[bitcoin-dev] Taproot activation meeting 2 - Tuesday 16th February 19:00 UTC

2021-02-05 Thread Michael Folkson via bitcoin-dev
A summary of the first Taproot activation meeting (February 3rd) is here:

It appears there is one (hopefully) last stumbling block before we are
ready to propose Taproot activation parameters to the mailing list.

Hence we are organizing a follow up meeting on IRC on the
##taproot-activation channel on Tuesday 16th February at 19:00 UTC.

As I said in the summary of the first Taproot activation meeting whether
lockinontimeout (LOT) is set to true or false in a Bitcoin Core release
attracted discussion during the meeting and has continued to attract
discussion afterwards.

I will weigh up the arguments I have seen for both true and false here. I
won’t comment on the strength of the arguments, merely attempt to summarize
them. Any errors are my own.

Arguments for setting lockinontimeout (LOT) to true in a Core release

T1) This entirely eradicates the possibility (however unlikely) that
Taproot fails to activate within a year. Although approximately 90 percent
of mining pools have already pledged to activate Taproot there is no reason
to open the door to possible delays and political shenanigans for no
reason, however unlikely.

T2) Given users can change LOT=true at any point (and some have declared
they will be setting LOT=true regardless), setting LOT=false in Core opens
up edge case scenarios where different proportions of users on the network
change to LOT=true at different points in time in an uncoordinated fashion.
Given the end state we all want is Taproot activated it doesn’t make sense
to open the door to these edge cases. Setting LOT=true in Core would mean
there is no motivation for users to change LOT in the software they are

T3) We should not be putting users in a place where they feel they need to
change LOT. The urge to change LOT will be strong if miners delay for an
unreasonable period. We are then in a situation where a decision has to be
made on whether Core releases a new version with LOT=true and this whole
discussion kicks off again. We should definitely seek to avoid the need to
rehash this discussion later in the year.

T4) LOT is only relevant if miners fail to activate. It doesn’t make sense
to set it to false as that is essentially saying if miners fail to activate
early, LOT should also let them not activate.

T5) Activation should only be attempted once community consensus for the
soft fork has been reached. Miner signaling is not voting for the changes,
it is signaling readiness. There is no reasonable rationale for not being
ready within a year.

T6) An argument belcher outlined on IRC. If LOT was set to true and a chain
split happened then the Taproot chain doesn’t have wipeout risk so there’s
a really strong incentive to be on the Taproot activating LOT=true chain
and therefore using LOT=true means the risk of a chain split is actually

Arguments for setting lockinontimeout (LOT) to false in a Core release

F1) The probability of Taproot not being activated by miners is small. This
is not 2017, this is not SegWit, there is no need to worry.

F2) The worst case scenario is we have to wait over a year for Taproot to
be activated. Even the worst case scenario is not a disaster.

F3) If in the unlikely scenario miners did not activate Taproot for a year
for no apparent reason we would never set LOT to false again for any
potential future soft fork. If miners fail to activate Taproot despite
pledging support and there being overwhelming community consensus for it,
it would set a precedent that miners cannot be relied upon *at all* to
activate soft forks.

F4) If in the highly unlikely scenario that a bug or some problem with the
Taproot implementation was found during the signaling period miners could
choose not to activate it which is cleaner than needing an emergency Core

Then some additional arguments nullc posted on Reddit


F5) LOT = false is more similar to what was done previously (unless you go
way back to the earliest soft forks which were more similar to LOT = true)

F6) It is more important that no rules that harm users are deployed than it
is that new useful rules are deployed quickly. If there is a choice between
“faster” and “more clear that this isn’t a mechanism to force bad things on
users” we should prefer the latter. Plenty of people just don’t like
LOT=true very much absent evidence that miners are blocking deployment. To
some it just feels needlessly antagonistic and distrusting towards part of
our community.

There are some additional parameters other than LOT we will discuss in this
meeting such as activation threshold, start time etc but personally I don’t
think they will attract the same discussion as LOT.

As I’ve stated before please continue to engage productively and in good
faith. I can see arguments with merit on both sides of t

[bitcoin-dev] BIP32/43-based standard for Schnorr signatures & decentralized identity

2021-02-05 Thread Dr Maxim Orlovsky via bitcoin-dev


Had a discussion last night in Bitcoin Core IRC with Peter Wuille on different 
topics regarding key derivations, security, key tweaks in context of Schnorr 
signatures & Taproot. Would like to share some action points and plans that 
emerged from there:

1. There is a real need for BIP-43 based new BIP with a new purpose field for 
keys used in Schnorr signatures. Peter will not do it (he is not very much 
interested in spending his time on wallet-level stuff), so someone else should.

