Re: [Bitcoin-development] New standard transaction types: time to schedule a blockchain split?

2011-08-24 Thread theymos
On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 11:12 -0400, "Gavin Andresen"  
> To organize this discussion: first, does everybody agree?

Yes. The feature will be very good.

> I still think it is a good idea to enable a set of new 'standard'
> multisignature transactions, so they get relayed and included into
> blocks.  I don't want to let "the perfect become the enemy of the
> good" -- does anybody disagree?

Please do enable any transactions that seem to be a possible solution.
Even if this client doesn't ever implement any of them, alternative
clients can try them.

> My biggest worry is we'll say "Sure, it'll only take a couple days to
> agree on how to do it right" and six months from now there is still
> no consensus on exactly which digest function should be used, or
> whether or not there should be a new opcode for arbitrary boolean
> expressions involving keypairs.  And people's wallets continue to get
> lost or stolen.

I agree that something should be done with what we have now. It *will*
take months to properly figure out how to add chain-forking features for
this. If we want to consider all of the unrelated feature proposals, it
might take years of discussion...

However, as I said in the forum thread, I think it would be better for
people using this protection to receive at a normal address and then
create new transactions at their end. Then no one has to handle huge
addresses, and the sender will never have to pay abnormal fees or deal
with incompatibilities. There will be a short period of time when the
recipient's money is unprotected, but I think this is worth it. A better
scheme can be made later after chain-forking features are figured out.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Alert System

2011-09-08 Thread theymos
The alert system will be very important if there are ever any critical
problems in the network. For example, it is currently Bitcoin's only
defense against an attacker with >50% of the computational power, where
alerts would be used to tell people to stop accepting transactions.

Displaying a message is pretty harmless. In fact, I don't think the
message is prominent enough. The GUI client should not allow people to
see received transactions or send new transactions while an alert is in
effect (with an opt-out), and there should be an opt-in feature that
puts RPC into safe mode in response to an alert.

Alerts are no worse than transactions as a DoS attack vector. They're
much safer than typical HTTPS because there are no CAs that can break
its security.

(FYI: I also have a copy of the alert key.)

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Alert System

2011-09-08 Thread theymos
On Thursday, September 08, 2011 3:45 PM, "Luke-Jr"  wrote:
> I don't seem to recall this ever happening, despite Deepbit having over 50% 
> multiple times now.

An alert would have been issued if they had abused that position.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Difficulty adjustment / time issues

2011-09-14 Thread theymos
A better retarget strategy might be to use the real average time
between all of the blocks in the interval so that no blocks are
treated specially in the calculation. I agree that this is not
important enough to fork the chain over, though. An attacker would
have to maintain control for a *very* long time because of Bitcoin's
long retarget interval. (Maybe this kind of thing is why the retarget
interval is so long?)

I don't like requiring block times to be within minutes of reality. It
would be fine if only miners had to keep accurate time, but clients will
also need to have good time in order to see if a block will be
discouraged. A discouraged block should not count toward confirmations.
If relays will also discourage blocks, then they'll need accurate
time as well.

The network should not be allowed to adjust your time by more than 40
minutes to prevent the timejacking attack, but I don't see a problem
with the other time rules. Time is only used for retargets and LockTime,
so it only needs to be generally accurate.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Difficulty adjustment / time issues

2011-09-14 Thread theymos
On Wednesday, September 14, 2011 5:51 PM, "Gregory Maxwell" 
> General network health and user security _requires_ periodic upgrades
> in any case, and will for the foreseeable future. The whole notion
> that old versions will _stop working_ would be a pretty good thing at
> this point in bitcoin's existence, judging by the high number of pre-
> .24 listeners still reported.

Backward-compatibility is valuable. I believe version 0.1 will still
more or less work on the current network. This is a real selling point
for Bitcoin: the code is solid enough that even 2-year-old clients are
still working.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] 0.4.x stable branch

2011-09-19 Thread theymos
On Monday, September 19, 2011 11:00 AM, "Luke-Jr"  wrote:
> The problem with the current development model is that bugfixes are
> done alongside improvements, and code changes *always* have the
> potential to introduce new bugs, no matter how careful anyone is. So
> to stay on top of bugfixes right now implies risking new bugs being
> introduced. What good is getting one bug fixed, if it comes with 20
> new yet-to-be-discovered bugs?

A stable version is a good idea. This is why I'm still using 0.3.19
(with some modifications): none of the bugfixes after this version help
me much, and I don't need any of the new features. I've also thought
about starting an unofficial stable version with my modifications to
0.3.19 and some backported bugfixes.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Newly introduced DoS

2011-09-26 Thread theymos
On Monday, September 26, 2011 5:53 PM, "Luke-Jr"  wrote:
> It's not future. It's presently allowed in blocks. Which means it's
> perfectly valid to relay (and also perfectly value to NOT relay or
> accept). Ergo, shouldn't be punished.

Yeah, my node has always relayed these transactions. The limit seems
pointless to me, especially when it's per kB: people will just add
more data.

The coinbase maturity DoS limit should not have a chance of immediately
kicking the node, as I believe this could happen normally in rare cases.
Rejecting these transactions is also pretty cheap, AFAIK. A small DoS
score seems reasonable, though.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Fwd: bitcoin scope issue in main.cpp

2011-10-23 Thread theymos
It's legal for a scope to define variables with names that conflict with
the names of variables in higher-level scopes.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] multisig, op_eval and lock_time/sequence...

