Fellow list member John Taylor just emailed me about this gizmo and I 
wanted to share the info with you. John gives a link, but I found it 
on Amazon for $7 less.

>I was given this hand held device that's the size of a garage door 
>opener by a friend of mine to keep aggressive dogs from my family & 
>I when we go on our walks.  One day I happened to have it with me 
>while checking on my sheep's water source when my middle ram, he's 
>the aggressive one of the bunch, made like he was going to charge 
>me.  Normally I back out of the fenced area slowly and all is 
>well.  This time I thought I'd give this little device a 
>click.  When I did he & the others took a run away from me at least 
>20 to 30 yards.  Needless to say now when I go in the sheep pen I 
>have no problems with that ram and if he does begin to move towards 
>me in an aggressive manner I push the button & off he goes!  Just 
>thought I'd share this with you, it's better than a spray bottle 
>filled half & half with vinegar & water!
>John Taylor

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