Hi all,

After reading Irene's post, I would just like to say that the Harris' Sparrow is still there. I saw it today at 4:00. It was hanging out in the fence row that juts out into the field. It associates exclusively with the White-crowns.

Jim Burk
Blenheim On.

Take #3 Highway  [Talbot Trail  ]  out of Blenheim twds Cedar Springs.
Choice 1 :---go 1 road past the Erieau Rd. to Gore Rd. . Turn left twds. Lake Erie.
Travel about 2 km. and you will see the compost pile on your left.
Or, Choice 2---Take the paved road twds. Erieau. About 1/2 way to Erieau you will see Bisnett Sideroad. Turn right--S--on Bisnett. Travel about 1km. twds. Erie Beach.
Just at the outskirts of Erie Beach you will see a dirt road--N---Gore Road.
The compost pile is about 1/2 km. N on this road.
Dirt shoulders are VERY soft just now, this is a busy road, but a good width. Please--please stay in your car to observe. Birds are very skittish. If you "flush"
the birds, you will have to wait possibly 20 min. for their return !
You do have the choice to drive slowly into the driveway there, and turn off your engine/ lights. The birds will adjust to your presence in a few minutes. But , you will
have to move if a delivery truck arrives.

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