Re: [bitcoin-dev] Spookchains: Drivechain Analog with One-Time Trusted Setup & APO

2022-09-29 Thread Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev
Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for bringing back to awareness covenant-based drivechain designs

I'm not super familiar with the thousands shades of sidechains, and
especially how the variants of pegging mechanisms influence the soundness
of the game-theory backing up the functionaries execution. However it could
be interesting to give security bounds to the defect of any trusted
component, such as the one-time trusted setup, and the impacts on funds. If
it's a full-blown loss, a timevalue loss, a privacy leak, etc...

Started at least an entry for the ZmnSCPxj design:

One interesting point from the OG post:
> The recursive covenant could, with the help of `OP_CAT` and
> `OP_CTV`, check that every transaction spending the UTXO has a
> second output that is an `OP_RETURN` with a commitment to the
> sidechain block.
> We can ensure that only one such transaction exists in each
> mainchain block by adding a `<1> OP_CSV`, ensuring that only one
> sidechain-commitment transaction can occur on each mainchain
> block.

Such recursive-covenant "embedded" sidechains could be used as solution to
the double-spend of payment pools and channel factories partitions, as an
instantiation of a "on-chain authoritative board" for partitions statement,
as described earlier this year, in a quest to solve the high interactivity
issue affecting those constructions [0].



Le mer. 14 sept. 2022 à 14:32, Jeremy Rubin via bitcoin-dev <> a écrit :

> *also available here on my blog with nicer
> formatting:
> *
> This post draws heavily from Zmnscpxj's fantastic post showing how to
> make drivechains with recursive covenants. In this post, I will show
> similar tricks that can accomplish something similar using ANYPREVOUT
> with a one time trusted setup ceremony.
> This post presents general techniques that could be applied to many
> different types of covenant.
> # Peano Counters
> The first component we need to build is a Peano counter graph. Instead
> of using sha-256, like in Zmnscpxj's scheme, we will use a key and
> build a simple 1 to 5 counter that has inc / dec.
> Assume a key K1...K5, and a point NUMS which is e.g.
> HashToCurve("Spookchains").
> Generate scripts as follows:
> ```
> <1 || K1> CHECKSIG
> ...
> <1 || K5> CHECKSIG
> ```
> Now generate 2 signatures under Ki with flags `SIGHASH_SINGLE |
> ## Rule Increment
> For each Ki, when `i < 5`, create a signature that covers a
> transaction described as:
> ```
> Amount: 1 satoshi
> Key: Tr(NUMS, {<1 || K{i+1}> CHECKSIG})
> ```
> ## Rule Decrement
> For each Ki, when `i > 1` The second signature should cover:
> ```
> Amount: 1 satoshi
> Key: Tr(NUMS, {<1 || K{i-1}> CHECKSIG})
> ```
> _Are these really Peano?_ Sort of. While a traditional Peano numeral
> is defined as a structural type, e.g. `Succ(Succ(Zero))`, here we
> define them via a Inc / Dec transaction operator, and we have to
> explicitly bound these Peano numbers since we need a unique key per
> element. They're at least spiritually similar.
> ## Instantiation
> Publish a booklet of all the signatures for the Increment and
> Decrement rules.
> Honest parties should destroy the secret key sets `k`.
> To create a counter, simply spend to output C:
> ```
> Amount: 1 satoshi
> Key: Tr(NUMS, {<1 || K1> CHECKSIG})
> ```
> The signature from K1 can be bound to C to 'transition' it to (+1):
> ```
> Amount: 1 satoshi
> Key: Tr(NUMS, {<1 || K2> CHECKSIG})
> ```
> Which can then transition to (+1):
> ```
> Amount: 1 satoshi
> Key: Tr(NUMS, {<1 || K3> CHECKSIG})
> ```
> Which can then transition (-1) to:
> ```
> Amount: 1 satoshi
> Key: Tr(NUMS, {<1 || K2> CHECKSIG})
> ```
> This can repeat indefinitely.
> We can generalize this technique from `1...5` to `1...N`.
> # Handling Arbitrary Deposits / Withdrawals
> One issue with the design presented previously is that it does not
> handle arbitrary deposits well.
> One simple way to handle this is to instantiate the protocol for every
> amount you'd like to support.
> This is not particularly efficient and requires a lot of storage
> space.
> Alternatively, divide (using base 2 or another base) the deposit
> amount into a counter utxo per bit.
> For each bit, instead of creating outputs with 1 satoshi, create
> outputs with 2^i satoshis.
> Instead of using keys `K1...KN`, create keys `K^i_j`, where i
> represents the number of sats, and j represents the counter. Multiple
> keys are required per amount otherwise the signatures would be valid
> for burning funds.
> ## Splitting and Joining
> For each `K^i_j`, it may also be desirable to allow splitting or

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Spookchains: Drivechain Analog with One-Time Trusted Setup & APO

2022-09-19 Thread ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev
Good morning Jeremy,

Excellent work!

> # Terminal States / Thresholds
> When a counter reaches the Nth state, it represents a certain amount
> of accumulated work over a period where progress was agreed on for
> some outcome.
> There should be some viable state transition at this point.
> One solution would be to have the money at this point sent to an
> `OP_TRUE` output, which the miner incrementing that state is
> responsible for following the rules of the spookchain.

This is not quite Drivechain, as Drivechains precommit to the final state 
transition when the counter reaches threshold and mainchain-level rules prevent 
the miner who does the final increment from "swerving the car" to a different 
output, whereas use of `OP_TRUE` would not prevent this; the Spookchain could 
vote for one transition, and then the lucky last miner can output a different 
one, and only other miners interested in the sidechain would reject them 
(whereas in the Drivechain case, even nodes that do not care about the 
sidechain would reject).

Still, it does come awfully close, and the "ultimate threat" ("nuclear option") 
in Drivechains is always that everyone upgrades sidechain rules to mainchain 
rules, which would still work for Spookchains.
Not sure how comfortable Drivechain proponents would be with this, though.

(But given the demonstrated difficulty in getting consensus changes for the 
blockchain, I wonder if this nuclear option is even a viable threat)

> Or, it could be
> specified to be some administrator key / federation for convenience,
> with a N block timeout that degrades it to fewer signers (eventually
> 0) if the federation is dead to allow recovery.

Seems similar to the Blockstream separation of the block-signing functionaries 
from the money-keeping functionaries.

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