Presqu’ile Bird Report for 20-26 Sept 2019

By Doug McRae


There were no exceptional movements this week but a good variety of species 
were detected.  Shorebirds are few in number but species diversity was good 
with most birds frequenting Gull Is.

Waterfowl are starting to build up, especially around the islands where most 
expected puddle ducks have been seen.  Waterfowl hunting has now started in the 
Park and will continue until mid December.  Access to the Islands, Owen Pt., 
Calf Pasture Pt. and the marsh will be restricted to hunters only on Monday, 
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

A brood of WILD TURKEYS appeared to be only half grown. A RED-NECKED GREBE was 
seen on 21 Sep and HORNED GREBES were in Popham Bay all week with a high of 8 
on 22 Sep. AMERICAN BITTERNS have gone silent but one was seen on 26 Sep. A few 
GREAT EGRETS remain, mostly being seen in the causeway marsh. Small numbers of 
raptors are moving when winds are favourable.  A BALD EAGLE were seen on 21 Sep 
and an OSPREY was still present on 25 Sep.  

A VIRGINIA RAIL was calling on 20 Sep.  COMMON GALLINULES were seen in the 
marsh all week with a high of 11 on 20 Sep. Sixteen species of shorebirds were 
seen this week including less common species such as BAIRD’S and AMERICAN 
GOLDEN PLOVER.  The most abundant was SEMIPALMATED PLOVER with a high of 50 on 
21 Sep. The prize was a juv. LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER seen on Gull Is. on 21 and 
22 Sep.

The bulk of gulls roosting on the beach or islands has now shifted from 
through the week, as were two CASPIAN TERNS. ROCK PIGEONS are fairly rare at 
Presqu’ile and most records involve exhausted/lost Homing Pigeons.  A single 
tame but unbanded bird was at the Birdhouse Nature Store feeders on 20 Sep and 
two more flew past there on 21 Sep. A BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO was noted on 21 Sep.

Owls made some noise this week with an adult and begging young GREAT HORNED OWL 
heard on 22 Sep, a BARRED OWL calling on 23 Sep and a LONG-EARED OWL calling on 
26 Sep.  AMERICAN KESTRELS moved through on several days and MERLINS were a 
daily feature. Single PEREGRINE FALCONS were seen on 21 Sep, 24 Sep and 25 Sep. 
A late OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER was at the gate on 20 Sep as was a late EASTERN 
KINGBIRD.  What may be the last LEAST FLYCATCHER of the year was seen on 25 

A YELLOW-THROATED VIREO on 20 Sep was a nice find.  Both kinglets were seen 
this week, and numbers should pick up in the next few weeks.  Mist expected 
species of warblers were seen this week with some fairly good numbers on 
several days but nothing unexpected was reported. LINCOLN’S SPARROWS were 
reported on most dates and the first WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS of fall were two on 
24 Sep.







Doug McRae
P.O. Box 3010
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0
613-475-5014 H
613-243-4161 C

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