A late report from Peter Yoerg.


We had 8 spcs. of shorebirds on 11-3-14 at the Sewage lagoons. Fingal was
quiet except for a few Siskins. Feel free to forward this to Ontbirds as
we're not subscribed to it. 


2+ Killdeer

2 Greater(?) Yellowlegs

1 Pectoral Sand.

11 Dunlin

1 Least Sand. - this would be ~1 week late in the Buffalo Ornithological
Society study area. 10-26 is their last date.

1 Semi. Sand. 

1 Baird's Sand. - also ~1 wk. late... 10-27 is their last date.

1 White Rumped Sand.


Peter Yoerg (716-834-6316), Barbara Henderson

Buffalo, NY



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