Re: [bitcoin-dev] Proposal: extend bip70 with OpenAlias

2015-08-03 Thread Justin Newton via bitcoin-dev

 3 We use a 2 tier lookup format.  The first lookup returns a list of
 currencies or payment types supported by the Wallet Name.  The second
 lookup goes to a record specific to that currency type to get the
 address to go to.  We believe this to be a more scalable solution in a
 world where someone can have both multiple digital currency types, but
 then also multiple types of colored coins, and wants a simple way to
 share a single name for all of those different addresses.  This allows
 the wallet to do the work behind the scene of choosing the currency it
 wants to send, and automatically getting back the right address to
 send to, without the user having to do anything different.

 We do the same thing, except in a single call. Here's an example of a
 record that has both XMR and BTC addresses: (here are the
 DNS records for that:

We looked at doing this in a single lookup as you did.  With one or two
currencies this can be potentially more efficient.  As the number of
supported currencies and addresses under a single name grows, however, this
solution becomes potentially more problematic.  Please follow the use cases

Use case 1:  Wallet Name = or OpenAlias =

The only currency supported is bitcoin, and there are no colored coin
formats supported.

OpenAlias case:

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 2 packets

Wallet Name case:

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with supported address types
1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 4 packets

Wallet Name Case 1a:

The wallet doing the lookup knows it wants bitcoin, so it skips the
supported addresses lookup

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 2 packets

In this use case we might create more traffic, but it could also be reduced
by doing smart lookups.

Use case 2:  Wallet Name = or OpenAlias =

Many currencies and colored coin addresses are supported under the same
name, lets say 100.  When you count different currencies and colored coin
types, it could easily be hundreds, or over a thousand.

OpenAlias case:

1 packet lookup to
100 packet responses with various addresses

= 101 packets

Wallet Name case:

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with supported address types
1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 4 packets

Wallet Name Case 2a:

The wallet doing the lookup knows it wants bitcoin, so it skips the
supported addresses lookup

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 2 packets

While you may end doing less lookups under Open Alias, as it scales, you
end up causing a significant amount of extra, unnecessary traffic.

In addition to the obvious impact of being orders of magnitude more
wasteful than necessary, it also creates privacy leakage by returning
someone 100 different addresses when they only asked for one.

Finally, because a single packet UDP transaction for a DNS lookup can
create possibly hundreds of packets in response, the service can
essentially become an amplifier for DDoS attacks.  (If I spoof the source
address of my target with a query to a lookup that issues hundreds of
packets in response to one packet, and I can have a real impact :( )

 4 We mandate DNSSEC while you make it optional.  We did this because
 we believe giving the user the option of NOT using DNSSEC is like
 letting them order a car with no brakes.  We weren't sure how we would
 explain to them why their money was gone when they really didn't
 understand the risks they were taking up front. We had a lot of
 discussion about it before coming to the decision we did, and I can
 see why you went the other way, although I do believe we made the
 right choice.

 With OpenAlias a DNSSEC fail is a soft fail, and the user has to confirm
 the address. The reasons are threefold:

 1. At the moment only 83.5% of the TLDs are signed [2]. The unsigned ones
 include some biggies like .sg, .za, and .to

I think this is a good point, and one we weighed.  When we were making our
original decisions.  Given the importance of ensuring that the lookups
return the correct value, and the known vulnerabilities in DNS without
DNSSEC, coupled with the fact that ICANN has mandated all zones and
registries move to DNSSEC, our belief was and is that it was worth the
trade off that there were cases where existing domains would not work.

It is important to note, that ICANN has required for some years that
registrars and registries support DNSSEC on the domains they register.  I
personally believe we shouldn't delay use of DNSSEC until their registries
had come up to current required 

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Proposal: extend bip70 with OpenAlias

2015-08-03 Thread Riccardo Spagni via bitcoin-dev
 I appreciate the thought :)  I think where we differ is on where we
 believe the trade offs should be on perceived privacy versus censorship
 resistance and centralization.

