Posted with permission from Mark C.

Past visitors to Blenheim lagoons:  After being  side-lined from birding
for a long 6 weeks, I was once again able to visit the lagoons yesterday.
It was a joy to see the birds who are raising their young families there.
Nothing unexpected, but it appears that the Spotted S.P. has nested as well.

Lots of butterflies, dragonflies, & wild flowers.
Water levels are still high, as are the grasses around the ponds.

A good quality field guide was found in the listing box.
It contains the names "Rebecca & Ginny Pearce".
If any reader knows these ladies, would you please see that they
get this email ?   I will happily make arrangements for it's return,
perhaps after the "Mail Strike" !!  Email direct to me : 

THE LOCK on the gate :   I was dismayed that the last visitor left
the gate unlocked.  Please: It must be kept locked at all times.
At present, when the lock is not used on a daily basis, it can 
sometimes be a bit obstinate !  One only needs to hold the lock
in the "locked" position, and spin the numbers a time or two.
Please take the time to do this--thank you.

Irene Woods
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to
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