Hi everyone,

Jon Ruddy was recently alerted to a Western Tanager at a feeder in Ottawa.
We met with the homeowners and determined that the bird is visiting less
than daily so we enlisted a few OFO ambassadors to try to see if we could
find where it spends more time. Vincent Fyson found it this morning in an
NCC green space and it has been seen a few times since. As a result, we can
share this widely. The bird is near a creek in this area:

Please park on Gillespie and walk in along the creek from here:

Note that the trail is very icy.

There is also a Gray Catbird and Carolina Wren. The Western Tanager is a
male and has been present since Nov 27th!

I have put feeders up at the coordinates above (courtesy of Wild Birds
Unlimited in Kanata!). If you have time, perhaps someone can make up a suet
mealworm mix and put up some more feeder options here.

Good luck!


Jeff Skevington, he/him
Phone: 613-327-2862
E-mail: jhskeving...@gmail.com
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