Rondeau Bird Report - Sunday May 4, 2008 Hello birders. We have not yet had any 
additional reports of the Western Tanager (a first-year male) found on South 
Point Trail at 7:15 this morning. This was the first record for the park. 
Seventeen species of warblers were seen on the peninsula today, including a 
Kentucky on Spicebush Trail, a Connecticut on Bennett Ave., a Blue-winged on 
South Point Trail, and an Orange-crowned on Tulip Tree Trail. The Prothonotary 
is still present at the Log Pond / Pony Barn, and Hooded were still being seen 
on Tulip Tree Trail, as well as South Point Trail. New arrivals included 
Blackburnian, Magnolia, Chestnut-sided and American Redstart. The feeders at 
the Visitor Centre are still hosting 7 species of sparrows, including a 
Harris's Sparrow in full breeding plumage (seen regularly), along with a 
Lincoln's and a Clay-colored. Both Red-headed and Red-bellied Woodpeckers, as 
well as a Purple Finchare also taking advantage of the free food. Our new 
arrivals list features Great Crested Flycatchers, many more 
Blue-grayGnatcatchers and a great influx of Ruby-crowned Kinglets. These birds 
were particularly obvious on South Point Trail. Noteworthy there were a 
Yellow-billed Cuckoo and 2 White-eyed Vireos. Marsh birds also made a strong 
showing, with our first reports of Sora and Virginia Rail.Five Sandhill Cranes 
were seen there too. The Bald Eagle nest visible from the Marsh Trail has 
nestlings that are 2/3 the size of the parents. We will be visiting the Marsh 
Trail on the Tuesday and Thursday evening hikes, at 7 pm. American Woodcock are 
also doing their display flights. Other signs of spring today included a great 
many wildflowers, several Five-lined Skinks, a Spotted Turtle, and several 
species of butterfly (Red Admiral, American Lady and Tiger Swallowtail.
Good birding!
I will lead a guided bird hike twice daily from May 3 to 19 (fee $5) as 
follows:Monday, Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday 7:30 am & 1 pm;  Tuesday & 
Thursday 7:30 am & 7 pm.; Friday 7:30 am.
All of the 7:30 am and 1 pm hikes listed above will meet at the Visitor Centre. 
The 7 pm hikes will meet at the entrance to the Marsh Trail. A second hike on 
Friday at 1 pm will meet at the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons. The Friends of Rondeau 
will provide a birders' brunch for a small donation  (coffee, tea, bagels, 
soups & treats) daily from 7 - 11 am. 
There will also be a special program, on Saturday May 10 at 7 pm, with an 
evening presentation about the spring migration at Rondeau:An Evening in the 
Forest with LaForest (contact Visitor Centre re 
 Take exit 101 from Highway 401 and drive South 16 km on Chatham Kent Road 15.  
Follow the signs to the park.  The Bird Sightings Book, Bird Sightings Board 
and other relevant information are located at the Visitor Centre (open 7 am to 
5 pm from May 3 - 19).  To reach the Centre from the park gate, travel 6 km 
South on Rondeau Road to Gardiner Ave. and follow it around the bend to the 
parking lot.Steve LaForestFriends of Rondeau Bird Guidec/o Rondeau Visitor 
Centre (519) 674-1768  
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