The Yellow-breasted Chat that I reported a couple of
 weeks ago, and consequently seemed to disappear,
 leaving me to think that it had done the obvious and
migrated,showed up again today and looks in pretty
 good shape. At 3 p.m. it was in the thick brambles
 that border the north side of the South Shore Trail,
 between the two "lookouts" that have the benches.
 At this point I wasn't one hundred percent sure it
was the Chat, it was raining and my binoculars were
 fogging up and all I was seeing was a yellow blur as it flitted about the
undergrowth.I decided finally to try and
see it from the trail that winds back through the woods
directly opposite from the spot where I first saw it , and
 with a little "pishing", it popped  up into a berry bush and
 started feeding.
LaSalle Park can be found by exiting the 403 at Waterdown Rd.Burlington and
heading South to the Bay.
     Regards-Tom Thomas.

"Tom Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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