    The said goose has been seen at the now vacant (of golfers) Osprey Links
golf course along with two or three hundred Canadas for the past few days.
The course can be accessed via Cranberry road which is just a few miles
south of North Bay off highway 11 B ­ past the Clarion Hotel., (or just
north of the town of Callander)
    The gull, an adult in winter plumage has been at the North Bay landfill
site about ten miles north of North Bay, and east of Highway # 11. Greater
Black-backed and a few Arctic gulls (Glaucous and Iceland) and are also
present there - but more of the latter should be arriving shortly.
    North Bay is 3 1/2 hours north of Toronto, or 3 quick traffic lights.
Toronto is several miles due north of Buffalo (or is it Rochester?).
        Yours etc.  Dick Tafel ­ 705 472-7907
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