2. Keys used in Schnorr signatures MUST NEVER BE used in ECDSA signatures, 
otherwise there is a risk of private key leak via correlation attack. This is 
rationale behind N1.

3. The other need (not discussed with Peter) is to change the general structure 
of derivation path used before with BIP-44, 45, 84. This change is required to 
enable the use of all modern wallet use cases under a single standard: 
single-sigs & multi-sigs, ECDSA & BIP340 signatures.

4. Embedding multisig support in a hierarchical format requires introduction of 
a “signer id” concept as a part of the derivation path. I found a way how this 
can be done seamlessly, leading to emergence of decentralized identity as a 
side effect.


Derivation path structure & purpose values

The new format for the hierarchical derivation BIP32 path is the following:


BIP-43 purpose values under the proposal:
- 340’ for BIP340 signatures
- ???’ for old-style ECDSA signatures (??? will be set to the BIP number of 
this standard once it gets assigned)
Thus, purpose will be used to signify the type of the signature.
NB: purpose MUST be hardened since otherwise a key leak may occur.

was not there before, but now we should have it:
- to prevent key reuse across blockchains & combined inter-chain analysis
- to get rid of using custom xpub prefixes (like SLIP-132) which are very 
unwelcomed by the community and are unnecessary since we have descriptors.

Testnet path `1` covers all testnets (no problem with key re-use for valueless 
testnet or inter-testnet chainanalysis) - this follows the logic of recent 
changes in other standards related to testnet (use the same Bech32 prefixes for 
all testnets).

Testnet path is unhardened from this point & till the end of the derivation 
path: no need to prevent private key leak there, simplifies test software 
(hardened paths require private key access for derivation).

Devs are free to choose other unhardened number if they need, without changing 
the standard - unhardened numbers will never be used for chains with real value.

**Identity and scope**
Hardened components signify the main identity (decentralized id) and the scope 
under that id used in context of specific multisig wallet or other identity 
case. Scope is required to use the same id with different peers without 
exposing the main identity xpub (and, thus, the scope must be hardened as well).

This is the same as a “change” field before (under BIP44 etc), however it is 
proposed to change the name to denote that the field may have other values and 
is used for signalling support for some custom features (for instance, 
pay-to-contract or sign-to-contract schemes, which may be used for client-side 
validation like in RGB protocol etc).

Sequentially increased index like in BIP44

Identity basics

**Identity index** SHOULD be a random number within BIP32 hardened index range.

Rationale: derivation path may be kept public (see decentralized logins below), 
and use of sequential numbers will leak information of how many identities are 
used by some person.

**(Identity) scope index**: depending on whether revocation is enabled:
- if revocation is not enabled, or before the first revocation, it SHOULD be 
any random hardened number
- otherwise, it must be a number provided during the revocation procedure for 
the previous scope

Rationale for identity scope: it is required for an identity to be safely 
usable under multiple multisig wallets/descriptors without exposure of the 
identity xpub to unrelated parties. Its introduction also allows to use the 
keys derived under the same identity index as a universal decentralized 
identity (see details below) without the risk of correlation analyses; 
especially when they are used outside of the transaction context (for instance 
as a part of login) without the risk of chain analysis against such data 
(linking logins to onchain transactions). 

Identity representations

The XpubIdentifier created with extended public key under BIP32 derivation path 
ending at the level of the identity index is called **bitcoin decentralized 
id** (hereinafter simply **decentralized id**).

Rationale: XpubIdentifier is a hash of the extended public key, thus id does 
not leak any confidential information a

Re: [bitcoin-dev] BIP32/43-based standard for Schnorr signatures & decentralized identity

2021-02-05 Thread Dmitry Petukhov via bitcoin-dev
В Fri, 05 Feb 2021 17:51:27 +
Dr Maxim Orlovsky via bitcoin-dev

> Testnet path is unhardened from this point & till the end of the
> derivation path: no need to prevent private key leak there,
> simplifies test software (hardened paths require private key access
> for derivation).

I believe this will reduce robustness and will add complexity to the
test software instead. If the derivation path is hardened in 'production
code' and is unhardened in 'test code', then: code paths that depend on
hardened derivation may not be tested; there will be unnecessary
code that will need to deal with 'un-hardening' the paths for test code.

It is much more robust to just change the 'purpose' part of the path,
and leave the rest unchanged.

It is OK to require privkey access to hardened paths in test
software, because the same behaviour is expected in 'production'.
bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] BIP32/43-based standard for Schnorr signatures & decentralized identity

2021-02-05 Thread Christopher Allen via bitcoin-dev
Concept ACK.

