Hi Ontbirders

After three weeks in Texas, I returned to find that the filling of the new
shorebird impoundment at Hillman Marsh Conservation Area had indeed occurred
as scheduled in early April. If initial observations are any indication, its
going to be a great success!

On April 23rd, there were:

75 Dunlin
120 Pectoral Sandpiper
25 Greater Yellowlegs
18 Lesser Yellowlegs
4 Killdeer

12 Caspian Terns
4 Forsters Terns

1 Great Black-backed Gull
200+ Ring-billed Gulls
75 Bonaparte's Gulls
4 Herring Gulls

175 Ruddy Ducks
10 Bufflehead
12 Lesser Scaup
2 Redhead
8 Ring-necked Duck
45 Green-winged Teal
2 Northern Pintail
6 Northern Shoveler
2 Blue-winged Teal
8 Mallard
1 American Black Duck
10 American Wigeon
4 Canada Geese

And I think its only going to get better!! Just a REMINDER to be sure to
park in the designated lot at NW Hillman Marsh, and pay the entrance fee at
the self serve kiosk. An annual permit (RECOMMENDED!) is available directly
from ERCA (visit their website at www.erca.org or call 519 776-5209).

Hillman Marsh is just north of Point Pelee National Park, in Essex County
Ontario about 45 minutes drive southeast of Windsor, Ontario.

To reach Hillman Marsh Conservation Area from Erie Street (Hwy 77) in
Leamington, turn east at the Heinz plant (Oak Street) and continue east for
6.5 kilometres to the entrance on the right (south) side of the road. Park
and walk due south along the fence line of grassy area with the predator
exclusion fence. The new impoundment is about 300 yards/metres ahead of you
and is accessed by a dike.

Good birding!

Cheers, Tom
Tom Hince
Wild Rose Guest House              On the web at:
RR#1 (21298 Harbour Rd.)
Wheatley, ONT.                                 (gateway to Point Pelee
National Park)
N0P 2P0    Canada
(519) 825-9070 (phone/voice)    (519) 825-9169 (fax)


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