Under very pleasant winter conditions conditions ( though with periodic
snowsqualls), some 600 people participated in the 27th annual North Bay
Christmas count on Sunday. Most were at their feeders - where also were most
of the birds. This large number should keep North Bay as the most active
count anywhere (as it has been for the past 7 years).
   Pine Grosbeaks were the third most common bird (after chickadees and Rock
   43 species were seen altogether, about average for recent counts, though
with absolutely no open lake or stream water for the first time in 15 years,
there were no diving ducks, nor gulls. Does this mean global Warming is
   Among a Merlin and Cooper's Hawk were  7 Northern Shrikes trying to
reduce the total number of other birds  present. Two Barred Owls , a Great
Horned Owl and Bald Eagle kept observers active, also.
   40 Gray Jays, 251 Bohemian Waxwings, 39 Pileated Woodpeckers, 4 American
Robins,    122 Snow Buntings, 240 Common Ravens and a  Ringed Turtle Dove
could be deemed "interesting" to many southern birders.
       Yours etc.  Dick Tafel, count compiler.

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