North Bay Christmas Bird Count, December15, 2018 - Preliminary Results


Most Abundant Birds Observed: Black Capped Chickadees were abundant;
woodpeckers and nuthatches frequent; many Mallards; and grosbeaks were well
counted, with 41 Pine and 50 Evening Grosbeaks.


Specialty Birds Observed: 1 Red Necked Grebe - scoped in a small remaining
area of open water on Trout Lake; 1 Snowy Owl - prominently displayed atop
the steeple of the Pro Cathedral; 1 Red-Bellied Woodpecker; 1 Carolina Wren
- wintering comfortably near a downtown feeder; 1 American Robin; Canada Jay
- proud to be listed as Canadian once more; Bohemian Waxwings;
White-Throated Sparrows; Northern Cardinal; Common Grackles; White-Winged
Crossbills - searching for cones. 


High Count: Tied by Bald Eagle at 17


Misses and Poorly Represented: all gulls - too much ice; most waterfowl;
hawks - only 1, recorded as Accipiter sp; Ruffed Grouse - 0; Northern Shrike
- 0; Blue Jays - lower numbers; kinglets - 0; European Starlings - lower
numbers; American Tree Sparrow - 0; Snow Bunting - 0; Purple Finch - 0; Pine
Siskin - only 1; American Goldfinch - only 1.


Count Week Species: Peregrine Falcon, Barred Owl, and Dark Eyed Junco.


Totals: 33 species and one feeder list short of 2000 individuals.  The lower
than usual numbers are probably as a result of our early winter (by
mid-November) and the resulting frozen lakes.


Lori Anderson, Compiler















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