Presqu’ile Weekly Bird Report for Week on 21-27 Sept 2018

By Doug McRae


It was a busy week with lots of migrants passing through, especially on 22 and 
27 September.

Waterfowl diversity is good right now with most of the “summer” ducks still 
here and some migrants from the north/west coming in.  A white morph adult SNOW 
GOOSE on Beach 1 on the 22nd  was a good find. A BLUE-WINGED TEAL was still in 
the marsh on the 27th . REDHEAD has been seen all week with a high of 85 on 27 
Sep.  Nine LESSER SCAUP and a WHITE-WINGED SCOTER were seen at Salt Pt. on 22 
Sep.  Additionally 140 GREATER SCAUP and 2 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER were seen near 
Gull Is. on 27 Sep.

The twenty-one WILD TURKEY on 22 Sep may be the all time high for the park, 
further cementing the recent establishment of another introduced species. A 
RED-NECKED GREBE was seen near the islands on 27 Sep. Most expected herons were 
seen this week including a GREEN HERON on 23 Sep and an AMERICAN BITTERN on 27 

Raptors were moving on several days.  Mixed species flocks included a high of 
67 BROAD-WINGED HAWK along with 3 BALD EAGLE passing over the gate area on 22 
Sep.  Shorebirds were generally in low numbers but with reasonable species 
diversity.  Most birds were seen on the beach or Gull Is. and included single 
BAIRD’S, STILT and BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER on Gull on 23 Sep.  Gulls are mostly 
restricted to HERRING and RING-BILLED but a single BONAPARTE’S GULL was 
reported on 23 Sep, and up to 4 GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULLS of various ages were 
on the beach on 22 Sep.

A BARRED OWL was heard calling from the Newcastle woods on 22 Sep.  Small 
numbers of RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRDS are still around and woodpeckers have 
been obvious, especially NORTHERN FLICKER and YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER, which 
are migrating in numbers.  MERLIN, AMERICAN KESTREL and PEREGRINE FALCON have 
been seen regularly through the park all week.

A GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER on 27 Sep may be the last of the year. Small numbers 
of EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE can still be found and EASTERN PHOEBE are migrating in 
earnest with 80 seen on 27 Sep.  Five species of vireo were reported this week 
with a YELLOW-THROATED VIREO – a rare but annual migrant - on 22 Sep, and a 
somewhat late WARBLING VIREO on 27 Sep.  Significant numbers of Blue Jays are 
migrating on some days with over 750 flying over the gate in one hour on 25 
Sep.  Wrens are well represented with four species seen, including at least one 
CAROLINA WREN that is being heard around the Lighthouse and Bayshore Rd. 

Fifteen AMERICAN PIPIT were seen on 23 Sep.  A good selection of the expected 
warblers has been seen all week with major pushes on 22 and 27 Sep.  Lingering 
YELLOW WARBLERS were seen on 23 and 25 Sep. A PRAIRIE WARBLER – a rarely seen 
migrant - was found among more common species near the Lighthouse on 24 Sep.

Note that fall waterfowl hunting in now occurring in the Park which means park 
users cannot go to Owen Pt., the islands, the marsh (boardwalk is open), or 
Calf Pasture Pt. on Saturdays, Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays even if no one is 
hunting on those days. This restriction will last until mid December so plan 
your trip accordingly.

Presqu’ile Provincial Park is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario, just 
south of the town of Brighton.  It can be reached from either Hwy. 401 or Cty. 
Rd. 2 and is well signed.  A Park map can be found in the information tabloid 
available at the Park gate.  Presqu’ile’s two offshore islands – Gull and High 
Bluff – support a large multi-species colonial bird nesting area and access is 
not permitted during the breeding season.



Doug McRae
P.O. Box 3010
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0
613-475-5014 H
613-243-4161 C

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