 By having a limited number of proxies people need to go through to easily
 implement, be it the 4 you recommend, or 53, you actually have a very
 limited number of actors for an authority or hacker to go to in order to be
 able to install/force logging, or censorship.  This very centralization
 forces us back to a model where we need to trust a very small number of
 actors in order for the system to operate as designed.  This, to me,
 appears to be the opposite of the goals of the bitcoin ecosystem.  To
 ensure this point is clear, I strongly believe recommending people focus
 all lookups through 4 centralized proxies is a bad idea and counter to
 bitcoin's ideals.

 The fact that hackers or state actors need to corrupt only a small number
 of servers/services in order to gain global visibility into all queries, I
 believe, breaks any perceived privacy gains from using DNSCrypt.  A very
 small number of hacks or subpoenas and everyone's records are fair game in
 one place.

You're misstating (or not understanding) the attack surface.

State-level attackers won't compromise 50+ DNSCrypt servers, they can get
the information on lookups a lot more trivially. Censorship resistance and
protection from state-level attackers comes from the decentralised side of
OpenAlias (ie. Namecoin resolution, preferably done using a local copy of
the NMC blockchain). Since Netki supports Namecoin resolution too there is
no need to worry about protecting end users from that.

There is, however, a need to protect users from man-in-the-middle attacks
where the data is not modified en-route, but it is sniffed. Who you pay in
a financial transaction is, and should be, privileged information between
yourself and that person. By encouraging open DNS lookups you're
effectively hanging that information out for all to see.

It is true that there are only 4 DNSCrypt servers we are comfortable
recommending. It is also true that there were, at one stage, only 4
Electrum servers. There were also only 4 Bitcoin nodes. As something grows
and becomes more useful and usable the number of voluntary participants
becomes much greater, and we will provide the necessary tools to enable
these volunteers.

So in a world where tens of thousands of Bitcoiners are using an aliasing
standard (which, in and of itself, is a convenience service anyway), and
hundreds of individuals and companies are hosting DNSCrypt resolvers, is it
even a valid argument to harp on the number of proxies? Thus it is not
worth talking about today. It is definitely worth discussing in future if
the number of DNSCrypt resolvers doesn't increase, but that is a different
discussion for a different time.

 For the highly privacy conscious they can, today do their DNS lookups over
 a non logging VPN connection without forcing everyone else through a
 handful of centralized servers.  Or they can use DNSCrypt optionally
 themselves.  All of our tools have always been open source and folks can
 modify them for their own desired uses, or submit pull requests with their
 own ideas.

Everyone should be highly privacy conscious when it comes to financial
transactions, and it would be unconscionable of both you and I not to
defend end-user privacy.

We'd love to hear others thoughts on this.  While I believe that for now
 the centralization trade offs required to use DNSCrypt today (via a limited
 number of proxies) outweigh any perceived privacy benefits it provides, we
 are always open to what others in the community believe and have made
 modifications to how things work before as a result of feedback from
 industry participants.

It's important to remember that the paranoid won't use an aliasing
service, or at best will use a local Namecoin blockchain for that purpose.
This is a convenience service to provide general and broad appeal for the
non-technical, and those are the very people that need to be protected from
nosey neighbours / workmates / ISPs. Privacy is not only (or even at all)
about protecting people buying drugs on a darknet market, it is about
defending personal liberties.

I think DANE is a great idea.  We were just discussing that with Andreas
 S., and are currently looking at whether we want to add this as optional
 versus mandatory, based on how widely available DANE is for folks using
 services like Cloudflare, Akamai, etc for their DNS, which many providers
 in the space today are.

 Of course, the security conscious could setup DANE on the URL we use AS
 IS.  There is no need to create a special kv pair for this as is done in
 OpenAlias.  As you know, DNSSEC and HTTPS support this today out of the box.

Embedding the TLSA record in a KV pair just means that pinning takes one
less step.

