[bitcoin-dev] Meeting Summary & Logs for CTV Meeting #5

2022-03-08 Thread Jeremy Rubin via bitcoin-dev
Logs here: https://gnusha.org/ctv-bip-review/2022-03-08.log


1) Sapio Updates

Sapio has Experimental Taproot Support now.
See logs for how to help.
Rust-bitcoin can also use your help reviewing, e.g.
Adding MuSig support for the oracle servers would be really cool, if
someone wants a challenge.

2) Transaction Sponsors

What sponsors are vs. RBF/CPFP.
Why there's not a BIP # assigned (despite it being written up as a BIP+impl
should only get a number if it seems like people agree).

3) James' Vaults Post

James' vaults are similar to prior art on recursive CTV vaults (Kanzure's /
Jeremy's), where the number of steps = 1.
Actually ends up being a very good design for many custody purposes, might
be a good "80% of the benefit 20% of the work" type of thing.
People maybe want different things out of vaults... how customizable must
it be?

4) Mailing list be poppin'

Zmn shared a prepared remark which spurred a nice conversation.
General sentiment that we should be careful adding crazy amounts of power,
with great power comes great responsibility...
Maybe we shouldn't care though -- don't send to scripts you don't like?
Math is scary -- you can do all sorts of bizarre stuff with more power
(e.g., what if you made an EVM inside a bitcoin output).
Things like OP_EVICT should be bounded by design.
Problem X: Infrastructure issue for all more flexible covenants:
   1) generate a transition function you would like
   2) compile it into a script covenant
   3) request the transition/txn you want to have happen
4) produce a satisifaction of the script covenant for that transaction
   5) prove the transition function *is* what you wanted/secure
Quantifying how hard X is for a given proposal is a good idea.
You can prototype covenants with federations in Sapio pretty easily... more
people should try this!

5) General discuss
People suck at naming things... give things more unique names for protocols!
Jeremy will name something the Hot Tub Coin Machine
Some discussion on forking, if theres any kind of consensus forming, doing
things like
How much does a shot-on-goal cost / unforced errors of not making an
activating client available precluding being able to activate
luke-jr: never ST; ST is a reason enough to oppose CTV



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Re: [bitcoin-dev] CTV vaults in the wild

2022-03-08 Thread James O'Beirne via bitcoin-dev
Hey Antoine,

Thanks for taking a look at the repo.

> I believe it's reasonable to expect bugs to slip in affecting the
> output amount or relative-timelock setting correctness

I don't really see the vaults case as any different from other
sufficiently involved uses of bitcoin script - I don't remember anyone
raising these concerns for lightning scripts or DLCs or tapscript use,
any of which could be catastrophic if wallet implementations are not
tested properly.

By comparison, decreasing amount per vault step and one CSV use
seems pretty simple. It's certainly easy to test (as the repo shows),
and really the only parameter the user has is how many blocks to delay
to the `tohot_tx` and perhaps fee-rate. Not too hard to test
comprehensively as far as I can tell.

> I think the main concern I have with any hashchain-based vault design
> is the immutability of the flow paths once the funds are locked to the
> root vault UTXO.

Isn't this kind of inherent to the idea of covenants? You're
precommitting to a spend path. You can put in as many "escape-hatch"
conditions as you want (e.g. Jeremy makes the good point I should
include an immediate-to-cold step that is sibling to the unvaulting),
but fundamentally if you're doing covenants, you're precommitting to a
flow of funds. Otherwise what's the point?

> I think the remaining presence of trusted hardware in the vault design
> might lead one to ask what's the security advantage of vaults compared
> to classic multisig setup.

Who's saying to trust hardware? Your cold key in the vault structure
could have been generated by performing SHA rounds with the
pebbles in your neighbor's zen garden.

Keeping an actively used multi-sig setup secure certainly isn't free or
easy. Multi-sig ceremonies (which of course can be used in this scheme)
can be cumbersome to coordinate.

If there's a known scheme that doesn't require covenants, but has
similar usage and security characteristics, I'd love
to know it! But being able to lock coins up for an arbitrary amount of
time and then have advance notice of an attempted spend only seems
possible with some kind of covenant technique.

> That said, I think this security advantage is only relevant in the
> context of recursive design, where the partial unvault sends back the
> remaining funds to vault UTXO (not the design proposed here).

I'm not really sure why this would be. Yeah, it would be cool to be able
to partially unvault arbitrary amounts or something, but that seems like
another order of complexity. Personally, I'd be happy to "tranche up"
funds I'd like to store into a collection of single-hop vaults vs.
the techniques available to us today.

