Friends of Point Pelee provides daily updates of sightings within Point
Pelee National Park during the Festival of Birds May 3 through May 19, 2008

Moderate winds from south-west and a clear sky overnight, brought some new
migrants into the Park. And a few of yesterday's good species were refound.

A few more warbler species such as Nashville, American Redstart and
Magnolia are reported in larger numbers. The following are species and

At the Tip a White-eyed Vireo continues on territory just south of the
display area. There were two Red-headed Woodpeckers flying about and a
Marsh Wren was located near the tip.

On the Woodland Nature Trail, near post 18, a Yellow-breasted Chat and a
Blue-winged Warbler were noted. Also found was a Summer Tanager, near post

On Shuster Trail just before the entrance to Tilden Woods, a Northern
Waterthrush was singing.

At several locations from the Nature Centre towards the tip, Pine Siskins
were seen flying over.

There are several Clay-colored Sparrows. One was at West Beach, one at
Delaurier, and one was on the grass near the Visitor Centre.

A Solitary Sandpiper was near the start of the boardwalk at the Marsh. A
Blackpoll Warbler was seen just north of Blue Heron Picnic Site.

another Blue-winged Warbler was spotted just north of the Warden cottage
along the road.

No word of whether the Mottled Duck was seen at Hillman's Marsh.

Good Birding,
Hike Leaders, Pete, Ross, Dave, Karl, Justin, Kim

Join us at the 4th Annual Fundraising Dinner
Friday May 9th, 2008 @5:30 PM
Pelee Days Inn- $60 per person ($25 tax receipt)
Reservations can be made at
To help our environmental impact...this is a ticketless event!
Presentation: "Coming Home: Return of Western Lake Erie's & Detroit River's
Charismatic Megafauna" Discussing the re-establishment of birds and other
wildlife to this area.
by  Dr. John Hartig - Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
Janice Rogers, General Manager

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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