Barb, you need to realize, there are TWO types of Brix refractometers-- one for
sugar, and one for MINERALS--
 Also, the mirrored versions will give a slightly different reading than the
"electronic" versions

Now, I wonder about my  boy-- see, he seems to be eating practically nothing,
yet he body scores at about the same he did a month ago--interesting dilemma
for me....


--- Barb Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Read an interesting article in the latest Stockman Grassfarmer about 
> using a Brix refractometer to determine whether your pasture grass has 
> enough carbohydrates in it to fatten your animals without grain.
> So I promptly went to eBay and obtained a Brix refractometer.  It just 
> came and I had to try it out!  First I tested an apple - the Brix 
> reading is also a good way of telling you the quality of your fruits and 
> veggies - and it tested medium-high, meaning it has a pretty good load 
> of sugar and minerals.
> So then of course I had to dash out and grab a handful of grass out of 
> the front yard.  I squeezed a few drops out with a garlic press and put 
> it on the refractometer.  Wow!  Practically zero!  LOL!  There is 
> virtually no nutrition in the grass right now at all!   Good Brix for 
> pasture grass would read around 11-13.
> This is going to be a fun and interesting tool to use during the growing 
> season - it should be able to help make decisions about when to 
> supplement the feed without just wasting money willy nilly.  I am also 
> keen to see the results on veggies grown in a well mineralized garden 
> soil.
> Regards,
> Barb Lee 
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