[Ontbirds] Black Vulture - Brantford

2013-08-24 Thread David Pryor
The Black Vulture just flushed from the roosting area in the trees behind 
131-135 Forest Lake Road in Brantford.

The underwing pattern difference was evident in comparison to the many turkey 
vultures also roosting at this location.

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birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Black Vulture Brantford

2013-08-23 Thread Ellen Horak
As per Bill  Lamond's sighting yesterday the black vulture was roosting right 
behind the house at 133 Forest Rd in Brantford at 5:45 today. It was in a tree 
on its on with many Turkey Vultures in the tree beside it. Got a great look at 
it - definite grey/white head.  Thanks Bill
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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