Dear Fellow Birders,
Birding the lakeshore of the area between Meaford and Collingwood
today turned up some decent birds for the area. Meaford Harbour turned
up the young Pied-billed Grebe that was first found on the CBC.
Bayview Park in Thornbury turned up 8 Greater Scaup, Hooded Merganser,
10 Glaucous Gulls (5 adults, 1 second winter, and 4 first winter), and
yesterday a Ruddy Duck was present. Collingwood Harbour turned up a
first winter Glaucous Gull, Hooded Merganser, Redhead and two Lesser
Directions: Exit the 400 north at Hwy 26 and follow this west towards
Collingwood. Once in Collingwood, turn right on Hickory St, park at
the end and walk into the park to access Collingwood Harbour. Continue
on Hwy 26 to Thornbury and then turn right on Elgin St and Bayview
Park is at the end. Continue on Hwy 26 to Meaford, then turn right on
Saint Vincent Street and follow this to the lake to access the

Mike Boyd
Oakville, Ontario
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