While looking for a mystery accipiter in the Hollidge Tract (York Regional 
Forest Headquarters tract on Hwy 48) today I cross paths with a small flock of 
Red Crossbills (15-20).They were in the company of several Pine Siskins, all of 
them feeding high in some pines on the short Blue Trail that traces a 2.6 km 
circle (wheelchair accessible) near the parking lot.
There were lots of birds singing (Pine Warbler, RB Nuthatch, Pine Siskin, RC 
Kinglet, etc) but the Crossbills' vocalizations were such an anomaly for me 
that I had to stop and figure out what they were. Once I located them I watched 
11:00-11:20 a.m. before something spooked them (the mystery raptor?) and they 
took off back toward the main building (SSE). Had my best looks about halfway 
around the blue trail near a big wooden bench for resting/sitting.
As for the accipiter, I heard it this time, Aileen Barclay, but still had no 
visual. My gut feeling is Cooper's but I'll keep trying. Would love it to be a 
Gos but I think they prefer mixed hardwood vs the conifers along that trail. 
To get to the Headquarters/Hollidge tract go north on Hwy 48 past Ballantrae 
(this is north of Toronto and east of Newmarket/Aurora) until you get to Cherry 
Street (fairly big sign) - then turn right (east) into the York Regional Forest 
straight across from Cherry. Park in the main lot and walk to the trailhead. 
Take the blue trail (all the way to Kokomo's lol) and keep your eyes and ears 
open. The Crossbills have a very interesting mix of vocalizations that will get 
your attention immediately (if they're still there).
Ron Fleming,Newmarket
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