 The CA validation, in our case, is an ADDITIONAL signature based
 validation to the DNSSEC chain, 

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Proposal: extend bip70 with OpenAlias

2015-07-27 Thread Justin Newton via bitcoin-dev
  I think this is interesting and has some good thoughts behind it.  For
clarity, are you recommending that the _oa2 portion of the domain name be
hidden as a way to make it easier to delegate just wallet names from a

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 6:07 AM, Thomas Voegtlin via bitcoin-dev wrote:

 Le 23/07/2015 11:48, Thomas Voegtlin via bitcoin-dev a écrit :
  One benefit of having an intermediate _wallet level is to allow zone
  delegation. Is that the reason for that choice?

 Thinking about it, I think that it would be better to separate those two
 operations: on one hand, the listing of TXT records under a name, and on
 the other hand, the possibility to use Zone Delegation.

 For example, let us use the _oa2 name (Openalias version 2) when we
 need to introduce an intermediate level, and _oa2_keys for key listing.

 Here is an example:

 _oa2_keys.sample  3600 IN TXT btc ltc email fullname
 _btc.sample   3600 IN TXT bitcoinaddress
 _ltc.sample   3600 IN TXT litecoinaddress
 _btc.sample   3600 IN TXT otherbitcoinaddress
 _email.sample 3600 IN TXT
 _fullname.sample  3600 IN TXT John Smith

 Zone Delegation: Let us assume wants to delegate all its
 Bitcoin aliases to Netki. We introduce an intermediate level, with the
 _oa2 name. In the alias, this string is translated as @  will be looked up as   --  bitcoin address of

 bitcoin-dev mailing list


Justin W. Newton
NetKi, Inc.
bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Proposal: extend bip70 with OpenAlias

2015-07-27 Thread Riccardo Spagni via bitcoin-dev
There are several reasons why we rejected doing it this way with OpenAlias:

1. It adds complexity for the alias creator. This may seem
unimportant, but the OpenAlias standard was created to empower people
to create their own aliases as simply as possible, not to make it
overly complex.

2. It's harder to mess things up by dropping a sub-record; you either
have the complete, valid record, or you don't. With a tiered system
you can claim that you support a particular alias, but then lack all
or some of the records for it.

3. You retain both forward and backwards compatibility (no need to
introduce a new OA version unnecessarily), as you can have an old KV
pair and a new KV pair within the same record. The addition of KV
pairs doesn't require the application to know the new pairs exist,
which makes it more extensible.

4. Even better - since an application gets the whole record it can
start off with a minimum viable product that merely gets the address,
and then at a later stage when support is added for additional
metadata *it already has the metadata* and can interpret it.

5. You can still do DNS delegation (proper, SOA delegation) or you can
do delegation via a KV pair of some sort (say, a reroute= pair or
something). In both cases delegation requires an additional lookup, so
there's nothing saved or improved with the two-tier system.

In this instance, as in many others, simplicity trumps complexity, and
the bonus is that the simpler solution is more extensible and


 Thinking about it, I think that it would be better to separate those two
 operations: on one hand, the listing of TXT records under a name, and on
 the other hand, the possibility to use Zone Delegation.

 For example, let us use the _oa2 name (Openalias version 2) when we
 need to introduce an intermediate level, and _oa2_keys for key listing.

 Here is an example:

 _oa2_keys.sample  3600 IN TXT btc ltc email fullname
 _btc.sample   3600 IN TXT bitcoinaddress
 _ltc.sample   3600 IN TXT litecoinaddress
 _btc.sample   3600 IN TXT otherbitcoinaddress
 _email.sample 3600 IN TXT
 _fullname.sample  3600 IN TXT John Smith

 Zone Delegation: Let us assume wants to delegate all its
 Bitcoin aliases to Netki. We introduce an intermediate level, with the
 _oa2 name. In the alias, this string is translated as @  will be looked up as   --  bitcoin address of
bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Proposal: extend bip70 with OpenAlias

2015-07-20 Thread Thomas Voegtlin via bitcoin-dev

Le 19/07/2015 01:01, Justin Newton via bitcoin-dev a écrit :

 I would rather not make Namecoin part of the standard, because .bit
 records cannot be verified easily by lightweight/spv wallets; they would
 need a copy of the Namecoin blockchain for that.
 You are the second person to raise this.  Clearly this is an item that
 requires some discussion before anything is decided for sure.  We had
 gone this direction (and I assume Riccardo did as well) to provide a
 censor resistant option as well as one that would be low cost for
 individuals to be able register their own names.  This also allows for
 lookups that never leave the local network.  The trade off there for
 mobile wallets was one I feel we failed to properly consider.

