Hi folks,
I managed to get out to the West Perth Wetlands this evening here in 
Mitchell...and found several shorebird species were foraging in the main 
shorebird cell.

Thanks to Jarmo J. for pointing out a WILSON’S PHALAROPE when I first arrived.  
(looked to be a male...though late evening lighting wasn’t optimal)   It was 
actively feeding just a bit to the east along the berm from the parking 
lot....picking bugs off plants poking up out of the water.

Also had a flock of 64 SB Dowitchers....and it sounds like other locations are 
reporting good sized flocks of SB Dowitchers today as well.  This is definitely 
the largest flock of this species I’ve ever recorded at the WPW’s.

Other shorebird species seen:
Semi-P. Plover                4
Dunlin                            15
Least Sandpiper            20+
Lesser Yellowlegs         7      
Greater Yellowlegs        1
Killdeer                          4
White-rumped Sandp.    1
Spotted Sandpiper          2

Also had Eastern Meadowlarks 3....American Pipits 2...Nashville warbler and E. 
Kingbird....along with a couple hundred swallows...Cliff 2. Rough-winged 6, 
Barn 10 and the rest were Tree.

Water levels continue to look good.
Good Birding!

Dave J Brown

Mitchell, ON

thebrowns at ezlink.ca

Directions to Mitchell Lagoons:

>From the East (Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo, GTA) - take Hwy 8 thru

Stratford heading west to first lights in Mitchell (Wellington St) and
turn left (south) and continue till you hit the "T" intersection at the

ball diamond.  Lagoon cells are straight back behind the ball diamond

and soccer fields and the sewage treatment plant.  You can go straight ahead

on the gravel and park next to the berm.

>From the London area....take Hwy 23 into Mitchell from the south and

just after you pass the "Welcome to Mitchell" sign...watch for Frank

St...go right on Frank St and head down over the bridge till you get to

the ball diamond (will be on your right).  Again...the cells are behind

the ball diamond and soccer fields. You can go straight ahead

on the gravel and park next to the berm.

>From Southampton area....take Hwy 21, to Goderich and then Hwy 8 to

Clinton and down to Mitchell, turn south on Hwy 23 to Frank St. and turn

left on Frank St. and head over the bridge to the ball diamonds (which

will be on your right). You can go straight ahead on the gravel and park

next to the berm.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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