Hello Ontbirders

On Friday afternoon, twenty enthusiastic birders gathered at Andrew Haydon Park 
for OFO’s “Dusk Birding along the Ottawa River”. After a spectacular week of 
stellar birding, mainly east of the Deschenes Rapids, expectations were high 
that the river would continue to reveal mega-rarities. We stayed mainly along 
the shores of the western side of Lac Deschenes. However, a cold west wind and 
high water levels made viewing conditions bitter and challenging resulting in 
low diversity. Regardless, everyone had an excellent time, often getting 
close-up views of uncommon species.  Those that stayed to the end were treated 
to an enchanting show of large flocks arriving for their evening roost, their 
aerobatic flights draped against a clear vermillion sky. Other highlights 
included a juvenile Brant, a female Northern Shoveler, 2 juvenile Greater Snow 
Geese, 11 Red-necked Grebes, all three species of scoter, and several 
individuals & small flocks of Long-tailed Ducks. For photographers, one very 
accommodating Long-tailed Duck, and a cooperative Wilson’s Snipe, provided some 
pleasant diversion.  

Good Birding

Tony Beck
Always An Adventure

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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