There was a female Wilson's Phalarope in full breeding plumage in sw bay of 
Rattray today around noon.  The waters are much higher than in May due to the 
record June rainfall and most of the mudflats present all spring are flooded.  
The phalarope was in area of emergent vegetation on sw side of sand island in 
the middle of marsh and could only be seen from the outflow channel into Lake 
Ontario.  Other shorebirds include 3 Short-billed Dowitchers, 1 breeding 
plumage Least Sandpiper, 5 Spotted Sandpipers, 3 Killdeers, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs 
and 1 Solitary Sandpiper.  I also counted 79 Red-necked Grebes (which I thought 
was very early for a concentration this large) in Lake Ontario just off the 
outlet of Sheridan Creek from the marsh. 

The marsh in most easily accessed at the bottom of Bexhill Road which runs of 
Lakeshore Boulevard between Mississauga Road the Erin Mills Parkway. 

Wayne Renaud

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