Hi Folks

Late this morning while doing some videotaping at Point Pelee National Park
and I had a fly over WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL at the Dunes Picnic Area. Also
of interest were three RED-BREASTED NUTHATCHES around Delaurier Trail.

In contrast to these birds "on the move", were signs of breeding season
still in high gear - a pair of ORCHARD ORIOLES feeding a cowbird, a male
INDIGO BUNTING also feeding a cowbird, and three different CEDAR WAXWINGS
building nests.

Cheers, Tom

Tom Hince
Wild Rose Guest House
RR1, 21298 Harbour Road,
Wheatley, ON
N0P 2P0 Canada
[minutes from Point Pelee National Park]

(519) 825-9070 (ph)
(519) 825-9169 (fax)
Web: http://www.netcore.ca/~peleetom

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