Back in early August I reported that parole had become broken on my
haswell integrated gpu (video window broken into horizontal stripes
rather like a venetian blind, with a mix of colours not apparently
related to the video).

At that time I documented what had changed between the last good
versions of various packages and the current state, but I got
nowhere by trying to revert any of them.  We were heading for a
release, so I put it aside.  Since then I've tended to use vlc on
that machine.

Today (hmm, yesterday now) an article on phoronix noted that the
intel driver has been updated for something (forcing tear free, I
think) and reminded me that most distros use modesetting on intel.

So, since I'd had to reboot to check something in my jhalfs system,
when I came back to the main system I looked at this.  According to
gentoo, creating 20-modesetting.conf (for me, that goes in
/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d along with quirks, libinput and in my
case keyboard conf files, I did not have any conf file for the video
driver. Gentoo note that if both that and 20-intel.conf are present
they will be loaded in alphanumeric order, which would stop
modesetting being used).

So, added it with

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Intel Graphics"
    Driver      "modesetting"
    Option      "AccelMethod"    "glamor"
    Option      "DRI"            "3"

and restarted Xorg.  Joy!  I cannot recall if absolutely everything
in parole was broken with the intel driver, but I'm fairly sure that
mp4 and mkv were.  Certainly, both of those formats, and everything
else I have to hand, are now working.

Result!  I guess I'll stop using the intel driver.

(The Balancing Monks) use small brass weights, none of them bigger
than a fist. They work. Well, obviously they work. The world has not
tipped up yet.             -- The Thief Of Time
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