Hi, this is my first post so I hope I do it right.

We are one beginning birder and one rusty birder, so I know many migrants around us during our 1-hour stroll this morning at Ojibway Nature Area starting at 9 a.m. went unidentified, however we did get Rose-breasted Grosbeak, many Yellow-rumped Warblers, a Chestnut-sided Warbler, a Hooded Warbler, and an Eastern Towhee singing at the very top of a tree in the sunshine. I heard White-throated sparrow as well. About five other species we were not able to pin down: about 3 other warblers and possibly vireos. The morning was cool but sunny and bird activity was just amazing.

A passerby claimed that the rufous-phase screech owl peeked out of its nesting box (box in middle of creek by road), but we did not get to witness that.

To get to the Ojibway Nature Area, take the Matchette Rd exit off the EC Row as depicted in this map <http://www.ojibway.ca/map.htm>.

Happy birding. Kelly Morrissey and Sylvain Cote, Windsor

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