Good morning birders

 I know it's old news but I didn't get home until 11 last night after 24 hrs
of birding and I don't bounce back like I used to.

 Yesterday Sat., Feb.28, 2004 Stan Bajurny and I birded the Cayuga,
Fisherville and Long Point areas and the following are some of the
We started out after midnight checking back roads around Cayuga for Owls and
came up with 5 E. Screech and 11 Great horned Owls and we were not even
looking for those 2 species. From here it was off to Simcoe to the necessary
Tim Horton's at dawn.
 We now went off to the Long Point area and in the Long Point Provincial
Park (closed so no fee, but you have to walk in) and there to the right of
the gate in the maintenance building area we found C. Redpoll, Red-bellied
Woodpecker, Carolina Wren, Red-winged Blackbird, C. Grackle, Rusty
Blackbird, B-h Cowbird, P. Siskin, and lots of common winter species.
 In the Port Rowan area we found H. Lark, Bald Eagle, 10 Tundra Swans
together overhead, Bald Eagle, Sharp-shined Hawk and N. Goshawk along with 2
E. Bluebirds (1 male checking a nest box).
 In the afternoon we headed back towards the Fisherville area stopping at
the Nanticoke hydro plant area and here we found 2 N. Shrike and a nice
adult Bald Eagle. (Note- As we walked towards the bluff to view the
waterfowl we were stopped by security and told that we were on private
property, so be aware because he was right and you may be stopped also).
 It was now off to the road areas bound by Regional Rd 53, Conc.6 Rd, Reg.
Rd 20 and Conc. Rd 4 at Fisherville and in this area we found many
Rough-legged Hawks, Red-tailed Hawks, N. Harriers, Horned Larks and 1
Short-eared Owl roosting and hunting at dusk.
 Here are some of our totals-Tundra Swan 10, Bald Eagle 2, N. Harrier 6,
Sharp-shinned Hawk 2, N/ Goshawk 1, Red-tailed Hawk 28, Rough-legged Hawk
21, American Kestrel 7, N. Shrike 2, Owls - see above, Horned Lark 32,
Common Redpoll 8, N. Cardinal 13, Re-winged Blkbird 57, C. Grackle 2, Rusty
Blkbird 7, Brn-h Cowbird - 62 plus there lots of waterfowl on Lake Erie west
of Peacock Point and at the Hydro plant area (south of Hagersville east and
west of the foot of Sandusk Rd).
 We now headed home and thanks to Stan we received a bonus along Lakeshore
Rd just west of the bridge at Bronte an E. Screech Owl was spotted as it
flew across the road in front of us.

PS - In about 2 weeks time the Long Point area should be teeming with Swans
and other waterfowl (do not quote me). Norm


The Provincial Park at Long Point is southwest of Hamilton, directly south
of Port Rowan. To reach it you can drive south on Hwy 6 from Hamilton,
passing through Hagersville and turning right, west in Jarvis onto Hwy 3,
drive to Simcoe and turn left, south on Hwy 24 and follow this to Hwy 59,
( it curves to the west south of town) turn left, south on Hwy 59 and drive
right down about 8 km and past the golf coarse and you will be on the

Drive on across the bridge and continue past the marina on your left. The
road comes to Lake Erie where it curves to the left through the cottage /
retail business area. Continue driving along this road passing Old Cut Road
and you will come to the park entrance.

NOTE: Be sure to lock your car and put your valuables out of sight).



On the way down to Long Point on Hwy 6 to the centre of Hagersville, turn
left on Hwy 20 (King Street). Drive along Hwy 20 past the junction with Hwy
9 to Selkirk Road (Road 53) and turn right (south). Drive down Selkirk Road
past Hwy 3 and turn LEFT (east) at the 3rd road (Concession 6) south of this
highway. Drive along here about ½ to 3/4 km and you will see a sign on your
right with a picture of an owl on it. This is the sanctuary.

(NOTE) After passing south of Hwy 3 you will notice Concession 6 on your
right, continue on about ½ km as the Concession 6 you want is on your left.


Use the above directions, but instead of turning right at Selkirk road
continue on down towards Lake Erie. There are many wood lots in the area as
this is the Fisherville area made famous by John Miles with his Christmas
counts and annual February OFO outings.


Return to Hwy 3 from the Owl Sanctuary area and drive east for about 10km
and your there.

If you are coming from Hagersville just drive southeast down Regional Rd 20
to Hwy 3 at Nelles Corners and turn left (east. If coming from Toronto and
the QEW an alternate route could be that you exit at Exit 88 (Centennial
Pkwy) and drive south). This is Regional Rd 20 that becomes Reg, Rd 56.
Drive straight down 56 to Hwy 3 and turn right (west) for about 8km and you
will bump into Cayuga.

A good alternate route from above is to turn right (west) on Indiana Rd E
just below Empire Corners and drive to the Grand River at Hwy 64 and turn
left to Cayuga checking for Owls all along the way except at the OPP

Norm Murr

Richmond Hill, ON


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