okay, here is a question for all you more exoperienced sheepo owners---

the boys got loose last week, and when they returned, i saw ernie limping-- but
he was also walking with one  toe on gravel and the other on a piece of
plywood. I went out today, and noticed he was still limping with the "same"
degree of affectedness-- so i flipped him and took a look at his feet--

his feet had been trimmed about a month ago by the previous owner--we have had
a lot of rain, and quite frankly, footrot and scald  are something i am
concerned about, as I do not really want to be dealing with those issues so 
soon into ownership of my fiorst sheep.  Anyway, i found the hoof wall had been
broken off-- but not beyond the pad of the hoof-- so I trimmed the toes, and
cleared out all muck and stuff. I smell anaerobic smell-- but the boys had been
browsing- their choice, in a more 'wetland' area today. I will be taking the
vet kit out tomorrow and giving all four of Ernie's feet a good cleaning, and
looking for any abrasions that could be an issue> this ebvening, I could not
find any warm spots or other indications of an infection. the trimming did help
ease up on the limping-- and he is really havoing no issue with weight bearing.
 The research I have done indicates the pasture 'should' be free of footrot
organisms-- but do I need to go out and get some zinc sulfate tomorrow?  CArol,
I beleive you mentioned using some sort of pad at one point that yuou had your
guys walk across avery day-- it was saturated with the solution for treatment--

 I DO NOT smell the foot rot-- a classmate did a research project on that
organism, and believe me, I learned to recognize the smell-- but I need to 
catch things early, if need be....


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