2011-11-09 Thread theymos
For now I think requiring direct-connection negotiation is best for these kinds 
of things. A direct connection is OK in most cases, and more complicated 
schemes will be more likely to fail. Maybe the IP transactions protocol can be 

In the future, I imagine that users of ultra-lightweight clients will connect 
to a new P2P network built on top of the core Bitcoin network in order to 
receive block headers and info about sent/received transactions without 
leeching off of the few full nodes. This network could also be used for 
indirect transaction negotiation, which is similar to the goal of finding your 
own received transactions.

On Wednesday, November 09, 2011 3:02 PM, "Gavin Andresen" 
> a nValue=0 transaction can be considered 'immediately spent'

I believe it's possible to spend a 0-value output, so they can't be considered 
automatically spent.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP 15] Aliases

2011-12-12 Thread theymos
I like the model. The protocol should be done entirely
in DNS, though, not using HTTP connections to the server. Then the
protocol can easily be used with Namecoin or other DNS
replacements/enhancements later. Crypto to prevent MITM attacks can be
an optional part of the protocol.

Almost all users will be unable to set up *any* always-on Internet
service to answer queries, so I'm not too concerned about how easy it is
to set up the server software.

I agree that FirstBits is bad for this. Unlike DNS, "registrations" last
forever because private keys can't be transferred safely. All short
names will be taken quickly. It will also be very expensive for clients
to query this themselves.

The CA model is broken and it should never be used by Bitcoin.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP 15] Aliases

2011-12-15 Thread theymos
Bitcoin already has code and a protocol for transactions to IP
addresses. Why not reuse that for dynamic address lookup? Just a few
changes are necessary to enable complete handling:
- Extend the protocol so that "reply" messages can be signed by a fixed
  public key
- Extend "checkorder" messages so they can specify an account to
  send BTC to. Or standardize on how to put the account into the
  message field.
- Enable DNS lookups for IP transactions. The DNS-only proposals could
  also be used here to avoid having to use the IP transaction protocol
  sometimes. The public key for signing "reply" messages can be gotten
  from TXT records. This will be safe with DNSSEC and Namecoin. With
  plain DNS Bitcoin could take a SSH-like approach and ask the user to
  verify the public key the first time it is used, remembering it later.

DoS attacks are already handled by the IP transactions code: the same IP
address is always given the same bitcoin address until it pays to that
bitcoin address.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Protocol extensions

2011-12-17 Thread theymos
On Sat, Dec 17, 2011, at 02:06 PM, Gavin Andresen wrote:
> Although I do also wonder if we'll ever run into a problem with full
> nodes refusing to answer requests from lightweight nodes (there might
> be a tragedy-of-the-commons problem lurking there).

This seems likely. Also, even if many full nodes are willing to donate
resources, there may simply be too few full nodes to handle the load.

My preferred solution for handling scalability in the future is to
have lightweight clients download only headers and Merkle trees (which
are both small and easy to distribute), and then require senders to
contact recipients directly in order to transmit their transactions.
Then lightweight clients never need full blocks to build their
balances, and full nodes don't have to handle expensive queries from
lightweight clients.

Under this scheme, the current broadcast system could be used among full
nodes for a long time. Since clients wouldn't ever need to talk to full
nodes, they could form a separate network with less reliable
broadcasting and perhaps a fancier network architecture. Members of the
full network would connect to the most reliable members of the client
network in order to broadcast headers and Merkle trees and receive
transactions. Full nodes would *not* answer any client queries, so
dealing with the client network would not require many resources, and
miners would probably have an incentive to do it. (Creating a "separate"
network like this can be done by using the services field.)

I don't think requiring senders to email some data to the recipient
would be too burdensome, though it's probably also possible to design a
system where even offline recipients can receive transactions through
the Bitcoin network.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Protocol extensions

2011-12-18 Thread theymos
On Sat, Dec 17, 2011, at 05:27 PM, Jordan Mack wrote:
> I don't like the idea of a header only client, unless this is just an
> interim action until the full block chain is downloaded in the
> background. Development of these types of clients is probably
> inevitable, but I believe that this breaks the most fundamental
> aspects of Bitcoin's security model. If a client has only headers, it
> cannot do full verification, and it is trusting the data from random
> anonymous peers.

A headers-only client is much better than trusting anyone, since an
attacker needs >50% of the network's computational power to trick
such clients.

For everyone to keep being a full node, hardware costs would need to
constantly go down enough for all nodes to be able to handle enough
transactions to meet demand. If hardware doesn't become cheap enough
quickly enough, either some people would be unable to handle being full
nodes, or the max block size wouldn't rise enough to meet demand and
transaction fees would become noncompetitive.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Coinbase script parse failures

2012-07-23 Thread theymos
Coinbase scriptSigs aren't required to be well-formed. They're
never executed.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Dedicated server for, your thoughts?

2013-12-08 Thread theymos
On Sun, Dec 8, 2013, at 03:11 PM, Drak wrote:

It's not just about trust, there is the robustness factor: what if he
becomes sick, unavailable, hit by a bus? Others need the ability to
pickup and run with it. The control over the domain (including ability
to renew registration, alter nameservers) needs to be with more than
one person. That's why I suggest using the same people who have control
over the software project at sf,github

The domain is controlled by me, Sirius, and an anonymous
person. Control will not be lost if Sirius becomes unavailable.

SSL is probably a good idea, and it's probably also a good idea to
separate from Github. I don't know that I trust Github. I'm
sure that you can find a sponsor for a dedicated server. Let us know if
DNS changes to are required.
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