Re: [Blackbelly] (no subject)

2010-03-09 Thread Nancy Tom Richardson
We try and save anything that is small. The weather played a large roll in 
it this year. We don't have large barns for things to lamb in so if a mom 
lambs in a bplace where it was very windy in a hut and the lamb is freezing 
faster than she can clean it we bring it in. Also I sell alot of bottle 
babies normally so I pull  special ones for that. Nancy
- Original Message - 
From: Dave Andrus

Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 03:24
Subject: Re: [Blackbelly] (no subject)

Hi Kathy,

What led to the bottle babies?

- Original Message - 
From: Kathy Shannon
To: blackbe...@lists. Blackbellysheep. Info

Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 10:08 PM
Subject: [Blackbelly] (no subject)


 We are in Montague, CA (extreme northern CA) and have 23 lambs born 

Feb 1st, most born 2 wks ago.  We lost 3 and have 3 bottle babies.  On
little guy will already follow me to the house for the night; the others
have to be brought in.  Watching all the lambs get together in the 

when the adults are eating is an absolute riot.  Too cute for words!!

Kathy  Jack

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[Blackbelly] Listserv rules reminder

2010-03-09 Thread Carol J. Elkins
Folks, I need to remind you every once in awhile about the rules for 
this list. Thankfully this is a great group of folks and I don't have 
to worry about flaming and rudeness. But I do need to remind you all 
of a few things:

1. When you reply to a message, trim the original message so that 
only a sentence or two is included in your reply, enough to let 
readers know what you are referring to.

2. Digest users, it is even more important that you follow Rule 1 
because when you forget to trim, the entire digest is included in 
your response.

Many Listserv subscribers are on dial-up Internet connections, and 
some pay fees based on how much space their emails take up. Pleases 
be considerate and trim your messages.

3. Make sure that your message contains a meaningful subject. A lot 
of people search the archives and can only find information that is 
contained in the subject line.

4. Digest users, by default the subject line in your reply becomes 
Blackbelly Digest, Vol X, Issue X. That isn't helpful, so you need 
to remember to change it.

From now on, if digest users fail to trim or change the subject 
line, I will change your settings so that you receive individual 
emails instead of the digest.

5. The software that runs this list does not allow HTML text. Every 
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The rules for this list are posted on the Listserv's Web site at

While you're there, you might want to explore the Breeder Map, 
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Thanks for helping to keep this Blackbelly Listserv a useful tool for everyone.

Carol Elkins
Listserv Owner

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Re: [Blackbelly] Blackbelly Digest, Vol 6, Issue 40

2010-03-09 Thread Kathy Shannon

What led to the bottle babies?

Hi Dave,
  The first of the bottle babies, Goober, was from a young ewe who
had twins but only wanted one.  The second, Hercules, was born to
a ewe who had 3 in the night; we found one had been born dead and
one was unable to stand.  His hind legs were splayed out to the
sides.  He couldn't get any milk and by the time we got him fed
enough and strong enough to stand on his own his mama wouldn't take
him back.  The best thing I saw this season was when his 1 year old 
sister laid down with him to try to let him nurse.  She did not 
have any milk but has a great heart. The third bottle baby we found
down and weak, not sure who she came from or why she got left behind
but all are doing well now.  That one is Annie Oakley. 
  My theory is, when I have a weak one that I can bring back, I give
them a really big name to live up to and they usually do. Last 
seasons bottle baby is now a yard ornament named Peanut.  He wasn't 
weak, just rejected.  He and Goober will be good buddies.
  By the way, the count is up to 26 as of this afternoon.

  Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Kathy  Jack

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[Blackbelly] Bottle babies

2010-03-09 Thread Kathy Shannon

-Original Message-
From: Kathy Shannon [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 6:46 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Blackbelly Digest, Vol 6, Issue 40

What led to the bottle babies?

Hi Dave,
  The first of the bottle babies, Goober, was from a young ewe who
had twins but only wanted one.  The second, Hercules, was born to
a ewe who had 3 in the night; we found one had been born dead and
one was unable to stand.  His hind legs were splayed out to the
sides.  He couldn't get any milk and by the time we got him fed
enough and strong enough to stand on his own his mama wouldn't take
him back.  The best thing I saw this season was when his 1 year old 
sister laid down with him to try to let him nurse.  She did not 
have any milk but has a great heart. The third bottle baby we found
down and weak, not sure who she came from or why she got left behind
but all are doing well now.  That one is Annie Oakley. 
  My theory is, when I have a weak one that I can bring back, I give
them a really big name to live up to and they usually do. Last 
seasons bottle baby is now a yard ornament named Peanut.  He wasn't 
weak, just rejected.  He and Goober will be good buddies.
  By the way, the count is up to 26 as of this afternoon.

  Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Kathy  Jack

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