Happy holidays Ontbirders,
The Western Tanager was cooperative as it flew around an ice patch with Juncos 
in basically the same area as it was reported before. What a great winter list 
bird! In Barrhaven (Ottawa south) just now I had a flock of 80 Bohemian 
Waxwings along Queensbury avenue and a flock of 16 Common Redpolls with one 
Hoary amongst them. This was on Grenadier avenue. Also getting a bit late were 
16 Snow Geese overhead in the same area. Two Wild Turkey continue to be seen 
along Strandherd Avenue walking across the road with pedestrians. 
Merry Christmas from snowy Ottawa,
Jay Peterson
Directions for the Western Tanager are exit 415 Stephenson road N and continue 
to Gibb Street, turn left. Then left on Waverly and park at the dead end and 
walk through the small park to the houses and check that area.  Hoary & Common 
Redpolls/ Bohemian Waxwings: Woodroffe Ave to Queensbury (about 3 k south of 
Fallowfield). Waxwings were by the park area. Grenadier Way runs off Queensbury 
and the birds were along this avenue.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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