Hello again Ontbirders

This evening, at the Quarry Ponds off Moodie Drive, there was an increase in waterfowl activity.
Amongst the 12 species of waterfowl were the following:

36 Ring-necked Ducks
21 Ruddy Ducks
16 American Wigeon
12 Gadwall
3 Northern Shoveler
3 Lesser Scaup

At about 7:00pm, two Great Egrets came into the northeast end of the main pond. At about 7:10pm, they both flew low to the south, joined by a third Great Egret that was hidden in the southeast pond. All three birds continued south, and disappeared behind the tree line. They all appeared unbanded.

Directions courtesy of Neily World: http://ca.geocities.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/stony8.htm


Tony Beck
158-B Woodridge Cr.,
Ottawa, Ont.
K2B 7S9
website: http://www3.sympatico.ca/beck.tony/

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