I think our common goal should be to standardize DNS records holding
Bitcoin addresses, because they are going to be used by both Netki and

You and Ricardo may find it useful to have other types of lookups, such
as Namecoin, and that's fine with me, but I do not want that to slow
down or stall the current standardisation effort, because Namecoin
lookups are clearly not an option for lightweight wallets. That is what
I meant by 'not part of the standard'; let's work on what we have in
common :)

bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Proposal: extend bip70 with OpenAlias

2015-07-17 Thread Riccardo Spagni via bitcoin-dev
 I appreciate the thought :)  I think where we differ is on where we believe 
 trade offs should be on perceived privacy versus censorship resistance and

 By having a limited number of proxies people need to go through to easily
 implement, be it the 4 you recommend, or 53, you actually have a very limited
 number of actors for an authority or hacker to go to in order to be able to
 install/force logging, or censorship.  This very centralization forces us back
 to a model where we need to trust a very small number of actors in order for
 the system to operate as designed.  This, to me, appears to be the opposite of
 the goals of the bitcoin ecosystem.  To ensure this point is clear, I strongly
 believe recommending people focus all lookups through 4 centralized proxies
 is a bad idea and counter to bitcoin's ideals.

 The fact that hackers or state actors need to corrupt only a small number of
 servers/services in order to gain global visibility into all queries, I
 believe, breaks any perceived privacy gains from using DNSCrypt.  A very small
 number of hacks or subpoenas and everyone's records are fair game in one 

You're misstating (or not understanding) the attack surface.

State-level attackers won't compromise 50+ DNSCrypt servers, they can get the
information on lookups a lot more trivially. Censorship resistance and
protection from state-level attackers comes from the decentralised side of
OpenAlias (ie. Namecoin resolution, preferably done using a local copy of the
NMC blockchain). Since Netki supports Namecoin resolution too there is no need
to worry about protecting end users from that.

There is, however, a need to protect users from man-in-the-middle attacks where
the data is not modified en-route, but it is sniffed. Who you pay in a financial
transaction is, and should be, privileged information between yourself and that
person. By encouraging open DNS lookups you're effectively hanging that
information out for all to see.

It is true that there are only 4 DNSCrypt servers we are comfortable
recommending. It is also true that there were, at one stage, only 4 Electrum
servers. There were also only 4 Bitcoin nodes. As something grows and becomes
more useful and usable the number of voluntary participants becomes much
greater, and we will provide the necessary tools to enable these volunteers.

So in a world where tens of thousands of Bitcoiners are using an aliasing
standard (which, in and of itself, is a convenience service anyway), and
hundreds of individuals and companies are hosting DNSCrypt resolvers, is it even
a valid argument to harp on the number of proxies? Thus it is not worth
talking about today. It is definitely worth discussing in future if the number
of DNSCrypt resolvers doesn't increase, but that is a different discussion for a
different time.

 For the highly privacy conscious they can, today do their DNS lookups over a
 non logging VPN connection without forcing everyone else through a handful of
 centralized servers.  Or they can use DNSCrypt optionally themselves.  All of
 our tools have always been open source and folks can modify them for their own
 desired uses, or submit pull requests with their own ideas.

Everyone should be highly privacy conscious when it comes to financial
transactions, and it would be unconscionable of both you and I not to defend
end-user privacy.

 We'd love to hear others thoughts on this.  While I believe that for now the
 centralization trade offs required to use DNSCrypt today (via a limited number
 of proxies) outweigh any perceived privacy benefits it provides, we are always
 open to what others in the community believe and have made modifications to 
 things work before as a result of feedback from industry participants.