I, in my role as a co-author of the emerging W3C Decentralized Identifier
standard and of the BTCR DID method, organizer of the Bitcoin Airgapped
Wallet Community (
and as principal architect of Blockchain Commons, am very interested in
supporting discussion on this topic, and implementation of anything we
decide. I also have some Patron's to Blockchain Commons interested in this
topic and may be willing to financially support some reference code.

-- Christopher Allen
bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] BIP32/43-based standard for Schnorr signatures & decentralized identity

2021-02-05 Thread Pieter Wuille via bitcoin-dev
On Friday, February 5, 2021 9:51 AM, Dr Maxim Orlovsky via bitcoin-dev 

> Hi,
> Background
> Had a discussion last night in Bitcoin Core IRC with Peter Wuille on 
> different topics regarding key derivations, security, key tweaks in context 
> of Schnorr signatures & Taproot. Would like to share some action points and 
> plans that emerged from there:
> 1.  There is a real need for BIP-43 based new BIP with a new purpose field 
> for keys used in Schnorr signatures. Peter will not do it (he is not very 
> much interested in spending his time on wallet-level stuff), so someone else 
> should.
> 2.  Keys used in Schnorr signatures MUST NEVER BE used in ECDSA signatures, 
> otherwise there is a risk of private key leak via correlation attack. This is 
> rationale behind N1.

Hi Maxim,

thanks for bringing up this discussion here. I'd like to clarify a few things 
though, as I think the above is formulated far too strongly.

There are two issues here: (1) reasons to avoid reusing the same key for 
privacy reasons, and (2) reasons to avoid using related keys for cryptographic 
reasons. And in practice, solutions to the first (which we already need, 
unrelated to Taproot/Schnorr) mean the second is largely moot.

# Don't reuse keys for privacy/organizational reasons.

Reusing the same key in Bitcoin scripts - for use in distinct signature schemes 
or not - should always be avoided. It has obvious privacy implications; I don't 
think this is controversial, and it's a problem that exists today, unrelated to 
Taproot. E.g. you don't want to reuse the same keys as both single-sig and 
participation in multisig.

My personal view here is that distinct standard derivation paths help with this 
in the simple cases, but they're not a full solution in the most general case. 
E.g. if you want to use one seed/root to participate in multiple sets of 
multisig policies, you'll need some kind of index to assign to each anyway. For 
this reason in general I prefer solutions that explicitly track what path is 
used for what.

# Don't use related keys for cryptographic reasons

There are some concerns to address here, but I want to make it clear there are 
no known attacks against usage of related keys across ECDSA and Schnorr, and I 
don't expect there will be. However, there is probably no proof for this, and 
creating one may be tricky. On the other hand, the ecosystem (Bitcoin, but also 
many other applications) has accepted ECDSA long ago, while it had no security 
proofs whatsoever (and even the ones that exist now rely on fairly unusual 
assumption; a proof for security of mixed Schnorr/ECDSA usage would inherently 
need equally unusual assumptions too).

Now, as soon as a hardened derivation separates different uses there is no 
concern at all. So any solution for avoiding key reuse (section above) that 
works by assigning (implicitly or explicitly) different hardened derivation 
paths (as BIP43 etc. do) to different uses implies there is never any concern 
about related keys across Schnorr/ECDSA.

If the keys are not separated by a hardened step, it's more complicated. 
Looking at the different cases:

(1) Signing with related ECDSA keys (e.g. two unhardened child keys from the 
same xpub)

- This is very common on BIP32 usage today, so hopefully it is secure! Tim 
Ruffing pointed me today to 
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-36938-5_8 whose abstract 
seems to indicate they prove this is actually secure, but I don't know under 
what assumptions. Note that the comment there about Schnorr not having this 
property does not apply to BIP340, because it uses key-prefixed Schnorr.

(2) Signing with related Schnorr keys.

- I believe this is secure simply because BIP340 challenges commit to the 
pubkey (key prefixing), and thus a signature on one shouldn't teach you 
anything about others. A formal proof is probably a bit longer, but still 
trivial to construct.

(3) The real question: signing with a Schnorr key that is related to an ECDSA 

- I don't expect that this is easy to prove, but I have a very hard time 
imagining how it could be exploitable, given the use of domain-separated 
hashes. Aspects such as BIP340's key prefixing and the fact that Bitcoin 
sighashes indirectly commit to the (set of) signing pubkeys make it even harder.


* For privacy reasons, you should use separate keys/derivation branches for 
different uses in all circumstances (duh).
* To stay within the realm of provably security it's advisable to make sure 
ECDSA key and Schnorr keys use distinct hardened derivation steps.
* Even if you don't, you're really just back to the level of assurance we had 
about unhardened BIP32 ECDSA keys before a proof was known (which I think most 
people aren't even aware of).



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