Three moving in and out of view near the base of the huge patch of cattails on the west side of the marsh against the large mudflat the middle of the marsh. They were about 40 to 50 from the gravel bar near the outlet of the creek into the lake. All field marks with 30x scope: flat head & short bill; blue-gray nape and small patch behind eye; bright buffy yellow over the eye; front of eye, sides of throat and sides; sides with narrow barring; bright white belly; back russet with white broken strips. I did see an unidentified Ammodramus sparrow there several day ago near this location. The water has dropped substantially and there are now extensive mud flats on the east side of the low carp barrier and this is were the majority of the shorebirds were today. Species seen: Killdeer, Semipalmated Plover, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Solitary, Least, Semipalmated and Baird's Sandpiipers, all in low numbers.

Directions: park at the south end of Bexhill which runs south of Lakeshore Boulevard between Southdown/Erin Mills Parkway and Mississauga (though closer to the former). Take the first right at the bottom of the hill to the lake, then go right down the beach to the opening of marsh into the lake. A scope would be advisable.

Wayne Renaud (289-828-0043)

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