It's important to remember that the paranoid won't use an aliasing service, or
at best will use a local Namecoin blockchain for that purpose. This is a
convenience service to provide general and broad appeal for the non-technical,
and those are the very people that need to be protected from nosey neighbours /
workmates / ISPs. Privacy is not only (or even at all) about protecting people
buying drugs on a darknet market, it is about defending personal liberties.

 I think DANE is a great idea.  We were just discussing that with Andreas S.,
 and are currently looking at whether we want to add this as optional versus
 mandatory, based on how widely available DANE is for folks using services like
 Cloudflare, Akamai, etc for their DNS, which many providers in the space today

 Of course, the security conscious could setup DANE on the URL we use AS IS.
 There is no need to create a special kv pair for this as is done in OpenAlias.
 As you know, DNSSEC and HTTPS support this today out of the box.

Embedding the TLSA record in a KV pair just means that pinning takes one less

 The CA validation, in our case, is an ADDITIONAL signature based validation to
 the DNSSEC chain, not a 

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Proposal: extend bip70 with OpenAlias

2015-07-16 Thread Justin Newton via bitcoin-dev

 Additionally, we just released another open source API server to help
 with the other half of the lookup problem.  Its in its infancy, and
 we are certainly taking feedback on it at this time.  It is called
 Addressimo and will serve
 unique HD Wallet addresses or Payment Requests for every lookup, thus
 allowing a user to have a private, secure way to share a Wallet Name
 that can be used to send them any digital currency.

 Oh snap...

These are actually vastly different pieces of software, at least from the
description, and a first read of the code.  My understanding is the
software you linked to here basically takes the DNS work out of lookups for
people, as we released:  Its
our Wallet Name Lookup server.

Addressimo, as I described above, provides a different purpose.  Its a way
for service providers, mobile wallet providers or end users to have an
online server that can serve unique wallet addresses ala HD Wallets (BIP32)
or signed Payment Requests (BIP0070).  This allows for an easy way to
increase security and privacy by serving a unique address for every
request, and/or sign the address (and other optional data) with an X509
private key to prove ownership of the address in a way independent of and
supplemental to the DNSSEC chain (also can be DANE for yet another layer of
security).  It also supports offline signing of the Payment Requests so the
server doesn't have to have access to a private key, or need to be trusted.

 In any case, I'd much rather we had one effort going forward than
 multiples, so let's talk!

 I agree, and you guys are in an ideal position to change to supporting the
 OpenAlias standard (and enhancing it) without skipping a beat. We would
 definitely appreciate and take your input and efforts, and that would make
 OpenAlias v2 (oa2:) a standard built out in conjunction with Netki.

 Not only do you get Electrum support without lifting a finger, but it will
 go a long way to repairing your relationship with the open-source community
 at large, several proponents of which have taken great umbrage at what you
 were previously pushing as a closed-source, centralised system.

I'm a little confused by these closing statements.  Our system has, from
the beginning been open in terms of the fact that anyone could both serve
names or do lookups without ever touching our servers, talking to us, or us
even knowing that they did it or that they even exist.  Our system has
NEVER been one where folks were required to use us for any portion of the
service, and from our first beta product launch our open source tools did
all lookups against DNS records and the blockchain, never any proprietary
servers or interfaces on our side.

In terms of the format itself being open, we have already made several
extensions and modifications to it as a result of conversations with
industry participants in order to ensure that what we are building meets
the needs of the community at large.  We will gladly continue to do so, it
is how we ensure we are building something everyone needs!

I'd love to know where you got information that we were in some way a
closed and centralized system so that we can have an opportunity to clarify
that misconception.

In terms of finding a common standard, as I said, I am thrilled to have the
conversations, but there are some places, highlighted above, that would
cause me to hesitate to just implement the Open Alias standard.  I can
also see places where bringing the formats together to one standard could
have strong benefits, for example:

I think formatting the record as a key value pair with versioning has
merit, and would love to move it in to what we are doing (and likely will).

On the other side, I think the two level lookup provides a lot of value at
scale over trying to send back a bunch of text records when only a small
portion of the data is used.

