gawn from the HamBirds listserve - I suspect Hamilton
birders are too busy going to the bird.

Ken Burrell
The Best Places to Bird in Ontario - in stores spring 2019. Find out more

-- Forwarded message -
From: jennings2 
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019, 2:44 pm
Subject: [hamiltonbirds] Black-throated sparrow, bronte.
To: Hamilton Birds 

Just found said sparrow, sheldon creek trail, halfway from great lakes Blvd
and burloak dr, on north side trail.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[Ontbirds] Linwood CBC Results -- December 28th

2019-12-29 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi everyone,

The 14th annual Linwood CBC was held yesterday, December 28th. Conditions
were about as good as you can really get: +2 to -1 degrees C, low wind
(10-15km/hr), no precipitation. No snow cover.

A total of 36 participants gave the count great coverage, with 54 species,
above the count's average of 51.8 species. Total number of individuals was
right around average, with 12,023 (ave. is 12,534).

2 new species were observed, bringing the cumulative species total to 95:

Blue-winged Teal – 1 bird in Glen Allan along the Conestoga River (

Long-eared Owl – 1 bird flushed at Conestoga Lake

Unusual species: Red-shouldered Hawk (2, 3rd record), Short-eared Owl
(count-week, 4th record), Northern Flicker (2, 3rd record), Winter Wren (1,
3 rd record).

High-counts: Cooper’s Hawk – 11 (ties previous high), Red-shouldered Hawk -
2 (previous high 1), Bald Eagle – 9 (previous high 8), Great Horned Owl – 7
(ties previous high), Snowy Owl – 37 (previous high 35), Red-bellied
Woodpecker – 32 (previous high 24), Downy Woodpecker – 94 (previous high
88), Hairy Woodpecker – 22 (previous high 17), Pileated Woodpecker – 4
(previous high 3), Northern Flicker – 2 (ties previous high), Common Raven
– 20 (previous high 10), Winter Wren – 1 (ties previous high), and European
Starling – 5,794 (previous high 3926)

Low-count: Rough-legged Hawk - 42 (ave. is 91.3, ties previous low in 2018)

Notable misses: Northern Shrike

Last but certainly not least, a big thank you to my Mom who put on a great
chili dinner/wrap-up!

Link showing the count circle:


Linwood is located northwest of Waterloo. If you have any questions please
email me privately.

Ken Burrell
The *Best Places to Bird in Ontario* - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 
Visit the OFO Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists

[ONTBIRDS] Fwd: American Avocet at Forest Sewage Lagoons

2020-07-22 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Posting for Mike Burrell.

Ken Burrell
The *Best Places to Bird in Ontario* - in stores spring 2019. Find out more

-- Forwarded message -
From: Mike V.A. Burrell 
Date: Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 9:29 AM
Subject: Fwd: American Avocet at Forest Sewage Lagoons
To: Ken Burrell 

At 9:01 am today, Matt Parsons reports that he has found an American Avocet
at Forest Sewage Lagoons

I don't know which cell the bird is in or any other details.

Details about the Forest Sewage Lagoons are available on the eBird
hotspot page: https://ebird.org/canada/hotspot/L3058964  (click "Get
Directions" under the name for a Google Maps link.

Good birding,



*Mike Burrell*
Please support my birdathon for bird conservation

Best Places to Bird in Ontario


*Mike Burrell*
Please support my birdathon for bird conservation

Best Places to Bird in Ontario


Ontbirds and Birdnews are moderated email Listservs provided by the Ontario 
Field Ornithologists (OFO) as a service to all birders in Ontario.

Ontbirds is reserved for sightings of provincially rare birds. To post a 
message on Ontbirds, send an email to: birdalert@ontbirds.ca. If you have any 
questions or concerns, contact the Ontbirds Moderators by email at 
birdal...@ofo.ca. Please review posting rules and guidelines at 

To edit your membership settings visit the Ontbirds setup page at: 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Ontario birders should be taking extra 
precautions and following local, provincial, and federal regulations regarding 
physical distancing and non-essential travel.

To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or Facebook page 
at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.

[ONTBIRDS] Candidate Glaucous-winged Gull north of Grand Bend, Nov 2nd

2020-11-02 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Hi birders,

This morning at 0817, Brandon Holden and I had a juv. candidate
Glaucous-winged Gull flyby our position, just north of Grand Bend.

The bird was flying south along the shoreline and did not stop. Kettle
Point, Ipperwash, and Sarnia are places worth checking for it.

Brandon managed a series of photos that will be posted shortly in our ebird
checklist (https://ebird.org/canada/checklist/S75740084).

Good birding,

Ken Burrell

Ontbirds and Birdnews are moderated email Listservs provided by the Ontario 
Field Ornithologists (OFO) as a service to all birders in Ontario.

Ontbirds is reserved for sightings of provincially rare birds. To post a 
message on Ontbirds, send an email to: birdalert@ontbirds.ca. If you have any 
questions or concerns, contact the Ontbirds Moderators by email at 
birdal...@ofo.ca. Please review posting rules and guidelines at 

To edit your membership settings visit the Ontbirds setup page at: 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Ontario birders should be taking extra 
precautions and following local, provincial, and federal regulations regarding 
physical distancing and non-essential travel.

To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or Facebook page 
at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.

Re: [ONTBIRDS] Variegated Flycatcher Brooklin Nov 13

2020-11-16 Thread Ken Burrell via ONTBIRDS
Just an update that the Variegated Flycatcher is currently being seen by

Approximate location of observation: 43.951096, -78.954285

Ken Burrell

On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 9:17 PM Stu Mackenzie via ONTBIRDS <
birdalert@ontbirds.ca> wrote:

> Reported to Ontario Birds on Facebook by Janet Junker.
> Observed Nov 13.
> Location update -  there is an arena in Brooklin called Vipond. There is a
> trail west of it that leads to a pond by the 407. Along that trail near the
> creek is where I saw it.
> Looks like this is the 6th NA record ‘ish’ north of Mexico - 2nd Ontario.
> First, Oct 6 to November 6 ‘ish’ 1993 Toronto Island.
> Just a messenger.
> Good Birding
> Stu
> --
> Ontbirds and Birdnews are moderated email Listservs provided by the
> Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) as a service to all birders in Ontario.
> Ontbirds is reserved for sightings of provincially rare birds. To post a
> message on Ontbirds, send an email to: birdalert@ontbirds.ca. If you have
> any questions or concerns, contact the Ontbirds Moderators by email at
> birdal...@ofo.ca. Please review posting rules and guidelines at
> http://ofo.ca/site/content/listserv-guidelines
> To edit your membership settings visit the Ontbirds setup page at:
> http://ontbirds.ca/mailman/listinfo/birdalert_ontbirds.ca.
> During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Ontario birders should be taking extra
> precautions and following local, provincial, and federal regulations
> regarding physical distancing and non-essential travel.
> To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or
> Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.

Ontbirds and Birdnews are moderated email Listservs provided by the Ontario 
Field Ornithologists (OFO) as a service to all birders in Ontario.

Ontbirds is reserved for sightings of provincially rare birds. To post a 
message on Ontbirds, send an email to: birdalert@ontbirds.ca. If you have any 
questions or concerns, contact the Ontbirds Moderators by email at 
birdal...@ofo.ca. Please review posting rules and guidelines at 

To edit your membership settings visit the Ontbirds setup page at: 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Ontario birders should be taking extra 
precautions and following local, provincial, and federal regulations regarding 
physical distancing and non-essential travel.

To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or Facebook page 
at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.