> I think you might need to introduce an intermediary, out-of-chain
> protocol step where the unvault broadcast is formally authorized by
> the vault stakeholders. Otherwise it's hard to qualify "unexpected",
> as hot key compromise might not be efficiently detected.

Sure; if you're using vaults I think it's safe to assume you're a fairly
sophisticated user of bitcoin, so running a process that monitors the
chain and responds immediately with keyless to-cold broadcasts
doesn't seem totally out of the question, especially with conservative
block delays.

Pretty straightforward to send such a process (whether it's a program or
a collection of humans) an authenticated signal that says "hey, expect a
withdrawal." This kind of alert allows for cross-referencing the
activity and seems a lot better than nothing!

> Don't you also need the endpoint scriptPubkeys (,
> ), the amounts and CSV value ? Though I think you can
> grind amounts and CSV value in case of loss...But I'm not sure if you
> remove the critical data persistence requirement, just reduce the
> surface.

With any use of bitcoin you're going to have critical data that needs to
be maintained (your privkeys at a minimum), so the game is always
reducing surface area. If the presigned-txn vault design
appealed to you as a user, this seems like a strict improvement.

> I'm not sure if the usage of anchor output is safe for any vault
> deployment where the funds stakeholders do not trust each other or
> where the watchtowers are not trusted.

I'm not sure who's proposing that counterparties who don't trust each
other make a vault together. I'm thinking of individual users and
custodians, each of which functions as a single trusted entity.

Perhaps your point here is that if I'm a custodian operating a vault and
someone unexpectedly hacks the fee keys that encumber all of my anchor
outputs, they can possibly pin my attempted response to the unvault
transaction - and that's true. But that doesn't seem like a fault unique
to this scheme, and points to the need for better fee-bumping needs a la
SIGHASH_GROUP or transaction sponsors.[0]

> I would say space efficiency is of secondary concern

If every major custodian ends up implementing some type of vault scheme
(not out of the question), this might be a lot of space! However I'm 

[bitcoin-dev] OP_AMOUNT Discussion

2022-03-08 Thread Jeremy Rubin via bitcoin-dev
Hi Devs,

Recently, I've been getting a lot of questions about OP_AMOUNT. It's also
come up in the context of "CTV is unsafe because it can't handle differing
amounts". Just sharing some preliminary thinking on it:

It could come in many variants:


If we want to do a NOP upgrade, we may prefer the *VERIFY formats. If we
want to do a SUCCESSX upgrade, we could do the PUSH format.

The SplitAmount format is required because amounts are > 5 bytes (51 bits
needed max), unless we also do some sort of OP_UPGRADEMATH semantic whereby
presence of an Amount opcode enables 64 bit (or 256 bit?) math opcodes.

And could be applied to the cross product of:

The Transaction
An Input
An Output
The fees total
The fees this input - this output
This Input
"This" Output

A lot of choices! The simplest version of it just being just this input,
and no other (all that is required for many useful cases, e.g. single sig
if less than 1 btc).

A while back I designed some logic for a split amount verifying opcode
here: (I don't love it, so hadn't shared it widely).

There are some decent use cases for amount checking.

For instance, one could create a non-recursive covenant that there must be
an output which exactly matches the sats in the input at the same index.
This could be used for colored coins, statechains, TLUV/EVICT based payment
pools, etc.

Another use case could be to make a static address / descriptor that
disables low security spends if more coins are the input.

Yet another could be to enable pay-what-you-want options, where depending
on how much gets paid into an address different behaviors are permitted.

Lastly, as noted in BIP-119, you can make a belt-and-suspenders value check
in CTV contracts to enable a backup withdrawal should you send the wrong
amount to a vault.

Overall, I think the most straightforward path would be to work on this
only for tapscript, no legacy, and then spec out upgraded math operations,
and then OP_PUSHAMOUNT is pretty straightforward & low technical risk.
Unfortunately, the upgraded math and exact semantics are highly
bikesheddable... If anyone is interested in working on this, I'd be happy
to review/advise on it. Otherwise, I would likely start working on this
sometime after I'm spending less effort on CTV.

Blockstream liquid has some work in this regard that may be copyable for
the math part, but likely not the amount opcode:
 However, they chose to do only 64 bit arithmetic and I personally think
that the community might prefer wider operations, the difficulty being in
not incidentally enabling OP_CAT as a size, bitshift, and add fragment (or
proving that OP_CAT is OK?).

see also: https://rubin.io/bitcoin/2021/12/05/advent-8/#OP_AMOUNT



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