I'd love to hear thoughts from others in the community on mandating DNSSEC
and thoughts on DNSCrypt.  I have a strong opinion on both of those but
would love to engage in thoughtful dialogue around what path best suits the
need of the community.

Looking forward to the discussion!
bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Proposal: extend bip70 with OpenAlias

2015-07-16 Thread Justin Newton via bitcoin-dev

 3 We use a 2 tier lookup format.  The first lookup returns a list of
 currencies or payment types supported by the Wallet Name.  The second
 lookup goes to a record specific to that currency type to get the
 address to go to.  We believe this to be a more scalable solution in a
 world where someone can have both multiple digital currency types, but
 then also multiple types of colored coins, and wants a simple way to
 share a single name for all of those different addresses.  This allows
 the wallet to do the work behind the scene of choosing the currency it
 wants to send, and automatically getting back the right address to
 send to, without the user having to do anything different.

 We do the same thing, except in a single call. Here's an example of a
 record that has both XMR and BTC addresses: (here are the
 DNS records for that:

We looked at doing this in a single lookup as you did.  With one or two
currencies this can be potentially more efficient.  As the number of
supported currencies and addresses under a single name grows, however, this
solution becomes potentially more problematic.  Please follow the use cases

Use case 1:  Wallet Name = or OpenAlias =

The only currency supported is bitcoin, and there are no colored coin
formats supported.

OpenAlias case:

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 2 packets

Wallet Name case:

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with supported address types
1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 4 packets

Wallet Name Case 1a:

The wallet doing the lookup knows it wants bitcoin, so it skips the
supported addresses lookup

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 2 packets

In this use case we might create more traffic, but it could also be reduced
by doing smart lookups.

Use case 2:  Wallet Name = or OpenAlias =

Many currencies and colored coin addresses are supported under the same
name, lets say 100.  When you count different currencies and colored coin
types, it could easily be hundreds, or over a thousand.

OpenAlias case:

1 packet lookup to
100 packet responses with various addresses

= 101 packets

Wallet Name case:

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with supported address types
1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 4 packets

Wallet Name Case 2a:

The wallet doing the lookup knows it wants bitcoin, so it skips the
supported addresses lookup

1 packet lookup to
1 packet response with bitcoin address

= 2 packets

While you may end doing less lookups under Open Alias, as it scales, you
end up causing a significant amount of extra, unnecessary traffic.

In addition to the obvious impact of being orders of magnitude more
wasteful than necessary, it also creates privacy leakage by returning
someone 100 different addresses when they only asked for one.

Finally, because a single packet UDP transaction for a DNS lookup can
create possibly hundreds of packets in response, the service can
essentially become an amplifier for DDoS attacks.  (If I spoof the source
address of my target with a query to a lookup that issues hundreds of
packets in response to one packet, and I can have a real impact :( )

 4 We mandate DNSSEC while you make it optional.  We did this because
 we believe giving the user the option of NOT using DNSSEC is like
 letting them order a car with no brakes.  We weren't sure how we would
 explain to them why their money was gone when they really didn't
 understand the risks they were taking up front. We had a lot of
 discussion about it before coming to the decision we did, and I can
 see why you went the other way, although I do believe we made the
 right choice.

 With OpenAlias a DNSSEC fail is a soft fail, and the user has to confirm
 the address. The reasons are threefold:

 1. At the moment only 83.5% of the TLDs are signed [2]. The unsigned ones
 include some biggies like .sg, .za, and .to

I think this is a good point, and one we weighed.  When we were making our
original decisions.  Given the importance of ensuring that the lookups
return the correct value, and the known vulnerabilities in DNS without
DNSSEC, coupled with the fact that ICANN has mandated all zones and
registries move to DNSSEC, our belief was and is that it was worth the
trade off that there were cases where existing domains would not work.

It is important to note, that ICANN has required for some years that
registrars and registries support DNSSEC on the domains they register.  I
personally believe we shouldn't delay use of DNSSEC until their registries
had come up to current required