Hello birders:  As a follow-up to Mike's report yesterday of
a Wilson's Phalarope at the Blenheim Lagoons , I had requests
for info on Lagoon Permits--so here it is--a bit early, but permits
are available now--and year-round as well.
I did take a 1/2 hour trek of the lagoons today, but could not
re-locate the Phalarope--he is probably still there tho'.
It was bitter cold, windy, rough waters--but lots of ducks.
Dress warmly, and in layers--coldest spot in Kent County !

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd]. in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.

Please park on the lagoon side of the road--only.

OR : For those coming by #401. Take interchange

#91—which is #40 H North & Communication Rd. South.

Travel South, twds Blenheim, a few km. Just as you reach

The outskirts of Blenheim, you will see a new “Sobey’s “

Grocery  store. It is at the corner of  Allison Rd. Turn right

On Allison and travel 2.9 km. This will take you to Lagoon Rd.,

Where you will see the lagoon property and the small gate

[ not the Large gate].

For those who have other “people needs “----the Sobey’s store

Is open 24 hours each day----has “Hot” and “Cold” deli foods,

And a clean public WASHROOM----what more could you ask for ?

Gasoline?  Just East of Sobey's--a "NO Frills" gas bar + grocery store.
To obtain permit : Permits are free & are good for 1 year.
The permit must be carried by at least 1 person in each group.
There are now 5   ways to get your permit  !!!!

   BY   E_MAIL :

Send your name; address; phone #; and request to:


She will email your permit----You PRINT---and go!

{She asks that you mention if this is a renewal permit]

How easy is that !!!!!!

 By mail: Blenheim Municipal Service Centre
P.O.Box 2128, Blenheim,On., N0P 1A0
By Fax : 519-676-0244
By phone : 519-676-5405
In person : at the Municipal Service Centre
8am---5pm Mon.--Fri.
35 Talbot St. West
[in the Post Office building, parking in the rear of bldg. ]
Should you need further directions contact me at
irewo...@ciaccess.com <mailto:irewo...@ciaccess.com> 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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