For any GTA birders who may be interested, earlier this morning I had both an 
Acadian Flycatcher and a Connecticut Warbler calling at Marie Curtis Park in 

Both birds were in roughly the same location - just off the trail that leads 
through the forest in a swampy, brushy clearing where a massive tree has 

Cecilia Verkley texted me a short time ago indicating she heard the Connecticut 
singing a short distance southeast of where I had it. 

There were a number of other flycatcher and warbler species singing this 
morning (some resident, some migrant), including, a bit surprisingly for this 
location, several Mourning Warblers.

Marie Curtis Park is located on the south side of Lakeshore Blvd in 
Mississauga, just east of Dixie.

Good Luck!

David Pryor

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