A male Siskin was seen singing in the spruce tree in my front yard late last week and today a female was spotted at the finch feeder stuffing itself hungrily.

At 6:10 p.m. this evening a male Red Crossbill was seen for a short time at the sunflower seed feeder at my kitchen window. It was clearly seen in good lighting: red body, black wings with no bars, crossed bill. I had watched it for several minutes when Stan Long arrived and was able to confirm it as well.

It has not been seen since, but I will report it, if it returns.

The irruption of White-winged Crossbills was evident in the flocks that visited my yard many times this winter. They came in large and small flocks calling clearly. I looked for wing bars on this evening's visitor, but there were none.

Carol McKnight

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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