Notice to OFO Membership

As required by law, the Board is providing 30-day advance notification to
OFO members of 2 proposed ammendments to the OFO By-laws as follows. These
ammendments  will be put to a vote by the members at the AGM.

The current by-laws are available on the OFO site at:

If you have comments or questions prior to the AGM please email any member
of the board.


Lynne Freeman (President)

*OFO By-Laws – Proposed Revision 4*
*September 29, 2018 AGM*

*Revision #1*

*Current By-law*

*3.05 Removal of Directors *

The Members may, by resolution passed by at least two-thirds of the votes
cast thereon at a general Meeting of Members called for the purpose, remove
any Director before the expiration of his term of office and may, by
majority vote at that meeting, elect any person in his stead for the
remainder of his term.

*Proposed Addition*

*3.05 a *The Board may remove a Board member by a majority vote if the
member is not fulfilling his/her duties to the satisfaction of the Board.
Such action can only be taken, by the President or designate, when the
member has not significantly complied with a formal remedial action plan
approved by a majority of the Board.

*Reason for revision:*  To document policy for the removal of Director
between Annual General Meetings.

*Revision #2*

*Current By-Law*

*3.03 Composition, Election and Term of Board *

The Board shall include the immediate Past-President from time to time of
the Corporation.

*Proposed Revision*

Remove the reference to the inclusion of the immediate Past-President on
the Board.

*Reason for revision:* The Board is limited to 8-10 members. The Board
would like more flexibility to include new Board members by removing the
Immediate Past-President as a voting member of the Board.

Lynne Freeman

Lynne Freeman

"Be bold, be brave, be amazing...." Simon de Pury, Work of Art
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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